Why the F*CK does facebook need a picture of my fucking face?

Why the F*CK does facebook need a picture of my fucking face?

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>willfully signing up fagbook


facial recognition technology and databases

use mickey mouse

>google chrome

may as well do it OP, you're already part of the botnet.

There are plenty of brainlets on uploading pics of themselves so just go there and get one

>not using a anime smug face as facebook profile photo

>being on a PRISM watchlist
Tell FOXACID I miss her fine ass

why is Sup Forums so fixated on memeing Mosley?

They've gotta put you in their facial image recognition system somehow.

Upload a picture of someone else.

There is no watch list its just a citizen monitoring program for safer internet.

Facebook is a data collection service disguised as a social network. If they can't get authentic information about you, they don't want you there at all

>we'll check it and then permanently delete it from our servers

Check it for what?


Why the F*CK does tinder need fucking facebook?

Why the F*UCK do you need tinder if grindr exists

This. /soc/ is my go to site to get fake profile pics from FB to Instagram to dating sites etc.

They store your facial features so they can ID you on any photo in their database, even if they *really* delete that one photo you provide them.

Why the fuck (yes I have the freedom to say it uncensored) do you need either when GNU social exists?

electrical inferrence

There's a German there who got very upset watching the Dad's Army episode with Luftwaffe prisoners and the old soldier - pic related - who said you can recognise a German by his beady eyes.

He forced "Beady" into a meme, using Mosely. The rest is history

>we delete your by storing it in a different format than you uploaded it

uuuhm, this is a christian imageboard sweetie. watch your language or get the fr*gg out

Nah i by-passed it long back using image of a stranger in some concert pic on the internet...

Create a bogus face on facegen and just send them a blank white image with some dots around

what the hell is that

use face changing app for your profile picture


hitler smug pic will also work as I sent them that image in the past

>using kikebook
sucks to be you

I could post a Sup Forums infograph, but you know the drill.

>incognito aka "I feel safe now, but that's about it"
>ghostery instead of uMatrix

>late night
>edgy teen brother post something about Jews
>wake up in the morning
>he is asking me if I deleted his post
>and changes his password
I laughed all day

So they can index all photos of you on the internet into your permanent record

You shouldn't be using Ghostery.

>Permanently Delete it
HAHAHA. yeah... no they keep everything

I imagine they'd want to make a hash out of your facial features so you can be identified from photos whilst not actually storing a picture of you.
Similar to: youtube.com/watch?v=yoMOAIzBSpY

because (((they))) want every single bit of information on your ass

Do ((((((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))))))) also keep my jogging routes,i create with google maps, when i instantly delete them after calculating the length?


of course

storage is cheap

if for some reason the CIA ever feels the need to black bag you for some shitpost you made online they know where you jog now.

I use incognito so my gf doesn't find out I browse porn on her laptop
The eternal joo already knows everything about me already so idgaf

Unironically yes.



Ok, I have googled a lot about bombs, how to build rockets, a lot about guns, about lockpicking, lolis (i literally searched for things like "underage naked", now i know how to get these things though), im always watching a shitton of german ww2 footage and speeches, neonazi music and all that withouth a vpn, so i think im pretty much fucked.

nobody cares as long as you don't try and run for office or subvert the system

if you do anything important they will blackmail you hardcore.

It still takes resources to actively pursue someone. Its more than keep it on record in case they do.

if you have a fake name, an algorithm might catch it or someone will report you, then you will end up having to change it to your real name along with a scan of an id.

but you can photoshop your ID to whatever you want. it would work 100% but if there's an autist on the other side of the screen, he will screetch and get someone else to look at it and possibly know its fake but i doubt that will happen

you are most likely on a list and thats about it
but you're fucked yes

I don't remember what outlet posted the story, But there was a news story about after the Boston marathon bombing. There was a couple that had been searching for pressure cookers and backpacks and the feds show up at their door and searched their house. Nothing happened to them it was deemed a false positive. Just little something to keep in mind.

Does a vpn even solve the problem, or can they still allocate my searches and website visits to my ip adress? Or is this fear mostly conspiracy?

