Best Diaspora

Which country do you think has the best diaspora?

Here's why its the Vietnamese.

>2nd Generation guaranteed to assimilate
fully into whatever culture
>Outgoing and extroverted culture, inclusive of non-vietnamese so long as you are chill
>GOAT-tier food and service industry, etc.
>Curviest asian girls
>Smart and generally educated, not bydlos
>Atheists/non-religious most of the time

>Drugs and gangs, although more often the mafia kind
>Favorite past-time is gambling, so illegal gambling will occur
>Occassionally missing neighborhood pets

Other urls found in this thread:

>mfw asian immigrant girls are in fact sexual slaves for white men

>Fully assimilate

Most leafs do not know what "assimilate" means

They confuse it with "integrate"

Viets do not assimilate. Very few non-western immigrant groups do. Even the Ukrainians have not assimilated

t. Bing Bong Nguyen

Though I can attest to their grills being hotter than other slants.

As they should be.
Fuck slaves that only serve one purpose

>all asian girls are the same

nope, we aren't easily cucked because average vietnamese is much more macho. very rare to see immigrant generation marry non-vietnamese.

vietnamese are the closest thing to west-coast italian immigrants, ie clannish and old-school first generation, guido-tier 2nd generation.

what the hell do you think it means? do you expect every canadian to drink maple syrup and become lumberjacks?

fast page so healthy bump



Going downhill the first one was the qtest

eh, too southern for me. most people would be surprised but there are almost two different types of vietnamese like there are terroni/north italians.

girl on the left here is perfect though


My uncle died in a jungle just for these commies to live right above us?

there are 2.5 million viets in the US, not much here. most asians in canada are chinese or filipino.

Vietnamese raised in the US are materialistic and superficial as fuck. Basically, southeast asian Kardashians, but without the T&A

Your uncle died in the most useless war America participated. If he volunteered then he was a faggot, just like you.

There's a definition of it, Nguyen

>. Full assimilation occurs when new members of a society become indistinguishable from members of the other group


damn leaf fight in this thread

stand back lads

Nope, drafted at age 19, given a gun with instructions to kill communists, even though half of them didn't even know what a communist was. Also, it wasn't completely pointless until Saigon fell. Too bad South Vietnam couldn't help itself.

>Posts pics of nude girls attention-whoring
>As evidence of assimilation
>That's why you can't have nice things, Justin How do you want a foreigner to assimilate. when you have no idea what the foundations of western civilization are, yourself.

lmao Rampage loves oriental pussy so much

all your girls are in love with Korean boys tho?

yeah you got it. typical californian.

texan ones are at least less materialistic.

>becoming white in order to assimilate

the ones in vietnam maybe, but different culture imo. k-pop isn't too big among murrikan ones.

this is basic assimilation into california degeneracy though. there is no other way, since its a turbo-normie culture.

having viets in your country ever.
they are fucking trash tier immigrants

you have like, 10.

nobody knows or cares about your vietnamese diaspora you fucking snowmonkey.

They're referring to cultural practices, not race

I thought you chinks were supposed to be smart

why do Vietnamese gangsters in Cali always look like they want to kill me. what did I do wrong

These pictures are from Cafe Lu, in the OC in California. Slut fest

Viets are like Turks, a bridge between divides. not fully smart and cultured as East Asians, but not as dumb and poor like south East Asians. I had my fair share with crappy Viets in USA and I don't particularly like them. The trashiest and sluttiest Asian minority with the most gangbangers, but some are smart and rich. Fuck them

>calling us chinks

honkey please, atleast get your slurs right

Btw do you see how whorish and how much makeup these Viet girls use? That is 80% of Viet American girls here. Trash. We call them ABG's or Asian baby girls since they only hang out with fake Asian gangsters with subarus and tattoos lol

Because cali is a hot place and when they look at you they have to look up, thus looking into the sun, they are not frowning at you but because of the sun.

nah we aren't bydlo and retarded like the turks. more than half go to university, but the other half don't go on welfare and form ghettos.

even the full hood blasian ones like tyga and chris brown's ex were typical rich kids.

eh, avoid them. nobody likes the actual gangsters, although the urban street-wear folks can be tolerated.

ABGs aren't even a major subculture anymore. holy shit that died out in early 2000s.

honestly seen more trashier white girls t b h in california.

Viet women are pretty fucking top tier, I'll give you that. I wish I knew some of them, but everyone's always Chinese or Japanese.

what state are you in?

i can point you to the best cities for them. there are probably half a million in los angeles/orange county, california alone.

I guess that's convenient, I live specifically in San Francisco. There's kind of a lot of everybody there, though.

>eastern asian with a chimp nose

thx 4 teh laff m8

oh now i realize because their country is so shit they're easily exploitable

you talking about the port arthur ones? Theyre identical to the Cali ones.

go to san jose lol.

there's like only vietnamese girls there.

>chimp nose

nope that's a filipino/cantonese thing. typical vietnamese nose is straight and slender. its one of the ways i can usually tell other asians apart imo.

Wrong. Thais are the best diaspora.

They are never refugees and never commit crimes.

Most of you viet immigrants are Hmong thugs.

californian ones who grew up in the valley are worse trust me.

everyone is though t b h.

>mfw so many 'vietnamese' are actually (supposedly southern) chinese from vietnam

nope not at all.

chinese-vietnamese identify as chinese half the time and a fair portion are 1/8th chinese or something anyways.

regardless most of them don't even associate with typical mainland chinese.

