Tfw most of Sup Forums never experienced the pain of using dial-up

tfw most of Sup Forums never experienced the pain of using dial-up

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You can simulate this right now by going to the developer console and limiting the connection speed.

fat chance, with a good connection you got 3.5 or maybe 4 once in a blue moon

it was the fastest available internet at the time, it didn't feel slow. websites didn't have megabytes of useless JS crap back then.
stop pretending not to be underage

you can't simulate your mom picking up the phone and kicking you offline until the call is over

5KB/sec included overhead

I downloaded a 1.4GB movie on dial up back in the day.

>downloading song
>mom picks up phone

>4.8 days at 3.5 kb/s (24 hours a day without interruption)

>not using yify

>everyone was into female Ranma
>you thought that's still fucking gay and you were into Shampoo
>tfw no one had any Shampoo material

>tfw left Kazaa going all night and you see a completed file in the morning
I watched the first 2 season of The Sopranos with atrocious resolution, and it took me like 2 months.

>picking up the phone
man, I had to disconnect phone and lay a 10 meter cable around few rooms to get connection at all and my parents would just kick me out without warning most of the time

>ywn experience the joy of stupid flash gaymes over dial-up ever again

>tfw you wake up in the morning and notice the download canceled some time in the night because sister had to phone with her bf

It's not the same if webpages aren't optimized for it.

I want to simulate Gianna Michael's titties

>all these poorfags who didn't have a dedicated line

They sell bags of sand at Home Depot.

still had dial-up up until the late 00s.
people pc is what i was using until i was able to convince my parents to go with cable internet.

>trying to get into wicked cool starcraft clan
>mom picks up the phone
>didn't get in, no rematch

Still not over it.

I'm experiencing it right now.

I have a Gigabit plan.
I'm supposed to be getting 1000mbps.

Haha, fucking Comcast, this shit is stupid. Been like this the whole fucking day and there isn't a god damn thing I can do about it.

I used torrent.

Not everyone here is some faggot born in the late 90s.

I experienced dial up, and everything after that too.

I remember back before torrenting was a thing, I would trade movies on IRC.

Those 700megabyte divx/xvid rips did not age well, technology and codecs have come a long way.

nah, 56kbps is about 7KB/s

minus the overhead, you'd get about 5 KB/s on downloads when the line is clear. at least that's the maximum I ever got.

Who here was ISDN master race? Had a T-1 at work so it wasn't too bad.

feels kinda expensive mane

My old setup I kept for whatever reason.

Wasn't that bad if it was from your own ISP's news server, or a site that supported resuming with something like getright. You could download it in chunks while you were out or asleep.

>download a game from kazaa
>it takes all week to complete
>try to install
>it can't install because it's an expansion

I was born in '01, my internet has always been fairly fast, at least 1MB/S


We had a second phone line so i never dealt with the le pick up phone meme.
Got 10mbit cable in 1999 so only had to deal with it for a few years anyway.

feels good to not be a fucking pleb

Born in 1994. I remember DOS and Windows 3.11 like it was yesterday, but never experienced dial up. We've had broadband since forever.

rest in peace kiddo

Nothing worse than playing Command and Conquer or Starcraft with the direct dial and shouting "DON'T PICK UP THE PHONE WHEN IT RINGS, I'M TRYING TO PLAY A GAME" only for your oblivious family members to answer it three time and bitch you out for the terrible modem sounds that screamed in their ear

i was born in 1990 and only moved off of dialup in 2006

I remember pirating Photoshop CS2 with a dial up connection.

>not aXXo
It's like you weren't even 16 in 2002

I know this pain

Downloaded Gimp specifically because it was smaller than photoshop, like 330mb vs 550 or something. I would also download single cd movie rips. There was one time I downloaded a full dvd rip just to check out the quality of it, took like a week.

dialup is about the same as shitty congested wifi

>tfw when you first got dsl

>stupid flash gaymes
oh, the memories. I remember some game about a "helicopter" of sorts with a weapon attached to the center, made by armor games I think. Those were the times

Does anyone remember the one where you'd start off as a baby t-rex or some shit and have to eat stuff and grow and whatnot? It was a text based game mostly

I had dual 28.8's fuckers!

