Why are people still sucking XKCD's cock like it's actually funny/humorous?
the whole thing is now either moralising shit or Le Kool Reference.
Why are people still sucking XKCD's cock like it's actually funny/humorous?
the whole thing is now either moralising shit or Le Kool Reference.
Woah contrary contrarianism
Just a quick reminder
thanks for the reminder that xkcd exists, I've missed a few and needed to catch up
they are often good for a chuckle.
Lantern City USA here I come.
>nice guy
What did xe mean by that?
>Why does my phone autocorrect "xe" to "he"?
> utter disrespect
That's a pretty self centered point of view, snowflake. Some people like to be reminded of their own past experiences.
She means that guys that don't take charge and smack her round are chicken.
pretty good
Hahahahaha, what a fucking faggot.
>taking pictures of the sunset is utter disrespect
to who?
>to who?
That is some serious cringe
Pseduointellectuals like to circlejerk around the simple dumbed down content coming out of XKCD's ass so they can feel like they belong to us true intellectuals
Haha what a faggot
>look at me guiz I'm too edgy for xkcd comics
>Why the fuck do you care how someone else enjoys a sunset
For the very same reason that I am annoyed when I see a fat fucking landwhale in too few clothes blubber around. Just like with mouthbreathers making pointless photographs just for the social likes, I don't mind they exist, just that they exist where I have to see them.
It's fun noticing how everybody is sucking off xkcd when years ago that wasn't the case.
Hint: xkcd is sucked off by reddit
Holy fug
come to my house and bust down my door all you will get are bullets
is this supposed to be humorous or something
what's the joke
It's mostly supposed to be informative, the joke is from it being silly.
I really cannot bear xkcd. You can't go on any tech blogs without it popping up at some point 'relevant xkcd' like they're super smart for posting a fucking link. Ultra-conventional and obvious masquerading as quirky and novel. Lame lame lame. I despise it.
Your phone is smarter than you. It's a sad world we live in.
Fedora guy is crazy and want use real world violence to attack some idiot post on forum.
It's cringy sometimes, has good tech jokes sometimes. Pic related.
IMO you need to channel your inner normie sometimes. Not everyone at work is a Sup Forumstard, which is a good fucking thing.
xkcd is usually pretty good, I don't get the masturbatory "muh intellectually inferior" hate it gets here.
I don't agree with Randall's politics either, but did you guys know you can just *skip* the comics you don't agree with? Mindblowing.
GP BTFO'd'st've't, how'th willst've he't ever'd've recoverth'st'e?
yeah sure nerd, maybe powerpoint bullets
>le too smart for le xkcd
wow get with the times loser, it's now fashionable to ironically unironically like xkcd
Sup Forums is mostly idiot manchildren who work low-level codemonkey jobs and/or swap their smartphone out ever 6 months. they did first-year science courses in uni (bio, phys, chem) and so they think that xkcd humour is "below them" because "they already get it".
>implying they're even enjoying it
The photos certainly aren't taken to document or enjoy a moment.
These "photographers" are just looking for a decent photo opportunity that'll get them recognition on social media. The pictures aren't for personal enjoyment, but for personal social gain.
It pop-ups frequently on theregister.co.uk forums and it really fucks up any conversation
Funny thing is, xkcd started popping up there together with the pro-hilary, anti-trump, anti-brexit shills.
Is social gain not enjoyable?
El Reg has forums? Are they in any way good?
At the time of writing this, the last four XKCD comics were funny to me.
I also disagree with Randall on politics, but that doesn't mean that he can't do tech jokes.
>the pro-hilary, anti-trump, anti-brexit shills
So people with a brain?
humor that soley consists of science references with no context and looking down on groups of people (who are as nonrealistic and stereotyped as possible) is fucking lame no matter whether you get the "INTELLIGENT SCIENCE REFERENCE" or not
Hoho that's like Goldbach's conjecture right there! *snort*
god im so smart i understood that one Xd
nothing better than super pretentious humor that isn't even slightly clever
When it's funny, it's funny. And I'd say it's funny more often than it's cringy.
You can point to stuff like and , but they're the exceptions more than they are the rule.
They are pretty good sometimes, but I hate when it's referenced by normalfags it real life. It's even worse if they pretend like they came up with the joke or treat the joke as fact.
This desu. People who only know what 'sudo' is from that one comic are the worst.
I really enjoy it when people put xkcd comics in their presentations or articles. However, even better are animated gifs and other cool memes like the Fry one or the alien guy one! AWESOME! There's only one thing I like more: Put a clip from your favorite video game or geeky series in there. Absolute genius! Haha!!
I've reread the early strips recently and what I realized was that
1. xkcd was never THAT good. Unlike, say, Problem Sleuth it doesn't hold up. Its popularity had more to do with it being in the right place at the right time with the right themes. It was nerdy, but not too nerdy -- just enough to charm its early audience of romanceless STEM freshmen.
2. xkcd has always been hopelessly, painfully beta and annoyingly progressive. I felt like my testosterone level had been lowered just from reading it.
3. xkcd did, in fact, have its moments. Pic related.
But, seriously, .
• lol
who even likes xkcd at this point? ledditfags?
People who are Learning to Code.
xkcd has been trash for like a decade now
The what if stuff he did was sometimes entertaining.
This thread is shit. Post something actually relevant like dilbert
soo relatable xD totally me lmao!
Literally OCD.
>When you're so hipster, people enjoying things you don't like triggers you
What's next, we hate in abstruse goose?
>Earth, Sol System, Milky Way
XDDDDDDD so funi dood! your such a nerd LOL
Webcomics. No matter how hard you read them, they give nothing back. Unfair.
woah haha le epic reddit penetrating psychological analysis ftw. bet you just sent loads of misogynists crying after totally seeing through their personalities. this awesomeness is why i'm starting psychology this fall.
Abstruse Goose is derivative and just as, if not more, unfunny, but at least it isn't trying to be as cute about its autism. The result is less painful to read.
they have a couple good strips, but they can be counted on one hand
now they are mostly terribly bad
The experimental ones (Time and the exploration games) were fun. I think Randall Munroe is better at such things than he is a straight-up comedy.
because I admire the author's breadth of knowledge and I like his brand of humor
I will acknowledge I'm a dumb and don't know all the tech and physics he (or OP) does, but even then I don't see anything in his comics that would warrant the hate.
you just don't like it because he's pro Hillary and reddit likes him