Darknet websties shut down


>Officials said they found Mr. Cazes because he had posted his personal email address, [email protected], in some early messages from AlphaBay.
I don't know, seems a little too convenient. How'd he really get caught, Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


also he immediately """"killed himself"""" once imprisoned

This is another part I don't understand. How did he manage that? No article goes into detail about how he died. Just that he was found dead.

That's how they caught him.

You need to understand that it takes only ONE tiny little hole in your opsec to destroy the entire thing.

I am glad the Dutch police did this. But knowing our justice system and current politics, there will be a lot of questions about the legality of running the market, probably calling it entrapment.

Prisoners are pretty clever about that user.
My niece is prison guard, they once found a guy who bit through his artery in has arm and wrapped a plastic bag around it so the guards wouldn't notice the blood.

hung himself

there's a photo of him laying dead in his cell with something around his neck

He hung himself with a towel.

Okay, another question. Why did he kill himself? Apparently he had a networth of $23mil. He could have afforded a pretty decent team of lawyers and as said, running the market is a bit of a legal grey area.

he killed """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""himself""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

The money they found goes to evidence and is treated as illicit profits, he can't use it to pay a lawyer and if he tries to dig up more to pay the lawyer they'll just take it as well.

So they're seizing the money he made through his efforts. Fucking commies.

>decent team of lawyers
He was going to prison for life no matter what. It sucks for me, though, because I bought A LOT of carfentanil from his website and the police busted him with the decryption keys in an open .txt file. I really wish I'd learned how to use PGP now......

so everyone's a commie huh? seizure of illegally obtained assets is common to all legal systems worldwide

>decryption keys in an open .txt file
lol, i bet you $10 that they beat the keys out of him and thats party why he died in prison

""""""""""he"""""""""" killed himself

that's what you get for using hotmail

It's all bs. Tor is compromised as hell, most OSs except Linux are literal spyware, but they can't say any of this so they're blowing up smoke about how they got him through other means.

How the fuck can you catch someone, let alone track someone with an e-mail like: >[email protected]

Did they contact Microsoft to tell them his IP or reveal his personal details?

This does not make any sense

That's like saying the FBI could SWAT me if I posted my email: [email protected]

>Did they contact Microsoft to tell them his IP or reveal his personal details?

The pigs kill people when they don't want them talking. Imo, this has nothing to do with drugs, in every country the intelligence services are the biggest importers of drugs and the pigs are the ones collecting the revenues to go up the chain of command. I don't know why they wanted him dead. Were his forums political in any nature?

I know they are full of shit because they themselves revealed that there is ongoing massive effort to find exploits on tor everything from massive meta data gathering to straight up fucked up nodes.
Also necking himself just like that is dead giveaway that something went very wrong people dont just kill themselves for being in prison.

I read an ama a couple of months ago about a lulzsec hacker who got caught because one of his friends was a mole. But the authorities told the papers he was caught because they managed to trace his IP to his email address or some bullshit.

Will we ever have a new Silk Road worth using?

and how did they turn his friend into a mole?

>bunch of kids
>fine my fiend is X fuck him

Cute, fbi ass.

>people dont just kill themselves for being in prison
>guaranteed life sentence in a US federal prison

What about Aaron Hernandez?


Things need to be proven who did what ect.
What about him?

>this is what niggers and commies actually believe

>people dont just kill themselves for being in prison
>hangs himself in his prison cell after being convicted of homicide

>he doesn't know about the corrupt feds who were working on the Silk Road case

Man I get where you are going but having guilty conscience for murder and economic crime is not the same.

>seizure of illegally obtained assets is common to all legal systems worldwide
Don't you normally have a trial to determine if something was legal or illegal?

Is the state going to the local gas station and demanding they turn over to the state all the money he spent buying fuel with money earned from his alleged illegal actions? If not then why can they take money he spent or spends on a lawyer?

>most OSs except Linux are literal spyware
You mean the OS the NSA stepped in to 'fix'?