A big part of the problem is how inefficient the net has become. I remember when I first upgraded to DSL. I went from 56Kb to 1.5Mb and most websites loaded instantly. Nowadays 1.5Mb would be too slow for most websites because every god damn webpage is now several MB.

Ya'll remember that game when you have to fondle a sleeping girl without waking her up?

That sounds awesome user. I suggest you ask that at tho, might get more info. I'd like to see this game as well


and not to mention almost every news site tries to autoplay videos

is there still some legacy websites that exist to test?

Fucking this. I have about 10 KB/s speed right now because some piece of fucking shit is using all the bandwidth for their roku shitstick.

5 was rare. 2.8 was the norm for me. 4 was a rare blessing, and 5 was mind-blowing.

It's like I fell into a time warp of ugliness and shitty navigation.

>load some news website
>40 different scripts from 40 different websites
>80 requests
>if you want to see literally anything you have to poke and jab at the scripts until you find one that actually allows the fucking website to load
>and god help you if you want to see the comments

Hack the Gibson

fucking kek, any more?

>that glorious nostalgic sound when you press the dial-up modem connection to start your day

those days when a jpeg would load line per line for 10 mins and will stop at 85% or saving a 3mb mpeg or avi file for 1 hour then the download freezes

JavaScript is literally cancer. It is what allows this kind of shit to proliferate, and also the reason why there cannot exist any good browsers. The world would be a better place if JavaScript didn't exist.

It makes you a better person.

I remember downloading ROMs from Kazaa and on one particular one it was reporting 9kbps on 56K. It was constant throughout the entire download duration although I can't remember if it was actually faster. Most likely a calculation glitch but could some form of compression such as RLE cause it to report a different data rate? It was not contained in a ZIP file.

56k has a maximum theoretical rate of 7KiB/s, but the connection often employed some form of compression, so slightly higher rates were possible
if you were downloading uncompressed roms, they likely compressed fairly well, yielding a higher effective speed

>most of Sup Forums
>be 21, quite young for Sup Forums
>used dial up until like 13 or so

many of us experienced dial up

came here to post this

nothing like waiting for a 5MB zip to download at 2.8kB/s
would be amazed whenever it managed to hit 5
getting 300kB/s DSL in 2006 felt amazing

I used to torrent 170mb episodes of chinese cartoons overnight on dialup. Torrents were so handy back then, because my connection could die for a bit, and it wouldn't kill my download progress. Technology.

I had netzero, not sure what piece of shit dial up connection you had.

I didn't use the internet until around 2004. My mother wouldn't buy it because she said it would be a bad influence. Boy was she right. I had to sneak using the phone line late at night to dial into free dialup hosts, and I enjoyed a glorious 15-20 KB/s of corruptive knowledge.

Went from that straight to Verizon fiber at 50/50 MB/s. At first, it was strange browsing the internet with images turned on.

>be me
>mom buys me Atari 800XL for Xmas
>play games, learn programming from Compute!, Antic, and Analog magazines.
>Birthday comes around months later
>"Happy Birthday user!!!"
>Unwrap box, Atari 1030 modem!
>had AModem software with it. Now can use it with floppy attached!
>dial into first BBS that evening, whole new world opens up.
>can read faster than 300baud modem downloads and displays text but don't care one bit.

Seriously, 300bps sucks complete ass, but in 1985 you couldn't tell me shit.

one of my buddies had about a gig of shit queued up on AOL back when that was the shit. He had a 28.8k modem and told me he stayed logged into AOL for a couple of weeks to download that shit.

When the games were like 32KB , 300 baud don't look that bad.