All the 2nd gen Vietnamese I grew up with were dealers or the kids of dealers. They were actually pretty bro tier to hang out with but I never trusted any of them.
They're way more relaxed than chinks and seem more down to earth in conversation but they seem to have a predisposition to slinging dope and doing black market shit.

eh, never met any who were t b h. i'm surprised i haven't because its a strong stereotype, but then again most of the 2nd generation in my extended family are doctors/engineers/accountants.

I want to eat those asses.

>regardless most of them don't even associate with typical mainland chinese
Even Chinese from Korea or other SE Asia do so somehow.
Idk. Half the time I went Vietnamese restaurants in my area (Florida), owners were watching some Cantonese TV or so and I was like 'wtf?'

you sure it was cantonese and not translated?

>chinese from Korea

come again?

Can confirm, we let a whole bunch of Vietnamese refugees in during the Vietnam War and they caused few problems

Chinese are everywhere

Can confirm, they are first tier diaspora

wtf, already 2.5 million ?
They are enough to make a country or control one.

non Europeans never fully assimilate because they are a different race. They'll always be seen as outsiders

oh no!

Only here for the girls.

Post moar

>Liberal detected

Thats pretty insensitive to make such an allegation that doesn't even matter at this point in time. It was useless because the US lost but at the time, fear of communism was at an all time high. Basically dismissing slaughter of young men and calling the volunteers faggots. Draft? Even if he did volunteer, it doesn't negate the fact that you're disrespecting the dead for their sacrifice. They did what they thought was right at the time. Have some class you epitome of a bag of shit.
Wouldn't be surprised of you would rather watch a countryman die instead of dialing 911.

I swear dude. I know. It was so weird
Yes. Those Chinese Koreans open Korean-style Chinese restaurants in Koreatowns and offer Koreanized Chinese food like jjajangmyon or jjampong

Disgusting, chinks everywhere

>more and more Viets come to Poland
Feels good mang

I thought you guys hated immigration.

2nd generation Vietnamese are the best.
3rd generation however... Fucking disgusting, gotta say..
Majority of viets, even in the south, supported the north.
Your uncle was there to defend a very small minority of Vietnamese merchants whom french colonization had made rich.

Only arabs and most blacks.

I never heard anyone say anything bad about East Asians or bullied them.

Sorry, Chong, but there are better looking orientals.

The best diaspora would be the Slovenes, obviously. You don't her about any problems, they all assimilate but in many cases still cherish their heritage and one of them made Boeing 747.

I knew a Thai disapora.
We were both raised in a 96% white, quite conservative area. She still managed to become really slutty and whorish
Is this common with Thai diaspora? I cant imagine what they would be like after being raised in the city
And she was only 2nd gen ;_; which are usually pretty based in my experience

in britain poles are like arabs and blacks (people hate so much you there)

Veits aqre okay i guess.

here one viet wrote about the whole thing
Its really, really long.

veits are everywhere they a nice I suppose.
meh never hear too much about thai's here user, sorry.

Do it viet bro.
Into the bin.

>good goy detected

Looks like the storage room of the macdonalds i used to work at
What are they doing half naked there?

it's an asian-style coffee shop with the store windows tinted out. they come dressed like that serving drinks to customers

disgusting. viet qts can't be tall no no. maximum 160cm

more is typical american mutant fed on GMO chicken.

I wanna have a fuk

Japanese diaspora was GOAT here.

Norteno Mexicans in the SW US. We are assimilated already since its our land anyway.

>japanese in brazil
>you are the shit
>chinese in america
>you are shit

chinese here are goat, you are fgt


Stop fucking posting. Please.

Fuck off with these bullshit memes you retard. Asian immigrant girls hate white guys.

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

does a slav have a chance of fucking those qts?

A """white""" man of course :^)

chinese are disgusting fucks

I'm amazed when I see Asians that don't actually like robots

No, but you have a chance of getting fucked by them.

Eh not really they fit in well enough and work hard

you are disgusting fuck

>Asian immigrant girls hate white guys.
Oh boy, are you in for a surprise

please tell your fellows aussies to keep their murders a bit more hush hush if they want to continue their inflow of asian qts

>Which country do you think has the best diaspora?

here in brazil it's by far the japanese. but they're older immigrants

most recent immigrants here (haitians, bolivians, sub-saharan africans) are all awful, the haitians are probably the least worse, surprisingly enough

we get it tanaka your people are great

My heart only has room for one person and that is my nigga comrade lei feng

>mfw this whole thread

hey bby
you want come stay in Australia?
I Luv u long time

Also wtf, why didnt my post go through
>pic related

as a 3rd gen pakistani I would like to say we have the best diaspora in the uk at Least. I know we have a lot of haters, but dont listen to the memes. I actually think a lot of people are secretly jealous of us.
I will say tho, I dont think "integration" or "assimilation" are necessarily ideals to aspire too. You shouldnt have to fully abandon your roots

california lol.

i've never heard of slovenes in north america t b h. i've never even heard of slovenia before slavoj zizek and his lulz.

sure, are you normie?

most are normie since america is a super-normie country.

pakistanis still are seperate and won't actually be fully accepted if they are a hijabi or practicing.

there are still a lot of biases and dislike of pakistanis here t b h, because of how terrible they treat their women/etc.