Piece of shit. Upvote this so when people search for piece of shit they find Ajit Pai, Chairman of the FCC

Piece of shit. Upvote this so when people search for piece of shit they find Ajit Pai, Chairman of the FCC.

neo reddit is fucking cancer

>up vote this
Nigger wut?
Have some sage

thx for bump :-)

Beta white bois jealous of an first generation immigrant that graduated Harvard, worked for a Fortune 13 company, and then became the head of the FCC, all by the age of 44.

He was born in New Jersey you fucking idiot.

Again, saged in all fields.

not your personal army, go back to gaia/7chan/kikechan/leddit/etc

The term first-generation may refer either to a person who has immigrated to a new country and been naturalized, or to the children of such an immigrant.

thx for bump senpai


he tryina steel muh internet

It's spelled "sageta," as "sage" refers to "下げる" (sageru), which is Japanese for "to lower." The past tense form of this word is "下げた." It does not refer to the plant, as many people still seem to think. Just remember that this is an anime website, and you should remember the rest.

fuck off nazi
if u dont like freedom go in north korea
noone will miss you


sent ;)

This thread is backwards, the nazis like this guy, he's against net eutrality, it's reddit who is complaining about this guy.

Because ISPs are so damn trustworthy. They may be until they get a monopoly...then they fuck you over.

I just have to say that all of you faggots make it too easy for people these days. Literally all anybody has to do to make all of you cinch up your panties into a singularity point is mention reddit or some reference to some affectation of reddit. Did you really think that all of that bullshit wouldn't bleed over? Do you really think internet communities are going to stay segregated naturally? Reddit is literally the Islam of the internet, buttfucking the white woman that is Sup Forums.

Thanks weebanon

I'm the guy who posts anti-NN talking points in every thread, AMA.

His parents, his primary cultural influence, were not.

not that guy but, NJ dog. If you think that HIV/AIDS culture doesn't rape down any other influence you're wrong.

do u realize u are a retarded pol memer

t. cuck. It's so easy to make Americans upset by doing it, too. Half get mad, half are so dumb they parrot me and go against their own best interest.


berniebro2003 +3000 *

fuck drumpf


Thanks for the gold stranger! Hopefully we can get the orange asshole out of office soon! we have the right to stream epic GoT episodes without being slowed down by nazi corporations!

It's your country's fault for having a population consisting of literal retards.

breedmyhotwife [points hidden]

can we just fucking get rid of white men already? like, for real, jesus fucking christ. i love mccain, gotta respect a guy with class, not like DURMPT

if u guys are so scarred black people will fuck your wives stopping them from coming to the us isnt the problem
you losing some weight is

what the fucking hell are you talking about?

>Pajit Ai

If Sup Forums is a white woman, she's 80 years old, spent the last 35 in the same doublewide, smokes three packs a day, and was a hooker in Alabama in the 50's.

I was pro NN, but after looking into it, I believe it will do more harm than good. The constant shilling by the media and reddit-tier commentators has left me no alternative but to support the alternative. I don't trust the government, I don't want my cable bills to go up, I don't want the loss of competition in the marketplace the regulatory burden will bring small isps, I don't want another federal agency receiving billions of new dollars, I don't want the government to have control of where, when, and how a private industry expands or upgrades it's network, these are among my many concerns. It's way more complex an issue than the paid NN shills would have you believe. Its not just "treat every packet the same," that is an insult to anyone's intelligence, and disingenuous, at best.

yeah, we've already tried forcing the ISPs to operate in a certain way and thrown money at them for it only to not have major swatches of rural area even covered with basic DSL in 2017. Meanwhile I have unlimited data on my phone after every wireless carrier attempted to not allow it for 5 years.

If you like Freedom so much, go to Somalia

contrarianism is not a replacement for knowledge.

This post started on ''latest age capitalism' ' literally the worst page on the web

>reddit like it so I dont
take a look at this faggot