Yeah nothing better than waking up at fucking 4am and playing runescape because it was faster and cheaper that during the afternoon

Who doesn't?

i did this all the time.
>kazaa (too dumb to find good sources)
>TMD re-encodes of re-encodes of re-encodes...of a really really really shitty New York cam bootleg.
i still remember watching a bootleg of Iron Monkey (2001).
the cam captured only the bottom left corner of the screen and had cam audio (people laughing, capper eating popcorn)
this movie had a lot of night shots which meant that half the movie was pitch black.

1.4GB @ ~4KB/s = 3-4 8hr nights
then i got cable internet.
found out about torrents by 2003.
then found newsgroups in 2004 (ISP had one for free with 3day retention)
fell in love with newsgroups after that.
only thing that sucked about usenet was downloading all the headers.
+100mb headers for one alt.binary group.

true, never forget downloading my first game: Bruce Lee by Datasoft.

>5 KB/sec
>dial up


Your fakeness is showing.


no problems here

>Working for more than a few minutes


I remember hacking my grandparents aol accounts to change the permissions so could watch porn. I was a fucker. It really sucked having limited internet access and sharing the computer when all those faggots.

Just try torrenting over I2P. You can still feel the pain today, complete with the random connection drops.

Threads moved on I'm sure, but I finally mustered up the energy to consolidate my "new pc fuck it" stack of internal hard drives and external hard drives.

My fat collection of movies from axxo and crew are pretty much unwatchable, and all at some fucking weird resolution like 532 x 443.

More like ~4.5 KB/s

I had dial up until 2006

>tfw mommy made me use paxway super safe internet.
>had to share computer with 2 siblings and could only use it hour a day

I do

I called a 13 line STS, at 300bps, every single night when I was 14 and that was basically my internet. Everything else cost a literal fortune. We mainly traded user manuals, that somebody painstakingly transcribed into illicit photocopies.

Nostalgia is gay though so I won't post anymore. The best thing about dialup though was it was hard to censor, now they can just kill traffic with a switch but it was much more politically risky to kill phone lines.

more like 4.3KB/s
i know.
i had no cable.
my entertainment was watching the download bar go.
i would just sit at my computer staring at it as if i were watching a horse race.

I had dial up until 2011, I'm 22.

try Download Accelerator Plus 1999 edition and you will get 4.5 :^)

3.5-4K was enough to play Quakeworld pretty well too.

we had really good dial-up connections to AOL back in '94-96. I rarely ever got disconnected.

We had 64 kbit/s ISDN til 2011.
Germany really is a giant shithole.

What's funny is that a few movies ripped back in the early 90's still haven't been re-ripped.

Pic related, For grins and giggles I downloaded one of the only Friday torrents I saw last year and it's the exact same file that I downloaded via xdcc back in 2001.

>fw most of Sup Forums never experienced the pain of using dial-up

Dual external USR 56K modems bonded together.

Get on my level.

>it didn't feel slow
it did when you were trying to download porn. kids these days will never know the excitement of watching high res images of barely legal coeds slowly load.

>that feel when it's been 7 years since I had to dial in on a 24.6kbps line
Modern life is great.

just because you had a shit line doesn't mean everyone did
i typically got sync speeds of ~48-52kbps down, so 5KiB/s was typical, sometimes scraping 6KiB/s

If you ever had to actually update drivers from the web, that was your whole afternoon right there.

>quite young for Sup Forums
I'm fairly certain most of this website is 13.

right before I got cable based internet (August 1998, will always remember it 'cause I moved into my new apartment then), I had 128K ISDN for just short of three months.

Quakeworld players HATED me for my ping times and no lag. It was absolutely glorious. Web pages loaded quickly, downloads were now running ~14Kb/s, everything was just better.

... Then I got cable, It required a regular phone modem for the upstream and an ISA slot modem for cable downloads. Downloading was coming in at 300K and in 1998 that was amazing. I've never looked back since.

Kek, when I had dial-up I was stuck on 28.8k. Downloading porn at 3.5kB/s is beyond a nightmare.