CRT vs LED display lag is becoming as pathetic as audiophiles

CRT vs LED display lag is becoming as pathetic as audiophiles.

Here is what I don't miss:
>high power consumption
>fat tube taking loads of space
>limited screen size (goes only up to 32", 40" was the biggest crt ever made and it was so large and heavy 4 men had to transport it)
>high pitching noise they emit, especially crt tvs
>static radiation they emit
>line after line refresh that is pain to watch
>weights hundreds of pounds
>can't be wall mounted and even if it can it would look stupid because it's so fat.

It's no longer 2004 when lcds were garbage. The only real advatage that CRTs still have they display lower resolutions better on LCD it's blurry when it doesn't show native resolution, but why would you want a craptastic resolution anyway?

CRT was always a shit technology, the way it works is really pathetic.

appreciate your blog post

Here's why I started using a CRT again. The only other monitor I had wasn't as good.

CRT: 1600x1200 75Hz
LCD: 1360x768 60Hz

So honestly the only thing the LCD had going for it was that it took up less space.

>lol I have no argument so I'll just use memes instead

Nice resolution, can't even read the text in bottom hand corner. That's all what CRTs can handle, because they are shit, LMAO

enjoy your cancer

what argument you just lest your shitpost

I've just brought mine from attic to try connect scart->vga using lm1881 and experiment with it, basically crash course screen
1600x1200 75hz here (although I can get 120hz at 1024x768)


>120hz at 1024x768
>cs1.6 ready

>Mfw you can't afford new TV and you have to use old piece of shit, that you took out of the trash.
Get a job already, you dumb sorry ass, LMAO.

Also you look like a complete faggot btw

I have also HP Pavilion 22xw but I don't want to destroy it if I mess up with sync separation (this is what lm1881 is for)
After 17 years from purchase all I had to do was to clean it inside from dust and werks like new

It's the only thing we had. Everyone had a CRT and 10 years ago LCD's or Plasmas werent neraly as affordable as they were now and definitely not finetuned to i don't get why you're completely bashing CRT's. It's like saying steam engines were a shit pathetic technology

Ok but now it's 10 years later and lcds were very affordable even 5 years ago, so if you still rock crt in 2015 you are a sorry ass.

That's a bad analogy.. more accorate would be saying that 90s VR headsets were good technology.

Seriously crts are pathetic the way they work is so shitty... the wide spread of CRTs are the result of lazy researchers or LCDs must have been purposely held back I don't see why they couldn't make them in 70s.

Nice TV LMAO, did you steal it?

>Playing an oldass game
How poor are you? LMAO

crt have better blacks, colors and viewing angels
come back when you're 18

Lmao what a dumbass you are really pathetic for defending CRT crap as late as 2015. That was a laugh

Your intelligence is weak, now go watch some capeshit on your shitty crt tv, you little child.

Fuck, I'm tired.

Can't even spell LMAO.

CRTposter here
but he's right about blacks, I've never heard about LCD capable of disabling backlight with pixel precision, it's just different technology, only one point glows vs everything glows through crystal layer.
I dunno about colors
IPS LCD have good view angles too so this is no longer valid

I have to admit that LCD have more advantages nowadays than CRT but hey, if I have to choose if I want to fuck up CRT playing with input signals or newer and more expensive LCD it's obvious what I'll choose

BTW, does anyone checked if their monitor can take composite sync and display everyting properly?

>90s VR headsets
>Were shitty as fuck LCDs

I think your analogy is the bad one.

It's just a typo. Look at the time.

no you're just retarded
>and underage

What has more color gamut:
a CRT I got for free off craigslist
my $700 IPS gaming monitor

Vote now on your phones.

The CRT.

>the way it works is really pathetic
I don't think you know how it works. Because a cathode ray gun shooting millions of pixels on to a shielded piece of glass sounds pretty badass to me.

Arguments like this wouldn't exist if there wasn't idiot hipsters who are convinced that old shit was better. New is better, no discussion should be needed, end of.

You are stuck at that 90s timeframe with big bulky beige monitor box that has hard time displaying 720p and you likely have glasses thick as bear bottle from all the eye damage this shitty crt technology does.

Oh you are right crt shitty technology was the reason why they invented screen savers, now they are no longer needed and aren't popular anymore just like crts aren't.

