What went wrong Firefox?

Dominated as the best web browser for few years, where is it now?

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white man guilt

It's still the browser of choice for male feminists the world over. And that's something.

stupids being employed by cuckzilla happened

They were stuck with their legacy code base.

Google started from scratch and built on a better foundation from the get go allowing them to outpace Mozilla.

I hope Mozilla are able to reclaim some market share in the future though, would suck if all major browsers were controlled by Goog/MS/Apple.

it's really great on android

>Google started from scratch
no they didn't

Cultural marxism destroyed Firefox from the inside.

Shit. I totally forgot, you're right. They did start from scratch with the browser chrome and extension API though, and that bit in particular seem to have been the source of a ton of problems for Mozilla.

Also, as far as I know they released the browser with per tab processes so they planned ahead for that when creating the extension API I assume.

updates turned it into a laggy pile of shit

Mozilla stopped caring about improving Firefox because it was the best browser already. Suddenly Chrome appeared and was a lot faster not to mention Google has the world's largest marketing capability, placing ads on all their websites and reaching out to pretty much the entire world. Firefox has only recently started to be able to compete with Chrome in terms of performance which might make current users stay with Firefox but I don't really see how it's going to regain any of its lost market share when it doesn't offer anything over Chrome.

>when it doesn't offer anything over Chrome.

then again almost every site you visit looks into your asshole unless can into computer

do what they will, they couldn't even dare to compete with the ad company.
still use it, and will probably stick with it until their cash dries up.

they remove the very features that made them popular

I'll correct myself. Firefox doesn't offer anything anyone outside of Sup Forums cares about.

I kept using it for the addons but since many I used are going to be binned with FF 57 I stopped using it this year.

google innovation and marketing happened

yo I'm getting so much tight 19 yr old college femslut pussy

The only thing they are doing wrong is rushing their WebExt only policy.

They should give more time to developers port their extensions, code the API's required, etc.

But overall, FF is pretty good with multithread right now.

Mozilla cant compete with Google on the advertisement field, so it will be hard for Firefox to regain the masses.
They should just focus on the power user.

Servo will fix Firefox.

There was a shift in target audience
Now copying google instead of just focusing on what made firefox good like a bunch of mongs

that's javascript, the cancer that has killed the web

the web is alive and well

social media is what killed the internet.

left wing hijacking of the project is where it went wrong. every company collapses after that happens.

normalfag cancer pls leave



just like rome

Is this also why Windows is shit? I always wonder if it would be a lot better if they built a new OS from scratch.

>cultural marxism
>white guilt
Can you people parrot someone else for once? It's like i'm in Sargon of Akkad's echochamber.

>requires pulseaudio
>kills extensions

its good for me. still prefer it to chrome (on desktop). slow as fuck on android tho

i wish

Try too much to replicate Chrome and being TOOO simple like it.
Should have stayed appealing to power users.

who the fuck is that

What's the best version of firefox?


> Right now, more effort is being put into making Firefox fast than I've seen since... well, since I've been working on Firefox. And I've been at Mozilla for more than a decade.

i would pay for a viable chrome alternative

How do i configure Firefox/Sup Forums X so that the image download button downloads images to my Sup Forums folder instead of my global folder?

It would be. Windows is based upon mountains of redundant spaghetti code - hence the UI inconsistencies and a settings app and control panel present at the same time.

They've been building on the same codebase since the early 90s and never remove anything because it might break that legacy application people are still using from 20 years ago.

The problem with Windows is that most applications people use are both proprietary and 3rd party. If MS made any major changes that broke backwards compatibility everything would fall apart as nobody can fix the applications themselves and the original developer(s) disappeared years ago. MS could decide "fuck it" and start breaking BC but then everyone would just shit on them for breaking BC. We're not leaving Win32 any time soon.

if anything this is a good thing

muh minimalism meme

forgive my ignorance, but why do you say this?


Bug fixes done everyday.

He's probably underage and thinks unnecessary JS is a new thing.