vlc or mpc-hc?
Vlc or mpc-hc?
MPC-HC is abandonware.
Use mpv.
>Downloading HS shit when BluRay rips encodes are available
Nevermind, use VLC. It's not like you care about quality anyway, Winbabby.
Why use mpv?
Mpc-hc, of course, avoid mpv meme sputers
Go to hell
>Different frame comparation
oh cmon mpv is shot shit it doesnt even have a gui
It doesn't need a gui.
>Needing more than an OSC and keybindings
Not even a VLC fag but that only happens on windows when your drivers are setup incorrectly.
Nvidia are retarded so whenever you update your drivers it sets color output to limited instead of full dynamic range and VLC respects the driver settings causing blacks to look gray and colors washed out.
mpc-hc just got an update recently ...
>v1.7.13 is released and farewell
MPC-HC (obviously). MPC-HC is still being maintained and has some new devs.
MPV only gets recommended because freetards have no other options. Sad but true.
>v1.7.13 is released
Here's an unofficial release:
It's going to continue to be updated.
This is why linux never took off, its more easy to click 3 times to adjust some settings than need to look around in the help files or forums posts to type random shit to adjust a minimal thing.
Fucking retard
I just checked, there's no difference between MPC-HC and mpv
you can use it as is, or configure the fuck out of it
just stream like in the good old days.
but don't forget to update your flash player, silverlight, etc.
delete this picture
use mpv
>inb4 gui-babbies sperg out
mpc-hc + madvr masterrace.
It doesn't need to take off.
We circle jerk just fine. We don't need brainlets
True patrician
I see no difference watsoever.
Just as I suspected. If devs ask for help, someone, somewhere will answer the call
Care to explain why VLC quality is bad? I mean if you can show me some evidence or provide some facts I am willing to switch over.
BAKA famalam
It occasionally has problems with nonstandard encodes.
So I should go work with mpv then?
Your images are from two different frames.
mpv colors are slightly washed out compared to the two
into the trash it goes
I like the mpv gui.
Do I have to change any setting on madvr? Or is it just install and start watching?
>controls cover the subs
>shitty gui that looks like someone just lego blocked the elements of with zero sense of design or ergonomy
Wow freetards are really making me think really hard about switching to their shitheap of a player.
>watching gay anime
Sometimes I wonder why the hell am I even on this board
>Running fully updated windows 10
It's a player for freetards made by freetards. The fact that you can run it on windows is irrelevant.
You're free to go back.
The gui only appears when you hover the mouse on it.
Have another (You).
>change subtitle height with r/t
>just move your mouse literally anywhere aside from the bottom half of the player to make the UI instantly disappear
Wow, it's literally nothing.
How do I fix shit like this? Is it the video or what? Seems to happen the worst when there's a lot of motion. I'm using mpc and madvr with everything on default.
That is one ugly gui.
please use script-opts=osc-layout=box,osc-seekbarstyle=bar
>put a big ugly box in the middle of the screen over the video
Dynamic Range: Full (0-255)
Wew lad
Can it play archive file? mpv can
Your choice.
I prefer VLC though, and I've never had any videos render improperly like Sup Forums would lead you to believe.
The fact that he is using windows is very relevant
the K-Lite Codec Pack
>(((Western))) cartoons
What about kmplayer?
Mpc-hc is dead, Jimbo.
>unironically watching obscure children's cartoons in 2017
lmao wtf
If you're not using a macbook pro with IINA, you ARE a poorfag
K-Lite stands for Kazaa Lite.
I think I made my point.
If you are going to compare video players you don't use anime as a reference point. You absolute trash of a human excuse.
>op makes vlc vs mpc-hc thread
>insecure mpv fags start flooding the thread
every time
You can use Baka-mplayer (or Mochi when it becomes stable) for the glorious mpv with a wrapper.
Or use IINA on OS X as a wrapper for mpv
Wow MPC actually looks worse, I'll stay on VLC
Holy shit fucking this.
How the hell is this not getting more love? MPC-BE is essentially everything MPC-HC is plus
>better ui
>beautiful black ui
>better maintained and updated
And best of all
>seek are previews out of the box
It is the ultimate media player and you cannot tell me otherwise.
I hate these threads.
I installed it and there's no seek previews
Trips of truth kek
MPC-HC because better font rendering...
pretty sure the mpv one looks better
Except all the reports of people setting the drivers properly and VLC still pulling that shit.
It cant be helped, mpv is just better.
smplayer2 because i'm not a faggot
In order of preference:
>windows media player
Literally no difference
I did a thing on windows.
Not really sure if madvr is doing anything, but svp made my chinktoons smooth as sex lube.
Except it only does that with monitors that has wrong EDID (reporting themselves as TV), and also with those monitors AMD is doing the same.
> VLC respects the driver settings
MPC-HC also respects the driver settings.
mpv is the linux of the video players
it's shit, complicated and has no gui and that's why they love it
mpv as the absolute lowest footprint, the worse hardware you have the better it is
mpc-hc is better for people who like a normal ui, and is only slightly higher resource use then mpv
potplayer is what I use mostly for streaming youtube when youtube is being a shit on normal players, or if I want to watch something long in bad weather as it will cache the entire video
vlc as an emergency backup, as it uses almost twice if not more hardware than any of the other options for worse results. mostly just used for a few rm or mpeg files that nothing else will play.
>mpv fags so desperate for users they spread misinformation.
It sounds like mpv is the abandonware, abandoned by users.
mpc-hc is dead
kek point made
Keep spreading that misinformation. The only way mpv can thrive. :^)
>w-we found a dude that will update LAV from tiem to tiem
Totally not ded!
>implying mpc wasn't just a dude updating it from time to time
So many retarded ass people in this thread. VLC doesn't have an issues except for that random ass video that's awkwardly encoded and has trouble playing and then Sup Forums jumps on it saying VLC is garbage. VLC has the best UI, support, features, ease of use, etc. It's just better in every way.
So many retarded ass people in this thread. VLC has tons of issues including awkwardly encoding videos and some users on Sup Forums are deny this for no other reason than being contrarians. VLC has the worst UI, support, features, encoding, etc. It's just shit in every way.
I hate the seek previews because f.lux doesn't work on them. They blind me.