Asian Finnish

Is it true that in Finland saying that someone looks asian is a great insult to them?

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Yeah, I'm asking because I recently saw this.
I just want to know if it is true or if it is nonsense.
Do you get mad if someone says that you look asian.

scroll down to finnish male and female, and then say we look asian

That hasn't happened to be but if it did I wouldn't. Some Finns similar to pic related in character probably would though

>reduced median fold

Ahh, Finland is a fascinating country. It really is.

Finns who think they're Vikings truly are the cringiest
>Among the Finns' western neighbours, the Norse of Scandinavia, it was a common belief that the Finns were wizards. In the Norse sagas, inclusion of a Finnish element almost always signifies a supernatural aspect to the story.

>Is it true that in Finland saying that someone looks asian is a great insult to them
I think so, the average Finn probably thinks he's bloodbrothers with Scandinavians or sth so yeah

>it was a common belief that the Finns were wizards
Explain this with more details.
Wizards? What?

it would be a great honor

we wuz shamans and shiet


Estonians and Finns are neither white nor Mongol

But in all honesty it's probably """""science""""" perpetuated by the Swedes and Russians to hold us down.

>Estonians and Finns are neither white nor Mongol
aka Proto-Eurasians

t. sami

>You don't consider Finns to be the bloodbrethren of Scandicucks, therefore you must be some slanty-eyed Sami
Eternal cry of the butthurt Finn

Why do you hate the sami?

>You don't consider Finns to be the bloodbrethren of Scandicucks
I don't, even though we share similarities.

I don't hate them. They are unknown to me. I don't think I've seen one in my life.

Do finns like or dislike the samis?

Finns consider them inferior even though our past as a people is fucking pathetic

Why inferior?

Samis are a bunch of savages living in tents and biting off reindeer testicles with their teeth. Not that Finns are much better.

t. cai göran

You should be more respectful.

That's not what I really think of them, I'm just in a very bad mood.

If you went and said to a random non-Sup Forums-reddit-going Finn that he/she looks like Asian, that person would be so puzzled by what you said that he could only say "täh?" meaning "what?"
99.99% of the Finns don't get the mongol meme.

That's because Finns aren't very well versed in their own history. This kind of stuff isn't really talked about at schools because it would only stir up confusion about our origins and it won't do any good to the Nordic narrative.

Goole Translates täh to
stars, lo

is finland a meme country

tähti means star
täh is an informal way of saying what

Tell me a non meme country

I thought we were friends, Croatia


Ireland doesn't really have any memes I think.
Neither does Austria for instance.

>Among the Finns' western neighbours, the Norse of Scandinavia, it was a common belief that the Finns were wizards.

As assburger and meme country as Finland is, most Finns aren't actually familiar with internet memes. They would be confused and think either you are making a joke they don't understand, or your English is poor and you're failing to communicate properly.

Related to what? Outside Sup Forums, the mongol meme is completely unknown.

>"we are not British": the country
>Hitler and "we are our own thing despite speaking German and being culturally German"


Oh, come on, if I tell this guy in the pic he looks asian, he would be confused?

If that guy is a Finn, he probably gets told that as it is.

Yes, and?

Yeah, he's a finnish youtuber.

something tells me nobody gives a fuck about race outside of Sup Forums

I do

t. racist

On European standards a lot of Finns look Asian.

At least post the real one.

Do you guys believe in aliens?

Yeah, I've met a couple of Finns online (outside of Sup Forums) and every time I ask if they look like Mongols, they get mad as fuck lmoa. I think it's partly why I keep asking this question every time I meet a new Finn.

That's not supposed to depict the average, fucktard.

Average Finn Man vs Average Swedish Man
You can clearly see that the East Baltid types affect the Finnish average w/ the reduced median fold thing he has going on

Why do you lie on the internet pajeet pooman?

What exactly am I lying about, mate? Would be a pretty strange thing to lie about.


holy shit, this is funny


Depends who you are talking to. The reality is that the area known as Finland hosts a number of different finnic tribes, and their looks vary somewhat. In my experience, the more north you go, the more mongol-ish looks you are going to get due to mixing with Sami people. Howewer, I've seen numerous mongoloid looking Finns from the more southern parts as well.

All in all, I'd say Finland has way more mongoloid looking people than other European countries, but you shouldn't expect every single one to look like that.

Do Finns speak the ching chong language?

Oh yeah, I missed the online part in your message, sry pooman

why yes
>Suomen kieli - Mongol khel

Finn also has yellow skin. Top kek.

None of them look Asian

If i ask an finnish erasmus student, why finns look asian, will (s)he get mad?

i cant even

Do people seriously call this fashion? Wtf

Good silhouette.

is everyone homo in helsinki?

>in charge of judging fashion instead of making it in a factory

the yellow on the nails is too pale

Also comic villains


This is actually pretty good.

>English tweed suit tailor-made in London
>I live in Mexico
>I normally wear a white linen suit

i do not approve.