Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums on a t430, user?

Why aren't you browsing Sup Forums on a t430, user?

Because I'm using a superior Apple Retina MacBook Pro with Touch Bar

Pick one


Got a 430s

Thanks for the free (You)s

>durrr why dont you do what i do durrr

It's clearly the best option, so why don't you?

Because I'm browsing Sup Forums on my x201

Nice, got any pics?

Because im browsing from a T510


Because I have an IPS x220

The picture is Windows, but I run Linux Mint on it.

because i'm on my x230t

because I'm using a T430s?

Because I have a T460 and an XPS 13 2in1 at my disposal.

>Aluminium heatsink instead of copper
How does it feel to be a subpar piece of shit?

Are there any burn ins with IPS screen?

>Burn ins
Pick one faggot

Because I bought a X230

IPS doesn't burn in but the early X220 IPS panels had some image retention problems

Because the t520 is better in every way

>every screen of a thinkpad is horrible
>every thinkpad has less than 5 hour battery time
>every thinkpad overheats like a mofo

it's like drinking shit-tier market coke from coca-cola glass

Are you kidding me? That thing in OP's post looks like some shitty 2003 laptop. And what the fuck is that red thing in the keyboard?

because i AM

Sup Forums is filled with poorfags and pajeets.
Have you noticed that only pajeets use thinkpads.

How about a t420.

actually, I really do have a t420. with kali linux and stickers. thinkpads are the gold standard.

hey! the last one isn't true!

No wonder they love shitty Chinese androids so much

It's true, have you ever compiled big workloads?
It fucking becomes a furnace...

Because I have a T420

Feels good having the last real Thinkpad.


t420 masterrace

What advantage does a T420 have over a T430 that's been retrofitted with a T420 keyboard and battery mod?

Yeah, sure thing kiddo. T60 is the real last good thinkpad.

but I am user
Im also on the shitter

>underage bait

because I have a T460s

Who cares if it's Chinese?

>outperformed by microshit surfass book using a last gen U processor
I mean considering people post on Sup Forums using decade old thinkpads I guess youll fit in

I'm 20.

>lying about your age
and heres another (you)
dont tell mommy you browse websites like this ;)


Because they are dipshits and they don't have no respect to IBM original design which they destroyed.
Enjoy having shitty build quality laptop thanks to those chinese.
>pic related

Believe whatever you want user, I have nothing to prove to you. Besides the fact that the majority of Sup Forums are indeed poorfag wagecucks/NEETs living off mommybucks.


We have hundreds of these in work. I must have broken at least 10 of them by now by stacking them too high and throwing them around. Shit screens and the T420s have much better keyboards.

T430 SSD in a T420 with the extended battery is probably the best combo. Out of the newer ones the T450s is my favourite. Yoga's (any) are the worst.

because im browsing on a superior hp

>tele in the back

>buttblasted about being underage
>hurr your pooooor
cmon get off youre gonna get caught
dont get spanked little user

those look like 15+ years old IBM thinkpads, so that pic isnt really relevant today

his butthole

Actually... I think almost all Thinkpads are the bomb. Thinkpad masterrace.


I'm using a hp right now too but how you describe it as superior is disgusting

Can't think of any, I'm stumpt. Apart from maybe 420 memes.

Good b8

>call him pajeet
hes growing up so fast anons
learning from the older anons and shit

We had so many problems with the X1 yoga and the yoga 260 in work the guy that supported them got a recognition award. Not even kidding.

>not having this on one's thinkpad
Git gud

You're quite persistent on this underage thing.

Projecting a bit?

still better build quallity than almost all other modern laptops

thats because you bought a consumer HP you nigger
unlike this user who was smart enough to buy an elitebook

>cliche memes you pick up after being here 5 minutes
try harder kiddo

I'd rather use a previous gen ThinkPad with a superior keyboard.

I've been here since 2014.

nice samefagging and pulling assumptions out of your ass user

that's a good thing that means it's gettin rid of that heat real good!!

and a good (you) to you too

gtfo newfag

not to be rude but your misuse of a is disgusting

how did you know?

Is this post intentionally ironic?

>so that pic isnt really relevant today
The station's current laptop complement (as of May 2016) consists of 32 Thinkpad T61P and 68 Thinkpad A31

These machines are shared by all NASA, JAXA and ESA crew members but seven odd Russian laptops are kept for Cosmonaut use only.

sure user
and I used to be a regular on the /i/ board

Nope. modern thinkpads from XX10 forward are shit.
Only japanese made Panasonic are worthy of praise for their build quality.

>implying you dont hear the projectioning shit every 5 minutes when someones cant come up with an arguement

you two together?

That's unnecessary c'mon

>implying there are any good HPs that arent elitebooks
lucky guess user.

Pajeet detected

based toughook senpai

thanks dear i wish it was the real fender

the thinline classic vibe squier isn't bad tho so i bought it


use a librebooted x200
yes, i librebooted it myself

somebody broke that shit.

Im just interjecting because I thought you might have been making a joke with the kiddo thing.

But it is irony.

I'm not taking sides, my Indian friend.

>same meme argument
I said try harder kid


Yeah those classic vibes are good quality shit, just a step below Mexicans i would say

Toughbooks are actually really rad, but I can get three or four x220s for the same price as a comparable Toughbook...

There's no argument to be had

yeah true, not a native speaker

>being this free
I cant imagine your waistline

ur prajeecting

No, because little to none, a manufacturer which includes similar features in their laptops as seen in Thinkpads.
These being Getac and Panasonic. However, IBM/Lenovo competitors such as HP or Dell did include these for a while but then they made the same mistake as Lenovo.
XPS, Spectre and X1 and all this shit doesn't have anything to do with E6220 or HP 8770w or T410.
All modularity and features taken away with these new shitty ultrabooks where you need dongle for simple port such as Ethernet.

I was gonna do that, but I got my x200 caught in my bike wheel and broke it.

I swear they've infested just about everywhere now.

What's the story? How does this happen?

Because I do so on my librebooted x60s running Void Linux, my friend

>I was gonna do that, but I got my x200 caught in my bike wheel and broke it.
are you going to buy a new bike?

X220s aren't really comparable though are they?
It looks like it's main purpose is controling drones. I have one but I only use it for the OBD II monitor I hook up to it. Never paid it much attention. Just too bulky.