What can Sup Forums tell me about Calgary?
What can Sup Forums tell me about Calgary?
fuck Alberta
Fuck off, Easterner faggot
smells like cow shit
people are eh
looks decent, but alberta looks much better by the mountains
fair amount to see in the summer
wouldn't recommend going out of your way to see it but it's okay if you need to go there anyway for whatever reason, the zoo is great and i'd recommend going if animals and nature interest you
fuck off texas light
Nice city just passed through actually travelling to Seattle
So is it like Texas?
it's even shittier
What's your problem?
It's a lot like the other cities on the prairies, really. Pretty tidy, pretty neat, close to a lot of ski resorts. Not a whole lot to see as a tourist, I suppose, but it's actually nice place to be nonetheless. It's quite sprawling, though, from what I remember, so it's pretty car-centric.
Are you in oil, or what?
I'm in your mom.
It's a nice enough place to live in, but it doesn't really seem like it has a ton to offer as a tourist destination unless your just stopping by on your way to the mountains. Stampede can be fun though.
really want to visit canada one day
Great post.
I like turtles.
edmontonian here
definitely the best big city in the province and probably the prairies too
that's really not saying much though
but it is only an hour away from the rockies
basically, at least it isn't edmonton
Anything west of Quebec is shit. Don't do it, they're basically just Americans, except without the few things Americans do well.
Come visit man, the mountains are pretty great. I lived in Oz for a couple of years, and I'd stay if I could. Queensland, and pretty much one most of the most based places I've ever been and the country side is gorgeous. Regret not going to Tassie though.
Should've said "cunt", you twat.