Updating Windows 7:

Updating Windows 7:
>doesn't finish updating even when left overnight
>have to manually download each update

Updating Windows 10:
>takes 20-30 minutes, download occasionally hangs

Updating Linux:
>takes 5-10 minutes to download and install, even if it's a 500+ MB update

What's the deal?

Other urls found in this thread:


>What's the deal?
While windows updates, it sends hundreds of GB of telemetry data to M$

When you use a package manager it downloads a bunch of packages ,extracts them in priority so that they wont break themselves and then sets them up with the expected default config.

If you use windows you download a bunch of executables that all get updated in the order of... Whatever fuck it and every one of them wants its own thread and fight over each other for who gets more resources which makes some get unresponsive and start reaking ram and then BSOD

macOS upgrades have been free since Mavericks and only costed 15$ before.

Updates were always free.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

Windows is basically a heap of compatibility shit for all the bad decisions they made in the past, so everything is fucked up.

Linux just drops support for things. People update their packages or they just break between one version to the next.

>Windows takes 20-30 minutes
Since fucking when? Even when I had a crap internet connection, it never took anywhere near that long.
About 5 minutes for a big update at most.

Itt retards who manually update windows.

I don't care if it takes 9 hours. It does it when I'm not home so why the fuck should I care about a 30 minute update?

>What's the deal?

you are lying, trolling or too dumb to use windows.

Yeh, try updating a vanilla win 7 build. Ended up speaking to Ms, they said they have dB issues that won't get fixed

>heap of compatibility
Except games and even then, compatibility is part of the ms version of planned obsolescence.

New LTSB install hanged until the first update session. Luckily it didn't broke anything.
I only have it for C# development, but i use linux as daily driver. Also ms is the biggest cuck in the tech field by ignoring piracy.

Windows Update is broken on Windows 7. It's an actual bug, fixed in an update. Which you have to download manually. I think the latest rollup one fixes everything, but it's been a while.

Updates take long to download because they're big. I'm not 100% sure why they're so big, but my guess is that Microsoft only rarely remembers what the words "delta" and "rollup" mean.

Updates hang because BITS is a clusterfuck and will randomly decide to chase its own tail until the end of eternity. Fix? There is no fix. There will never be a fix. If WU takes over two hours your best shot is to manually kill all the services and either try again or update manually.

Updates take long to install because Microsoft basically ships them as filesystem overlays and uses a thing called DISM to reversibly merge them into your Windows directory. This is a copy, not a move, so it's basically IO bound, and the updates are big.

tl;dr much like your mum, Microsoft made some poor decisions in the past. Does this answer your questions?

>using nonfree software

Found your problem.

>having telemetry

This picture's dumb, OS X updates have never cost money.

>using Windows rollup
Why not just use 10 at that point? Clearly you don't mind telemetry.

>lying on the internet

I'm not lying.

Then you're underage.

I'm underage because I'm not lying? Yeah okay buddy.

If you aren't lying then you're just wrong. The most likely reason to be wrong about this is being underage.

I'm neither lying nor wrong, you're just dumb.

I do use Windows 10 and don't mind the telemetry, at least when I'm not busy being a happy Macfag who doesn't have to worry about updates.

Just stfu. Google this for 5 seconds and you'll see that you're wrong.

The guy that's calling you out correctly identified that you're too young to remember when macOS updates cost money (was probably like ~7 years ago that they stopped charging for them).

>Google this
I don't need Google to confirm how right I am, user. I already know I'm right.

lol okay kiddo
enjoy not having friends if this is your attitude

>replying to bait this obvious
Y'all need Jesus.


Not only do I have plenty of friends, but I'm also right.

It's not bait, dumbass. No OS X update has ever cost a cent.


>still replying to bait
What do you hope to accomplish, user?

I'm not talking about a new OS version (an upgrade), I'm talking about updates (such as going from 10.4.10 to 10.4.11). Those have been free since day one.

You're a fucking moron, it's not bait.

>I'm not talking about a new OS version
Well that's good because they were still all OS v10.

No, OS X's version numbering is just different. In OS X 10.x.y, x is the major version number and y is the minor one.

"According to my idiosyncratic definition which I won't bother to mention until post #10, I'm right and you're all morons" is classic bait. That or an SJW debate tactic. But I'm sure you're not dumb enough to lower yourself to their level.

By that logic every time Windows Update is run the user should be on a new Windows version. We both know this isn't the case. The picture clearly wasn't talking about upgrades because OS X is the only one that costs money, meanwhile in the real world so do Windows upgrades. The artist was simply a dumbass that didn't know what he was talking about.

Some Windows upgrades, like service packs, bring new functionally to a current Windows version without cost.

Now those service packs are being called Feature Upgrades, but it's basically the same thing.

>Some Windows updates

Android ROM - takes 2 minutes to install.
Any desktop OS - takes 20 minutes at least.
What's the deal?

Total time or interactive time? Because I can fly through an OpenBSD install in a few minutes.

From pressing "install" to booting to desktop.

Windows updates are a fine mess. 7 and 8.1 often hang and need external patches to keep going, you can see almost nothing other than "update # for product X being installed, 44 remaining" unless you decide to spend time checking every page individually on each KB.

You also don't have an estimate of how fast is something being downloaded so it can get stuck at 20% there and you don't know at all. Not only that, it may also take quite a bit to install all the downloaded trash and it keeps the trash there for you to have to remove later on.

macOS hides everything away from you, but at the very least they have the decency to be somewhat fast, you do get an estimate on how long it takes to upgrade and you can stop upgrading the OS altogether if you want, no "delaying" it like with W10.