Also what good does your secure OS do if your hardware is spying on you?

can you find one thing that even indicates intels second chip is spying on people

Why do american faggots put their nosy paws in everything?

>not an american citizen
>no servers in america
>no american bank accounts
But because some of the users and dealers of the site were american, this is somehow enough to extradite. What the fuck.


this is an exploit doesn't mean your hardware is spying on you

Mexican cartels are the same and that doesn't mean he gets immunity.
Counties have signed extradition contracts so unless one is in Panama yes he will be going in US jail

You really haven't been paying attention to the last 100 years, have you?
You can't name a country on the planet that the US hasn't put its stinky corporate hands into.

>Intel builds an opaque hardware backdoor into every CPU with no practical way to turn it off
>but that doesn't mean they're actually using it


The US doesn't care about extradition treaties. We just kidnap them if we want them. Hell, we sent the army in to get Noriega.

this is parallel construction. they're not going to publish how they actually caught him. Tor cannot be considered safe right now.

it would be trivially easy to tell whether Intel is actively doing this or not. people hate IME and PSP because they're liabilities, nothing more.

just like you captured Snowden and Assange right

Too politically high profile.

>literally grand treason
>still get so live

>whether Intel is doing this

Novody is suggesting that it's bring done on a dragnet basis, nor that Intel is the one doing the spying. It's a deliberate vulnerability that is actively exploited by the NSA and God knows who else.

Thank acer

this, he used the towel he had brought with him. it makes sense he would sudoku, he was looking at life with no chance of parole getting rapped by niggers in an US prison.

The only check on this is the threat of war. We can do this with minor countries and allies, but Russia and its allies are off limits.

>literally grand treason

What is "grand treason" and who is the enemy that he gave aid and comfort to?

do you know what a backdoor is?

the people


>it would be trivially easy to tell whether Intel is actively doing this or not
Ok, prove either point

That was a military operation. Is there any proof that america kidnaps non-terrorist criminals? The closest thing I know of is when the FBI pretends to have a job offer to hackers/scammers to get them to the US/ally territory.

Surely software that can turn your computer on, copy your encryption keys and entire hard drive, and phone home without you knowing counts as a backdoor...

no it counts as spy product not a backdoor

It's so common that the Supreme Court signed off on it.

>The Supreme Court's decision in United States v. Alvarez-Machain, 504 U.S. 655, 112 S.Ct. 2188, 119 L.Ed.2d 441 (1992), forecloses this argument.4 In Alvarez-Machain, the Court considered the issue of “whether a criminal defendant, abducted to the United States from a nation with which it has an extradition treaty, thereby acquires a defense to the jurisdiction of this country's courts.” Id. at 657. In answer, the Court stated: “We hold that he does not, and that he may be tried in federal district court for violations of the criminal law of the United States.” Id.

It's literally the example of a backdoor used on Wikipedia.

>A backdoor is a method, often secret, of bypassing normal authentication or encryption in a computer system, a product, or an embedded device (e.g. a home router), or its embodiment, e.g. as part of a cryptosystem, an algorithm, a chipset, or a "homunculus computer"[1] (such as that as found in Intel's AMT technology).

you have to be joking lad

Not a joke, lad.

no I mean your not really this stupid right your going too tell me it was bait right

>If not then why can they take money he spent or spends on a lawyer?
They're not freezing the money you spend on your lawyer, they're freezing any asset which is suspicious of proceeding from illegal activity and it's by judge order.
That's why many colombian and mexican drug lords end up publishing books or selling rights to movies and tv shows so they can gain legal assets to pay for their defense in court since all their stuff got seized and they don't want the rest of their hidden stash to get seized as well.

Not an argument, friendo.

yeah because I genuinely don't believe you're being serious

Still not an argument. Make your point already, you're boring me.

always gotta have the last word huh?

Are you disappointed that you're exposed?

>They're not freezing the money you spend on your lawyer, they're freezing any asset which is suspicious of proceeding from illegal activity and it's by judge order.
So the state gets someone on the payroll of the state to say take this and it's fine. That what they take just happens to be means to mount an effective legal defense is totally not an issue.

