512GB of storage

>512GB of storage
maybe because im not poor and have 2TB of storage

because 250GB is enough.

>It's not out Yet
>Because it has no Price
>Because this SSD is going to be mainly for OEM

I have a simple ultrabook with 22gb SSD 520mbps and a 750gb HDD.
With Debians "/" and 2gb of swap in ssd, and in the hdd Debians "/home" with 500gb and windows 10 with 250gb

>Those traces
Has the PCB been laid out using tape??

Because I have a 256 GB 840 Pro and 500 GB 850 Evo. Only SATA though.

because I got 960GB of SSD storage.

Do you even high speed electronics?

Because NVME is not suited for desktop use.

Fuck, you got me.
I only have an 850 Evo 500GB and a Sandisk Extreme Pro 480GB

I'm poor

I do have a few TB of storage.

A bunch of these 330TB tapes would be nice though. THAT is what I wished I had.


Please explain, this is the first time I've heard that

> Only SATA though.
But when is that ever not fast enough for Sup Forums shit?

>30 MBPS write speed

Who are you quoting, senpai?

your shitty tape drivers are slow and useless. it would take a year to fill up half of them.

It's faster than that, I'm pretty sure.

But I'd certainly love even 30MB/s if the drive and tapes were quite affordable (Maybe ~$1k for a drive + $50-100 a tape? Absolute pipe dream, I know.).

Yea, it's not like I need faster SSD or faster RAM or whatever. But bulk storage like this is what I don't currently have.

LTO7 is 750MB/s you stupid negroidal shit.
kill yourself

Heh. LTO-7 already writes at 1100 MB/s.

>theoretical rates
>not even half of that irl

Sure, I'm hyped for the storage density and data transfer rates that can be achieved, but the 360MB/s or whatever it is now models seem to be what's currently economically viable. Is that not fast enough for your cool shit?

330TB tapes obviously also aren't on the market yet. I also want these, but it's not that I get them.

Because I already have a 1TB SSD and 20TB worth of HDD space on my server.

but 220TB are.
Imagine all these dick pics archived forever...

if it doesn't win in benchmarks it's ABSOLUTELY WORTHLESS by Sup Forums standards and any owners of such hardware should just kill themselves or switch to or upgrade the fastest.

It's to small and slow compared to my 1TB 960 Pro

I guess I'd also be happy with 220TB. Ah, why isn't every household hoarding dick pics?!

I guess so. Not that I mind striving for better technology, but this kind of storage already has more performance than applications require.

Because I have 7.5TB of storage.

>That size

Shit will throttle the fuck out or will need to be connected to the heatsink.

Haven't seen vapeman in a while

Is he still a meme?


my sata3 laptop harddisk is actually 30mb write. sad