>he isn't Catholic


Other urls found in this thread:


I'd rather be Jewish.

>putting your faith in cults invented by desert people thousands of years ago

>being a filthy papist

Everybody can read now, you don't need the kiddy-diddlers anymore.

>Catholic aesthetics

Why are they so fucking bad.

>"humm did u know I am catholic????"

nobody cares Karol

Are you already apologized to gays today?

It's the shittest brand of Christianity

It's the Most corrupt
>Molest thousands of children, cover it up and use political connections to protect child molesters inside the church
>Takes it's followers money constantly

Least christian
>Venerating Idols,
>Worshiping saints and the virgin Mary
>All of it's holidays are just altered pagan holidays

Most cucked
>Pope constantly demanding more immigration into Europe
>Pope saying it's okay to be gay
>Pic related

>tfw thinking about converting to orthodoxy like grandparents on mother side
>tfw russians have hijacked it
>tfw if convert will always be associated with filthy ryssä

you have nothing to lose, chinaswede

>that pic

It's the pope washing the feet of refugees in rome


that guy in the back looks like fat wojak

Lwov is ukrainian city

this tbqh

It's an Argie thing

I don't think you appreciate the stigma that comes with having anything to do with the eternal ryssä.

>Venerating Idols,
>Worshiping saints and the virgin Mary
>All of it's holidays are just altered pagan holidays

>implying thats a bad thing and not rad af

>go to church
>go to confession
>see this
What do?

>Excuse me sir, your donger appears to be hanging out

In the bible (if I'm not wrong) after the last supper Jesus washes feet of his disciples in sign of humbleness and servanthood. The Pope is doing the same

"Can you tuck it in for us mate? Ta."

So he's cosplaying Jesus? That's pretty lame.

Austria understands.
