Watercooling, pretty cool, right? But it's somewhat expensive isn't it?

Watercooling, pretty cool, right? But it's somewhat expensive isn't it?

So i thought, why not make it myself, it can't be all that hard, right? I went out and bought a garden fountain pump. I figured i'd just use some garden hose for the piping, sounds good eh?

A somewhat powerful pump for my application but eh whatever, the bigger the better am i right?

>not buying proper chink knockoff fittings on Alibabies

I decided to use just an ordinary plastic container as the reservoir.

Here's the basic idea, pump goes in, pipes go in, simple stuff.

Here's the radiator, torn off of a motorbike maybe, i also ziptied a fan to it.

Here's the whole thing, also some 2mm copper plate i bought (going way over budget here).

Now then for the cpu block, i decided to go with a layered design. Here's the piece that comes on top of the cpu.

Then the middle layer.

The top layer has two holes and two pieces of copper pipe over which i can fit the garden hose.


Here's the bottom piece soldered to the middle piece. Some grooves were added to increase the surface area that comes in contact with the liquid.

Here's a view inside from the top.

And here's the whole thing assembled.

I've left it running overnight to see if any of the water leaks.

Form follows function, I like it. Now stress test it and post temps.

I would pay up to 3000 monopoly dollars for this


This is fucking awesome, OP. Great thread.



People who have never touched an internal computer component. Back to


Are you sure saving a few dollars is worth potentially fucking your expensive hardware?

its gonna evaporate

Also, just to make this all even more pointless my cpu is i5 4690 with a tower fan so i can't even overclock it or anything so i can't really gain any benefit from the increased cooling performance.

>Alternate-future high performance USSR computing, as imagined by OP

Teehee! Best thread on Sup Forums

I mean ive already spent like 50 bucks now, 20 for the pump and 30 for the 3kg of copper i bought. So it's not like i'm actually even saving any money here.

awesome job OP, best thread ATM

and the temp results?

Materials: $50
Opportunity to tinker: priceless

OP is crazy but keep it going since Sup Forums is a shithole of AMD vs the world, muh keyboard, muh watch and other worthless threads right now.

I did this a while ago with an i7 920. I used a similar fountain pump, a car heater core as the radiator, and a plastic storage bin as the reservoir. It worked very well, no problems. I also used toothpaste as TIM!

I'll make a new thread in a few days with temp results after i make sure that there are no leaks and get it installed into my computer.

Also, here's the victim in question.

While pointless, this is fuckin' neat. I applaud your ingenuity. You've done more than most of the posters on this board can.

Is the reservoir sealed?

Oh yeah evaporation's gonna be an issue, i guess i ought to put a lid on it.


Are you also going to OC to insane clocks if it works well?


What happened to this thread? Did OP kill his pc?

I made my first and only water cooled setup back in 2002 for a Tualatin CPU that I overclocked from 1.1GHz to 1.44GHz. That was pretty impressive for the time.

For the CPU block I just took a regular heatsink and JB welded aluminum sheet on the top and sides and then drilled two holes for plastic barb fittings. The pump was some small cheap fountain pump I bought at home depot and the radiator was from a drinking fountain. Made a reservoir out of a scrap piece of acrylic tube. Fucking setup ran for probably two years without any problems before I moved on to something else.

All good to do I yourself , looks like a good diy job so far. One thing though is that you got 230v pump , might want 12v so you can wire it to your psu

jesus christ

odd reaction. water cooling is primitive, ancient technology. there's nothing extreme about this.

Honestly I really miss these ghetto mods to computers, way more interesting than the standard lego computers.

Now let's see if it works.

Yup, when wanting a case window meant cutting it yourself. I put the ati logo on one of the side panels. Wish I had a picture of that.



Nowerdays most ppl just do a full costom water loop for the looks, since there are no real benefits to be had over a good air cooled setup in term of noise and OC headroom (unless you run a multi GPU system). Housefire-X and vega might chage that however.
And watever it is youre building has nothing to do with good looks, just improving the chance to break your system.

Okay it seems that there are no leaks so far just some evaporation. I'll start attaching it to my computer but first i've gotta see the temperatures with the current setup, what cpu stress tester would you guys recommend?

Prime95 is a good option

Prime 95 ?

Also you should sand down the base of your waterblock for maximum contact with the chip

Quality thread OP, I love tinkering with shit and seeing other people do it

Oh yeah its been sanded a lot, it's just that there are some dents on it from when i hit it with a hammer.