Yeahhh... call me when I can actually connect a modern digital-output graphics card to a crt

lmeow look at this apple cuck

Repeat after me "cheap new shit is clearly better in every metric. I can be convinced of anything because thinking for myself is hard."

3 electron guns (they're called heaters because they're just big resistors that boil electrons off the surface of a metal) shoot towards the screen at different angles. The beams are steered by electromagnets (either coils or plates). The horizontal electromagnets are sent a sawtooth signal at the line rate and the vertical electromagnets are sent a sawtooth signal at the vertical refresh rate. The coils have stored energy and take time to jump down at the end of a line/frame so there are horizontal and vertical blanking periods (front and back porch, something that still exists today in display transmission technologies because they allow decoupling of the physical data rate from the pixel rate). The three beams pass through a shadow mask that blocks the beams for the other colors and each beam hits their respective subpixel phosphor. The electron guns amplify the color signal so when it's black all three guns don't shoot anything (or shoot very little).

I'm too poor to afford a CRT yet I can afford a new 60" brand name tv? What kind of shitty logic is that? If anyone is poor here its you sorry ass who still rock CRTs.

ITT lonely faggot OP BAITs random anons into argueing moot points
cool story bro
newsflash, LCD is the worst display tech ever manufactured, even t.vs from ten years ago had better technology than the best lcds today

god i miss pdp

Using xrandr with linux one can render frames on a digital only vidcard and push them to an old VGA card for output to CRT. Git gud.

If you're playing any old console/arcade games and want an authentic experience you still can't do much better than a CRT at this point. 1080P just isn't enough to display a good CRT shadow mask filter, and even if it could you have to contend with the inferior contrast ratio and motion clarity, which is considerably worse on LCDs that are marketed as "lagless."

OLEDs are the future, but until they're on par with CRT in terms of input lag CRTs are the best option for old games.

For newer games or anything else I'd rather use an LCD, but my PS4 doesn't look bad on my HD CRT that I got for dirt cheap

>high power consumption
Says who?
>fat tube taking loads of space
Could say the same about you.
>limited screen size (goes only up to 32", 40" was the biggest crt ever made and it was so large and heavy 4 men had to transport it)
>he doesn't have a glorious 36" CRT
>high pitching noise they emit, especially crt tvs
>static radiation they emit
All the cool people do it.
>line after line refresh that is pain to watch
>weights hundreds of pounds
No more than you.
>can't be wall mounted
>and even if it can it would look stupid because it's so fat.
Do I even need to say it again?

stupid frog poster

Old systems look like shit on every tv, because they have like 16x16 resolution, LOL

Maybe it's time to upgrade, caveman.

has nothing to do with money

>better blacks, colors
OLED nullifies this argument entirely
>viewing angels
not everyone is schizophrenic

so, you got one?
>not everyone is schizophrenic

>Could say the same about you.
Does this look fat to you, fucking retard LMAO.

CRTs are ebin. Blacsk look darker and it has way more depth that any other screen. I still use one.

Yes it does you poor faggot LOL

Please don't eat the kitty Mr. Fatman.

I'll slap in the mouth with my dick.

LOL faggot, you are doing same shit you are saying lcds are shit, EXCEPT you have no argument, while I do. CRTs are inferior for all the reasons I mentioned already, also weight and thickness are important dumbass.

I don't want my computer monitor take whole desk... I don't want my tv pertrude 1M out of the wall or have to build a strong shelf that can support the weight of that fat ass that will crush whatever is below it in case if it falls off.

I'm happy with being able to hang a slim panel on the wall..

China made all the shit you own after 70s, dumbass including your hipster piece of shit power hogging eye destroying crt tv.


post boipussy


>I have no argument so I'll just say a meme word instead
Looks like I won LMAO


>He already forgot the argument
Fucking retard LOL

>im not him
whose the retard


Just go ahead and buy whatever is shovelled to you and not bother to know anything. It's a stretch to consider you a sentient being.

It's the poor idiots who couldn't hack a real degree that waste their money on shit they don't need and never understand the actual value of anything. CRTs are bad buys because they're big, heavy, hot, and blurry. They have deeper blacks, wider gamut, and no chance of added latency due to 2 cent chinese scaler chips. Shut your fucking mouth you insect.