Linux takes less, depending on which distro, which package manager and which repo you use, that is. You get to see everything even if you don't understand it and the speed at which is being downloaded which can be adjusted by switching to a better server.

However the picture is misleading. Some linux updates can break and -broke- stuff in the past. OSX updates were never paid, only releases which were cheaper than Windows ones by far. Windows updates are often necessary to fix the mess that these systems are, in fact Windows 7 was barely usable until SP1, XP until SP2 and 2000 until SP4.

>Updating Windows 7:
Microshit broke updates for older Windows. Existing installations with specific updates were fine but fresh installs hang. Their jewish trickery isn't a problem if you use WSUS Offline.

Irony about pic related is that updates on Mac are now 100 percent free


>Also ms is the biggest cuck in the tech field by ignoring piracy.

Call them cucks if you want, but it does wonders to the size of their environment, and the bigger your environment, the bigger your maneuvering space and the bigger asshole you can afford to be, especially towards other companies.
A lot of normies who don't want to pay for OS would be forced to learn to use Linux if MS decided to take drastic action against pirate users. Also since they're not paying users, they can't openly complain about anything and have to take whatever MS dishes out.


20-30 minutes for an update? wtf are you using for a computer? a potato? takes less than a minute on my desktop, and about 1-2 minutes on my laptop


So quit fucking complaining about it updating

>implying I'm complaining

I love the pic you posted, wonderin’ if I share it, would you mind?

Installing Android is a straight-up copy, +/- the eternity it takes to compile all that Dalvik bytecode during the first boot.
Installing most anything else has to go through a package manager, 16 billion integrity checks and a whole bunch of updates.

The Android way is better, but try telling that to the Debian guys.


>if I dont update my software, which takes a bunch of time and I have to stop using my computer for that time, with updates that I as a user have literally no clue to what their code is supposed to do to my system, then I will be prone to getting a virus based on backdoors that the company that designed my OS allowed to exist on purpose
I hate apple a LOT, but Windows is on another level of retardation
At least with apple you know what you're in for

All yours, my friend :)

unironically this
Linus has done more in 20 years than Stallman could have ever done
And fuck the GPLv3

>What's the deal?
You're not using gentoo.

>$99 to update the Mac

Whoever made this is fucking retarded. Mac OS updates have been free for ages. And the only time they weren't free, Apple only charged $15.

>if I turn off my pc while I'm not using it the spying is disabled!

Sup Forums - incompetence

works on my machines

I have no idea when was the last time I ever saw windows 10 actually take long to update.
Only ever time I actually see updates is a second or 2 before or after shutdown and boot up. I will say though windows 10 updates can be hell on mechanical drives, shitty seagate 500gb drive on a dell laptop will 9/10 fail to install updates while making the system slow to a craw. Updating Linux on the same drive also takes its sweet time.
Needless to say people who are bitching about updates on windows 10 most likely are using a mechanical drive because there cheap ass bought a $300 laptop

Are you retarded? What the fuck are you talking about?

Some idiot said that if you turn off your PC when you're not using it, you won't have to worry about telemetry.

Who the fuck said that? A Microsoft shill.

Try clicking the post that's being quoted, summerfag.

Where does
Say that, retard?

Linux updates download quickly because virtually no one uses Linux.

I'm not going to hold your hand because you're too retarded to piece all the posts together to understand the coherent line of conversation

No one said there wasn't telemetry when a computer is off.

Real talk youre too stupid for any OS

Because if it takes over 2 hours it'll probably never end.

Updating Arch:
>install Pamac
>every time there is a new update, pamac-tray notifies you on systray
>system always updated
God it feels good being on the bleeding edge

How is that relevant?

>mincing words this hard just to be "right"

>Updating Linux:
>takes 5-10 minutes to download and install, even if it's a 500+ MB update
>black screen, TTY1
>spend the next hour or two figuring out how to get the graphics drivers working again
>touchpad stops working
>plug in mouse to use computer
>research how to get touchpad drivers working
>oh it needs a kernel patch
>get lucky and it's available via ppa and apt
>have to upgrade kernel to multiple versions ahead
>have to upgrade system multiple versions ahead
>finally finish
>Bluetooth drivers stop working

>things that never happen, the post.

I literally only used examples that have happen to me recently. I like Linux, but it's not without it flaws

Use a proper distro instead of crap like Arch then.

>no true Scotsman distro
Does Ubuntu count as a "proper" distro, or are you going to shill some other one? Out are you going to say my hardware it's too new/old?

XP POSReady also takes about 5-10 minutes.
not quite as godly as linux because it still takes one reboot, but after that you can get on with your life.

Even so, the only time my *nix has broken is when I broke it in stupid ways
Windows on the other hand...

>Updating Windows 7
Enjoy your spyware. Oh, I'm sorry, I mean "telemetry."

did you try leddit?


Security-Only updates are safe for legal reasons.

My favorite is when I'm fixing someones windows machine and my fix requires a restart and updates start during the restart. I always think of the ease of my linux box but then I wouldn't have my little gig fixing the windows machine so I sip my coffee and watch the fuckery unfold.

OSX High Sierra has gone up to $199 now in case you are wondering. People who bought a MacBook Pro and/or iMac this year gets the upgrade for free though. How nice of Apple.

Those are some nice sources you've got there

>5-10 minutes to download 500 MB

Your internet connection is third world.

>upgrade macOS
>it basically reinstalls the whole os

please don't remind me, my Windows partition has been stuck on this update and every boot up takes 10 minutes until the inevitable failure to update