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tfw living in Russia

Putin uses VPNs

what do

Use any mirror

How are they going to ban browser VPNs from google web store?

They already banned everything non EU and Russian.

But what do you do when you want to work from home? They surely must allow that?


yes as far as I remember,this was about a year or two.

russia going full china

Zeronet is still alive.


Gubmints everywhere are shitting themselves in fear of their "swamps" being drained. The Arab Spring was what started this panic. Gotta keep those civillians poor and stupid if you want to retain control. The Churches of Europe used this tactic for centuries.

Glad I'm not Russian.

I can't imagine anyone willfully wants to live in these countries.

>The Churches of Europe used this tactic for centuries.
May you go and read some serious books on that subject.

The Arab spring kicked the government out and then because they were millennials afraid of responsibility they didn't Institute a new government. So three Muslim Brotherhood took advantage of the situation and stepped in. After a few months of shock the so called "Facebook generation" (who rallied around a Google employee) begged the military to kick the Brotherhood out.
Yeah, a real abject lesson in the power of a truly enlightened people.

>The Arab Spring was what started this panic

The Arab Spring was started by Western establishment politicians looking to get rid of leaders that threatened them like Gaddafi. I think the stupid civilian is YOU if you legitimately believe the cover story of teehee grassroots!

>t. Ignorant American

I assume you're talking about Egypt here.
The muslim brotherhood got voted because the choice was between them or a guy who was with the Mubarak government, and the MB had a lot of voters in the lower class since they used to go around giving away food for free, so the poor and ignorant would think of them as saviors of the people (when they'd have helped way more if they used the money to theach them to fish by creating jobs instead of just giving them the fish).
Then the muslim brotherhood was revealed as the corrupt organization it is when more shit about them came out than Trump & Clinton were accused of doing, so when it was clear that they shouldn't be governing, the population protested and the military took them out and got themselves the presidency with Sisi, who then basically became a dictator (which I think is good because democracy doesn't really work when everyone is ignorant and retarded).

> threatened
> Gaddafi
Not saying your wrong but he was just a patsy, he want a threat to anyone.


pff I wish, at least china allows piracy of anything that is not chinese
these want to be both world at the same time

call me paranoid but sometime I sit and wonder if in fact the tor network was released and aimed at just this event.

So what are their options now?

Surely if someone would find a way to circumvent this kind of restriction it would be the russian, no?

Russia is a pretty shitty place.

What? Only Russians are banned from using rutracker and other torrent websites. ISPs are obligated to block them.

xcept the petrodollar

They're not banning VPNs altogether, they're passing a law that forces VPN and anonymizer providers to comply with Russian laws and to block access to websites blocked in Russia if the user is Russian. If they do that, they're allowed to keep operating. If not, they get blocked.

They can't ban VPNs altogether because it'd hurt businesses too much, and afaik they're also making an exception for those as long at they're only used for company workers, it's public VPNs that will be targeted.

It's still being reviewed afaik and will only become active in november if it passes, so things may change

>So what are their options now?
to use VPNs that roscomnadzor doesn't know about yet
and cycle through mirrors of banned VPNs to the end of times, they are slow and usually do not bother with anything beyond main sites

Stop watering it down, slavjeet.

the NSA has had backdoors in most cryptography schemes since the 2000s, probably earlier

I'm not calling tor a botnet, but tor is probably a botnet

What do you think of the leaked NSA slides that mentioned how tor gives intelligence agencies a lot of trouble?

>browser VPNs
Off the board, now.

also they can't do anything about applications
guess they can make google delete extensions from ru store, that's it

>They can't ban VPNs altogether because it'd hurt businesses too much
yeah, you know that law that makes all ISP and cell operators keep EVERYTHING that goes through them for 2 years? it hurts businesses beyond sane levels, it's still passed
VPN law is really nothing

>the NSA has had backdoors in most cryptography schemes since the 2000s, probably earlier
[citation needed]

Severity of laws is compensated by lack of regulation

Reminders: If a government bans it, it's a good idea to use it.

They backdoored math itself. After inventing the time machine, they went back and put backdoors in the principa mathematica. godel noticed and published the backdoors but he was treated more of a curiousity.

won't fly with federal licensed businesses
expecting my glorious 100/100 for $9 internet to increase in price thrice next couple years

Do what chinese do.

Watch this law make its way to countries like the US, Australia and the UK soon enough.

since when does russia have laws?

Here's a good video on just that

didn't ausies already started one for math ban?

That'd still probably be a better deal than what some westerners have to deal with kek

Plus I'm sure folks will find a way to bypass even that, it'll only be a temporary setback and then everyone will soon forget it was ever an issue

Until they pass a law to ban bypasser ban bypassers, at which point there'll be a bypasser ban bypasser ban bypasser

Are proxies, VPNs, and Tor forbidden in CHina as well?

