It's actually not bad. Comfy af

It's actually not bad. Comfy af.

Other urls found in this thread:

The aspect ratio on it is actually GOAT tbqh.

>$1300 for media consumption


Thanks for the advert pajeet

It's not $150 so Sup Forums is naturally salty.

yeah, and you get to enjoy all those new usb c and thunderbolt accessories like every other device from the last 2 years that matters

4:3 is back baby

What is this money demon?

3:2 not 4:3

surface laptop enjoy your macbook pajeet edition

Who on Sup Forums would actually buy those accessories? Any good usbc dock will cost more than an x220 on eBay, not to mention thunderbolt 3 accessories. Don't be deluded.

wow, good thing OP doesn't have a surface pro then.

Describe the sensation (both physical and emotional) of fondling that Alcantara® material for us. Is it as luxurious as we all imagine?

you fucked up op

get that ugly piece of shit outta my face

>machine with nicer display does the same thing for a third of the price
truth hurts doesn't it

>worse color accuracy
>worse specs besides resolution

>implying either dualcore matter for what you're going to use it for
>posts 0 sources
>implying any edge the surface has over the pixel are worth it considering one costs $400 and the other is fucking $1300
why fuck did you come here expecting us not to shit on it?

>being so poor that money is a limiting factor

fuck off you lazy piece of shit

That screen and body clash. Looks annoying to look at.

>justifying a retarded purchase with his "wealth"
>he didn't buy an xps instead

>black clashing with anything
nigga are you serious

>dell's shit QC

>implying you know what i'm going to use it for
>implying im not well aware of Sup Forums's contrarian opinions

I used to hate people who bought expensive shit, make posts like and But God damn it, it feels great not being a poorfag anymore.

>he's gonna use a facebook machine for anything other than facebook

>because it's not a quad core meme book means that you won't do productive shit on it

You should have gotten a MacBook, dipshit. You know this deep down and it's gonna eat away at your fucking soul. Have fun knowing that.

enjoy cleaning out cum stains

I switched from a macbook genius.

ill let you know if that happens

>You serious
Yes. One color for a device. Not this mishmash of one bright and one dark color

It's shit.
>t. SP2017 owner

Those white cloth covers get absolutely filthy.

>literally every other well known laptop has black bezels with a silvery primary color
wtf are you talking about

ill let you know if that happens.

There is already an unfathomable amount of glue on this thing, a bit more will not hurt.


I'll never understand why people get so bothered by the weight of a laptop - if you are too weak to lift your laptop maybe spend some of your neetbux on a gym membership.

So, how badly does the fabric trap your semen stink.

>spending money like there's no tomorrow

>Chromebook Pixel
Meanwhile you're posting from a laptop covered in carpet.