>can they still allocate my searches and website visits to my ip adress
no unless you dungoof somehow
they can still fingerprint you probably

Here give this a listen. its talks about different ways your computer tracks you

ok thanks. I will maybe use mulvad in the future.
Im just still not sure if its worth the investment.

ding ding ding. also check out /cm/ or /s/ depending on your profile needs (ie attractive, opposite sex), make sure to reverse search the image to ensure its uniqueness.

There was a time when a post this poorly constructed would have been an obvious troll, but now I'm not so sure.


Facebook have a huge facial recognition program, they look to see who you appear with in photos. Never trust Zuckerberg.

If you don't like the signal add random noise to it.

They can identify you based on how you construct sentences and use punctuation.

This. is. why. I. always. write. like. a. retard. o-oni-chan.

ya'll motherfuckers paranoid as shit I literally have random pictures of birds as my profile picture and this has been going on for a good strong 4 years now. Not a warning, nothing.

We're fine he doesn't suspect the birds yet

Facebook is three words:
Unethical. Overbearing. Officious.

Please stop using it. I know that Facebook tries to get people addicted to the platform and I know that Facebook is also tremendously useful but for your own good, stop using Facebook.

And then they bought oculus to literally see through our eyes.

Delet it after a while.

Gotta love how the Zucc grandstands about net neutrality.

>Sup Forums

>We'll permanently delete your photo from our servers

A perfect way to teach school kids about hypocricy.

>Storage is cheap
>10$/100GB/month for both Amazon and DigitalOcean

If storage is so cheap, why aren't there any cloud providers offering cheap storage?

>using hidden tactics on a secure website
Why would you fucking do that?
You might as well wear a robe and anonymous mask and try to go into the fucking city
>wonders why the fucking cops are stopping OP

>If storage is so cheap, why aren't there any cloud providers offering cheap storage?
They do,some chink providers have 1TB free storage.

>from OUR servers

They openly admit that the image will be kept on someone else's servers.

to make sure you aren't a sex offender.

>hurr why does this service I chose to use not work how I want it to I am so oppressed durr

Neck yourself. Its a fucking social network designed to make it easier to stay in contact with your friends and colleagues. What the fuck did you expect?

What about communicating with friends and colleagues demands giving data to the NSA?

If you're one of those retards who uses the same tor session to sell CP and log into reddit

Meant for

You're free to use fucking e-mail and PGP if you want you retarded fuck. Who says you HAVE to use Facebook? What a dumb fuck.

>and then permanently delete it from our servers



But really now, remember what FBIAnon said, Facebook is just a front for the CIA. Not that we didn't know that already.

>Check it for what?

To see if you're a fucking white male.

> Why does FACEbook need a picture of my FACE
It's internet for your aunt, what did you expect?

>Do ((((((((((((((((((they)))))))))))))))))) also keep my jogging routes

Ofc, how else would (((they))) know where's best to assassinate you.

this works best if they put up multiple pictures of themselves.

>christian imageboard

lol fuck you

>uses fagbook
>uses chrome
>then uses ublock origin and fucking ghostery thinking this frees him of botnet
holy fuck this image is hilarious, please kys op

>permanently delete a photo of you from our servers

>fake name
I literally have an account named "Throw Away", with no profile pic.
>why aren't there any cloud providers offering cheap storage?
Hosting providers make a killing profit margin. I was a sysadmin for a hosting company and we paid $0.25 per gigabyte of ram and sold it for $10. For storage it's very cheap, but they will charge what the market is willing to pay.

>GNU social
Yeah, fuck no.

Cutie, this is a Christian image board. Go wash your mouth please.

Send them a picture of your butthole

"...and then permanently delete from our servers."

Which doesn't say they will permanently delete the photos from their affiliate's servers, or the servers they control under a shell corporation. And it's all perfectly legal-speak.

Sex "offenders" need love (and sex) too.

Christian basket weaving forums are the new target for trollers, watch out brothers

I'd say work on getting a job, then we can decide your rights to sex

you wish it was dickbook don't you?

tfw you never signed up for a FB bc you knew from the start that it was going to be a data mining and surveillance op by the govt