beasesome IS ONE IF NOT the most REPUTABLE and KNOWLEGEABLE tripfag on this board, he knows probably more about coding that all of you together.

what if he has some dumb errors and miscalculations? nobody is perfect.
maybe you are just jealous of his popularity and want to shade his great talent as poster of this board.

I seriously hope everyone of you regret making stupid memes like this and apologize to him next time you see a post of him

cpus shouldn't have to be updated to prevent crashing you dumb cucks

PD he knows more Japanese than any of you

He's okay but he really does act like retards at times. The obvious solution is to get rid of the trip

oh lord, just stop trying to shame his work

t. beasesome

tripfags only ever take off their trip to talk about themselves

fuck off

great argument

The falcon is the only tripfag I don't filter, but I wish he'd only use his trip for talking about his guide. Trips are for fags. Sage

anyone can get into a trip given enough time
fuckoff summer poojeet fag

Isn't this tripcode included with one of the tripcode generators?

no fuck off

the only reputable, knowledgeable and most importantly helpful tripfag is noone other than the Falcon.

there's also that weeb retard who get proven wrong on every occasion

>when the tripfag takes off his trip
more pathetic then trying to make a name for yourself on AN ANONYMOUS SITE

i'm pretty sure it's a public trip, or i accidentally generated the same one a few years ago

>being popular on an anonymous imageboard

Oh I be laffin'.


ruby is atleast knowledgable in /dpt/ and /dpc/ threads. falcon has contributed massively over the years with his guide, taking care of what would be hundreds of 'help me put a build together' threads.

what has beawesome ever contributed? nothing but retarded shitposts.

lmao no, the only decent trip on this website is oppenheimer

If you're using a trip on Sup Forums you should KYS. There are places where it makes sense to share your identity, for example vector thread in /w/ (but even then you only type the name and not a trip) but what kind of dumb idiot would try to build an identity on a consumer board?

>ruby is atleast knowledgable in /dpt/ and /dpc/
Which absolutely doesn't require him putting a trip.
Reminder to filter all trips.

I don't frequent generals but Ruby comes across as an absolute insufferable autist every time I see a post by them. They do not have any sort of sarcasm detector or troll radar at all and reply to the most blatant sarcasm/flamebait posts as if they're serious and frequently talk shit about stuff they know very little about. They very rarely make anything other than negative contributions to a thread.


she's an autistic girl you shouldn't make fun of her
she's so afraid of the real world that she's gonna go full into a doctorate for computer science and become a professor

post you're desktop (。>﹏

He's so fucking retarded
>shills his shit language in every thread
>never posts any significant code
>replies even when thinking for 2s would make him understand his message is pointless
>reddit spacing
>attention whore (since trip on an anonymous board)