Alright i ended up using Aida64 for the stress test, here are the temps without watercooling.

You should polish it starting with low grid, then to high grid sandpaper and hen a rag with polishing compound. You can make copper shine really well. (Which will be better for thermal contact)

Include me in screencap

>2 hours ago

Alright, got the parts off of the old comp i'll start assembling at some point.


Once that screencap comes out, I'm going to tell everyone it was me who wrote that.

did you braze the water block on the CPU or use epoxy?

guys I want to be in in the meme post plz include me

subscribe to me on youtube


The block is constructer of layered levels of copper soldered together, it will be attached to the motherboard by screws.

Pretty cool stuff, OP.
Lookin' forward to the temps.

Nice OP :) Something that is actually cool on Sup Forums xd

Hey OP. Good start. Now can you polish this off?

The part list to make your own water cooling is simple, but the parts being made are only designed for a very limited application, and that makes them expensive.

Sure, you can probably use some military grade ATF cooler for your radiator, but in the end mixing high performance parts that are designed to cool against high oil pressure, and instead sending them via some $10 aquarium pump isnt going to cut it.

I would be more impressed if Linus shill tips hasn't already built his own.

Did he actually build it, or just talk about what his crew built on camera?

It was in scrapyard wars where one of the challenges was building your own custom cooling system using nothing but parts that weren't meant for computers

People have been rigging coolers together using automotive salvage and home depo tubing for a good twenty years

Seems like the thread for a related question. Would it be possible to waterproof a pc and then submerge it in cold water, then just add ice every now and then?

yes, put passive heatsinks everywhere you can, then cover the whole thing with silicone except the heatsinks

that's a fucking awful idea but i suppose technically. just submerge it in mineral oil instead

Why though? Submerge in coolant in a tank, then cool the tank.

Redline auto products make something called 'Water Wetter'. It increases the thermal conductivity of water.

Anybody who thinks this is a waste of time and is lurking/posting on Sup Forums has something very wrong going on with their mind.

Novec 7000 if you want to submerge

I considered using water wetter as a corrosion inhibitor in my loop but decided against it due to the risk of alcohol damaging/cracking the acrylic block/res in my loop and instead went for a 15% ish ethylene glycol to water mix (pretty much what every aio uses for the same purpose)

tl;dr don't use water wetter if you have acrylic in your loop unless you want to risk ruining it.

This, order some chinkshit Festo knockoffs, both connectors and tubes.
They'll probably be cheaper than the garden hose too.

Bump. OP come back.

Has OP been electrocuted? :(

ITT: no one who remembers the before time when this WAS watercooling. It was mostly fishtank parts and heater cores. Commercial stuff wasn't available.

>Linus makes a video about it
>Sup Forums hates it
>Linus makes a thread about it on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums loves it

na, i remember

Neat thread, OP. You were not a faggot this time.

I member.

what about cross metal contamination? you can buy complete sets for like 140 dude.

Should've gone with a full size car radiator, even new they're really cheap and you have the bonus of them not being full of rust/other dirt that'll block stuff up.

Here's my slightly less ghetto setup I built a few years back. Easily cools a 4.9GHz 3770k, and my experimentation with some CFD software suggests that buying a proper waterblock would work even better.

Sorry for the delay, i finally got the block installed.

what is that above the case?

An utterly ineffectual peltier heatpump. Way too much work to remove it, and the air bleed valve is on the side of it, which is necessary when refilling as the system is sealed.

That's for me to stick up my ass

Are you Dr. Frankenstein.

What the fuck.

>dat corrosion on pipe fittings...
dude, hope that shit doesn't burn your house down once it leaks and fries all your components.
hope you don't live in an apartment building and kill other people with your own stupidity.

I wonder how much you could overclock a 2500K with that type of watercooling? WaybackTECH actually had a 5.0GHz OCed 2500K with a regular water cooler.


That's a big radiator.

why though

Where do you see corrosion? What you're seeing is probably either solder of flexible adhesive. The water came out completely clear after 3 years without a change.

It's being held back by the less than optimal waterblock, and me not wanting to let it get to 80C under prime95. Probably could be stable at 5GHz and stay below the temp limit.

Got a BMW 7-series rad for the next build with double the fin area. Also fitting filters so it doesn't eat dust like crazy.

This build was put together by a CIA nigger.

Is that dust normal? Looks like grains of sand