Why arent you running a Linux chroot on your phone?
Don't you wanna do some actual work on it?
Why arent you running a Linux chroot on your phone?
Why do you give a fuck how others use their phones?
And fyi, no i don't want to do work on a 5 inch screen. I have standards.
What "actual work" do you do on it?
Shits painful, even on a tablet.
why haven't you killed yourself yet?
Don't you want to join your shit waifu in hell?
i might just wanna get this for my tablet
My fucking main machine running fedora broke after an update, and of course I had to submit a paper that day.
Got my otg dongle, plugged my keyboard into my phone and was able to not only type a 3 page report, I was also able to edit some images I needed in gimp.
I was also able to upload it using Firefox.
Sure it was a little painful but it was pretty amazing how well it ran. Only issue is that to get audio working you have to pipe it through SSH. Pretty annoying.
Overall a much more smooth experience compared to say an n900. I wonder why the PMP fags never mention it.
Everything is too small to use comfortably. I find Termux much easier to deal with, tbf.
You can zoom in and out with your vnc client
Outside of SSH termux is fucking useless though
Are you the same polish subhuman who was shitting Sup Forums with his market trash smartphone running linoox some time ago?
If you are please do this:
Why would I want to work on my fucking phone?
I only use it for calling, texting, sometimes listening to music and twitter. I work on my laptop or workstation.
>wonder why the PMP fags never mention it.
>Portable Media Player thread
>I wonder why the Portable Media Player faggot, the same faggots who try to isolate their phones from everything but communication never mention this half assed method of running loonix on your phone
gee user really makes your noggin do a joggin
Because I'll need a BT mouse/kb.
Because my phone does not support Miracast.
Because even if it did, I need some device to charge and Miracast at the same time (maybe Chromecast).
Fuck I meant palmtopfags. Calm the autism user
A 50 cent otg cable with a USB hub should take care of all that
Huh? It'll do everything you could possibly expect from a mobile device. I guess commandline only isn't for everyone, though.
How do I get cmus running on termux?
Root + Termux is literally everything I need. Maybe if I encounter an obstacle that will make me unable to do what I want, then I'll install some distro via chroot, but it's highly unlikely, since I don't need DE or even X server for what I do.
Why would I need this? If I'm not at home, but need a computer, I'll just use a laptop. Chrooting from a phone is counter-intuitive.
So you can hack the NSA from your pocket.
wait do all phones work with this? how does it tell whether it is a charger or some device?
This is a tech website, it is home to tinkerers, and technology inclined users. If we do something, it's for the fun of doing it, it doesn't matter if we can do any """""actual work""""" using it.
If you want to bitch about "actual work", go somewhere else
Oh but I am OP, just like you. Except my phone's chroot is actual root, the whole system (Debian) lives inside a 2GB img file, which is mounted and unmounted when I want through two custom scripts that do everything (bind /dev etc)
It's 100% pure Debian, I have xfce4 installed, but it's just a novelty, with not much real use (since it's uncomfortable to use on such a small screen). I have installed everything I need, gcc, ffmpeg (for quick converts), ssh, openssl, telnet, netcat, etc
>it is home to tinkerers, and technology inclined users
The title might fool you into believing that this is a technology board, but in fact this is a consumerism board infected with gaymen kids and apple cucks that just wanna show of their new hardware
It works on my chinkmi note 3 so it should work on everything.
I'm using Linux deploy with a rooted phone
isn't that what you have, user?
No, I first made an empty 2GB ext4 file using dd and mkfs.ext4. Then I mounted the image on my PC, and using debootstrap script, I installed a Debian Jessie system on it. Then I wrote two small scripts to mount and chroot, and unmount the img file. I copied the whole setup on my phone, then used the scripts to use the chroot.
I use an xserver application (Xserver XSDL) to use xfce4, as opposed to using VNC, because of the slightly better performance. I don't use the UI however because of bad performance from lack of hardware acceleration
I pass (bound) the Android's /dev to Debian, and f hence I can communicate with external devices as well
>pic related, I can even program my atmega8 right from my phone
Thats fucking cool. A lot more hassle than Linux deploy but I don't think mine can use external devices like that.
I would say its about equal to using a pi box, and Firefox with 360p jewtube works fine.
Have you gotten audio to run without tunneling?
My chroot works with xserver xsdl but I cant get CMUS to work on termux at all.
nah, it doesn't work with everything, especially on older devices. But it's easy to tell if it has OTG, just search for model name + otg. You can also buy an otg adapter for literally a couple of cents on aliexpress. Nowadays almost every manufactured phone has it, some cheap chinks don't though, ie. Bluboo Picasso doesn't have otg, but Doogee X5 has, even though these are based on the same SoC.
>If you want to bitch about "actual work", go somewhere else
Then why don't you ask OP why he posted that retarded actual work thing, my fellow "tinkerer"?
not really
>Don't you wanna do some actual work on it?
My phone is for shitposting while I'm at work