Hey guys. :DDD so i was banned from this shitty site like for 4 months

Hey guys. :DDD so i was banned from this shitty site like for 4 months...

Tell was is new please.

How did you manage to do it ?

To do what??

To get banned fro 4

I lied about my age in a post I said I was 17 when I'm 23...

And those shitty janitors banned me, but they did a favor to me desu.

I didn't think you could get a 4 month ban, I've been banned a few times but they've always been three day long ones. I know you can get a one day ban and a permanent but I thought that was it.

t. Former easter? spammer

Should've never gotten a Sup Forums user basically psychopath-tier now baka

Well it's not the same to post about that Easter thing that to lie about your age..

If you don't believe me go to a post and say you're underage and you'll see

What ? Why did they baned you for it ?

Hey i'm 4 years old senpai , I'm here even before you found this site

>not just resetting your router
I wish I would get banned for a year so I could stop posting here.

Mods, I am 12.

>t. Former easter? spammer
You were my light in a dark forest, please continue some day


Cause they thought I was underage, when I checked the ban post they gave me like 125 days of ban, if you wanna get banned for a long period just like about your age and you will.

are u a girl

Yes actually I did know about the router thing, I just didn't do it.
I wanted to stay out of this for a while anyway.

>4 years old
kek, can you imagine how fucking twisted a 4 year old who discovered Sup Forums around the time he was learning the alphabet and how to count to 10, would grow up to be?

Pretty sure dialup porn and rotten.com had a negative effect on me when I was a tween.

Do you get banned only from posting or lurking too?

A soulless psychopath

No, I just posted and they gave me that terribly long ban, they did it cause they expected me to reach my birthday during that ban period or some shit like that.

i love you


Y-yes.. so what if I'm, aren't girls welcome here or what?

No, he's a faggot, that image is a female mexican youtuber

I love yuya that's why I posted her, I'm a women.

Go back krautchan or ylilauta we dont like your kind here

Are u a cute one

I guess?? I'm pretty skinny though.

Te pregunté de qué pinche estado de la república eres y es hora que no me respondes

that's nice :*)

I've been browsing Sup Forums since I was 12 (23 now). Really fucked me up

I'm from Leon guanajuato.

...y me responde en Inglés el hijo de su chingada

I'm a girl you faggot.