How does the government catch them?

Oh wow, looks like Russia isn't such a good country after all. Who would have thought?

or you know, they will simply cut the cable for spiritual and morale upbringing of children of course

Post a link please.

then we'll just annex internet from other countries

any of the citations on the wikipedia page for Dual_EC_DRBG will do, but 's video explains the math behind it well

They are banned unless service providers register it with the authorities.
China has world leading class infrastructure engineers, their deep packet inspection hardware and software is top notch. They periodically crack down on VPN usage during politically critical events. They don't really much care about foreigners using VPNs but citizens have hard time accessing unfiltered net. Most tech savvy chinese usually rent virtual servers and use SOCKS5 proxies instead because they are harder to filter

>implying it was ever a good country to live in

If you want to preserve the security of your race and nation, you have to give some freedoms up.

Good, you have degenerates no right to look up child porn or spread terrorist propaganda. Based russia is saving lives, rest of the world needs to follow.

bush please

wasn't russia trying to do the thing where they try to appear more privacy friendly than america? what happened to that?

here come the boot licking clucks, right on schedule

Well, they are trying to APPEAR as such

Fuck off (((privacy))) cuck

here come the privacy cucks, right on schedule

only thing is those don't have to leave their home board to post in this thread.

(((Privacy))) is just another jew idea to protect degeneracy. A world without privacy means an ayran world can happen.

good thing we have net neutrality here in america to keep things like this from happening

don't talk to me

>Truly free and democratic since ever

>(((net neutrality)))
Based trump will kill that, ISPs promise freedom.

Psst, amerilards and yourofags, I need help. Since VPNs and proxies are now banned, I need a secret way to the outer Internet. Can somebody share a user account with me on some VPS to have a nice SOCKS?
I promise not to download CP and any illegal copirighted stuff.

my country approved a internet privacy protection law some months ago. Bsically companies need to ask your permission to use your personal data and if they don't they have to pay big bucks.


>implying you understand sarcasm

just use a VPN to get around the ban

>in soviet russia, sarcasm implies you.

>russia bans vpns
>just use a vpn

Jews are the master race. Was that not already clear?

Hitler's plan worked. By cleaning all of the chaff from the wheat and tempering their race in the fires of the Holocaust, he created a master race that will rule the world. Hitler was the Messiah.

How can they ban VPNs if your using a VPN

Russia probably needs this, to many little girl butchered alive videos out of that country

yes goy, sacrifice your privacy so we can catch these pirates/hackers/pedos/terrorists


>implying jews aren't the ones making child snuff
I saw the thumbnail of the video on here or 8, "the worst thing I have seen on the internet. webm" and it was enough to fill me with horror and hatred for many days. Every time I see an unfamiliar van parked in my neighborhood I wonder, is the an abducted kid in there? It kinda fucked me up.

fucking summerfags
either lurk moar and grow a thicker skin, or fuck off

You can always spawn some more so not a big lose compare to internet freedom.

wasnt me


It's not banned for users per se, nor for all sites.

Only companies that provide access to the blacklisted sites of ROSKOMNADZOR can be punished.

According to this law.

>only people who enjoy seing children tortured to death and listening to their desperate shrieks of agony are allowed on my Sup Forums.org

Does this mean russians will finally be banned from Overwatch?

fucking silver mccree mains are killing me

Also good way to protect local tech companies vs Google, Amazon AWS, Microsoft, etc.

Don't expect this in US or Europe too soon. Maybe Europe will realize their companies need some help now they have fined Google.

I remember the Holy Roman Emperor's total VPN ban of 1476.

>Don't expect this in US or Europe too soon
Well, I mean, EU already has a similar law? That's why all the big sites display a notice along the lines of "This site uses cookies to collect personal information blah blah blah". Finland at least also has a law(and I'm pretty sure there's something similar on EU level as well) that allows you to review any personal data that's collected about you and request that it be corrected if there's something wrong with it.

It is a patchwork of laws. There needs to be the same strong laws in every state.

>There needs to be the same strong laws in every state.
Not when the directives exist in EU level.

So can everyone stop worshipping 3rd world shitholes like Russia now?

go ask at shelter.is or something

You are a gentleman and a scholar, sir.

Grow the fuck up. Terrible things happen all the time and if you're unable to get over a fucking thumbnail on the internet then you sure as fuck won't be ready when the real horrors come.

>tfw i might have to go back to russia if my PR doesn't get approved
>tfw i haven't been there for 19 years
>tfw i'd also be stuck playing on fucking ruskie or euro servers

just end it.

>yfw Theresa May is watching this with keen interest after the porn ban comes into effect.

The slippery slope is a fucking cliff.

>being this edgy
>telling others to grow up