I'd love to see a judge freeze the assets of the government's legal department and see how the state tries to get it unfrozen without being able to pay anyone to file the paper work or go to court.

You get why it's a total mismatch don't you? Here is someone already facing the unlimited budget of a government, and the government takes all of the money that person might use to hire legal experts and then gets to have a "fair" trail.

no, there is literally no evidence that it's a backdoor, the only thing you've cited says it has exploits that could be used to gain access not a backdoor

If you want to sell illegal goods on a global scale you should never ever sell to the US. And when sketchy people come knocking and ask you to sell your goods to them so they can move them to the US you're getting busted as you speak.

>TOR is funded by US Navy intelligence and FBI

>Anons think it's actually safe to use

>literally no evidence that's its a backdoor
>it's the textbook definition of malicious homunculus computer

They seized all his assets. He couldn't afford a hot dog.

>still posted no evidence it's a backdoor
also I never said it was non malicious I said you're using the term backdoor wrongly

Stop strawmanning, to freeze someone's assets you need a mountain of evidence of which these people always leave behind cause they're not criminal masterminds as it has been evidenced with every drug lord and even DPR and this fool using hotmail.
They don't catch drug lords after 2 days, it takes years of evidence gathering.
Yeah it sure is a mismatch for you to use your blood cocaine money to buy 20 super kike lawyers.

>to freeze someone's assets you need a mountain of evidence

no you don't

they just charge the money with a crime and take it

asset forfeiture


Jesus. Make your point already.

>they just charge the money with a crime
yeah ok i see you got no argument, just fuck off babby

Idiot was earning Buttcoins and could have hidden some wallets but he put it into easily seizable objects and bank accounts when every bank on this planet cooperates with the US.

you called something a backdoor when it isn't

It's obviously a backdoor. It's the very definition of a backdoor. Tell me how it isn't a backdoor if you're challenging my claim.

>Stop strawmanning, to freeze someone's assets you need a mountain of evidence of which these people always leave behind cause they're not criminal masterminds as it has been evidenced with every drug lord and even DPR and this fool using hotmail.

No you need a Judge to say it is fine.

>Yeah it sure is a mismatch for you to use your blood cocaine money to buy 20 super kike lawyers.
? I think you need to clam down and take your meds.

It is supposedly for people in repressive countries to break out of the repressive state firewalls but whether or not they really trust it I don't know. Considering the mess the burgers have made in some countries I wouldn't be surprised if the repressed would be very cynical about something that is meant to help them but is actually a black box assciated with illegal weapons and illegal drugs.

If I lived in those countries I think I would be cycical and skeptical about the whole thing. Remember those people have many reasons to fear governments going back centuries, it is not just a recent thing.

I literally said it's by judge order, can't you read a chain of replies And the judge can only sign it with tangible evidence.
If you can prove they're not from illegal proceedings and laundered they have to unfreeze them during trial.

They do it all the time


Not sure but here's the ama. All of his posts have been deleted of course.

a backdoor is something put it to give the creators access at the highest possible level, there's no proof this is why intel put it in

>intent determines whether it's a backdoor or not

Thanks for reminding me how retarded this place is.

no, it's purpose determines if it's a backdoor

also as you said earlier
>Still not an argument.

since he died shouldnt everybody send him some farewell mails?

i think from his email address i can say with high confidence that he was a quality person.

i know alex will read my email in heaven
>[email protected]
i miss u

>it's purpose determines of its a backdoor

No, it's capabilities determine whether it's a backdoor. It can secretly access memory, your hard drive, power on your computer, and exfiltrate data. It's clearly a backdoor. No amount of pinky promises from Intel will change that.

ah so windows and linux are backdoors since they have similar capabilities

>entire operating systems are backdoors

you said anything with that kind of capability is, your OS has that capability therefore it is - oh also your brains a backdoor to your body since it's capable of controlling you