>U-Ur just brrainwashed!
Stop being so delusional LMAO

>eye destroying
Yeah I remember hearing about all of those baby boomer TV addicts that saw ANY ill effects from x-ray exposure, you cuck?

OLED was a meme 10 years ago.
Now it's a meme where everyone realizes it will never work because of burn out. Plasma was the best compromise for home cinema.

>im a bot LMAO

You, LOL.

I'm not a bot you fucking retard LOL

noooo you broke it

See:LOLMAO your retarded

>bot broke

>OLED was a meme 10 years ago.
Good job at showing off your retardation LOL

Were you not following technology back then because you were too busy learning how to masturbate with your mom's shit stained panties?

lol i got you, i was baiting all along.

>but why would you want a craptastic resolution anyway?

>lol i was just pretending to be retarded

What video?

Yeah, I was.

>>can't be wall mounted ...
You can definitely have a wall mounted CRT, what the fuck? Yes, it looks stupid now but that's irrelevant to you stating that it can't be wall mounted.

>it looks stupid now
not really but kinda

>cant grow more than a chinstrap beard because the LCD backlight from your monitor burned all of the hair follicles out of your face

>goes only up to 32"
36" was the industry standard, Mitsubishi made the 40" Megaview. There was a 45" Sony PVM if you were a richfag.
>static radiation they emit
literally as much as eating a banana

Yup that user and you are right. CRT's offer true blacks. Only recently with the introduction of OLED are blacks now finally at the same level as CRT's. But OLED's are still a couple years away from being affordable.
You can also mention how CRT's are almost lag free but I guess you can get some high end monitor that costs stupid amounts if you want lag free.
Also the average consumer has a shitty time listening to stuff through their modern tv's since speakers in them sound like shit. Bigger CRT's had crazy speakers and even subs sometimes. They offered some legit sound experiences.

CRT is best for retrogaming rigs. When the resolution drops to 640x480 or 800x600, you really need a CRT.

I like CRTs, people with poor memories of them usually had some shit Walmart brand.

Is that actually a CRT right behind you

I'm 30 and I can still hear the CRT whine.

>those horrid Rent-A-Center white van speakers


This is the literal only advantage CRT has over LED. Anything else is just nostalgiafagging. For most people who don't play retro games an IPS LCD or OLED monitor is objectively superior.

Not the only advantage because ALL LCDs still have different weakness so people use whatever fits their needs.

hello boys

Now lets see those consoles.

got them at a yard sale, wanted that kid proof plexiglass. Replaced the crossovers and rewired them, not too bad now.

I'm 25 and can still hear the summer whine.

I'm not a retro fag, sorry if I was misleading :x

Softmod that wii and become one. As of now, you just look poor.

High DPI is disgusting.

All consoles I'd play on a CRT.

It's comfy.

My FG2421 was good enough to retire my Trinitrons.

Though I think I'd go for a top end NEC Diamondtron if I ever come across one.

hurr durr you must be wrong because new is better period

it is modded, I just didn't install any emulators. Don't really like them much, I have a 64 but that shitty composite look is such a turn off.
Have them all hooked up via component as well. Enjoyed some halo 2 with friends the other night

I'm not poor i promise
if I run the same image on both screens the lag is super noticeable.

>if I run the same image on both screens the lag is super noticeable
Of course it would be. The flatscreen TV has to upscale the image and apply analog-to-digital conversion. Try that with a modern console that uses HDMI and there will be little to no lag.

Yea I know all that. It's a pretty low lag tv in general once I get all the settings lined up. Some games the lag is more noticeable than others. Melee isn't too bad but halo 2 is atrocious on it. Maybe it has to do with the FPS

>high power consumption
It varies. Some later models are quite good in this regard. Larger LCDs and especially plasmas can actually consume more power than CRTs.
>line after line refresh that is pain to watch
Only if the refresh rate is low. 85Hz+ is enough to eliminate flicker for the majority of people.
>The only real advatage that CRTs still have they display lower resolutions better on LCD it's blurry
I would add that another major advantage is the lack of sample-and-hold blur, which all LCDs have. You can do a lot to minimize blur on LCDs, e.g. higher refresh rates, strobing backlights, overdrive, but it can never be completely eliminated. Plasma doesn't have this problem but like CRTs, no one makes PDPs anymore.