what the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
Other urls found in this thread:
autoplay video from a website you visited, retard
>iOS 10
Block the ads you fucking retard
“Dark mode” notification center on a jailbroken iOS 10 device running Safari without using any ad blockers, open on the webpage Sup Forums.org, which results in ads playing in the background and resulting in being picked up by the audio source in notification center.
what year is it
MKUltra high frequency brainwashing tones
Why the fuck are there people on Sup Forums right now who don't block ads?
clover does not have this problem
It appears to be a screenshot from an iPhone
Same here
its an ad
Neither does Dashchan
>that network provider
>OP isn't actually as old as the average iFag on Sup Forums is
>old enough to remember cingular and b8 us into thinking he's a time traveler
Ugliest status bar I have ever seen. Neck ya self
Better than the other two fags itt
What's the issue?
Nor does Overchan
Just install clover you dumb fuck.
He's on ihomOS