Danish programming languages


How can the rest of the world even compete?


feels good man

All of them are mistakes.

Haskell is Scottish/British.
Kotlin is Czech/Russian.
Scala is Swiss.

How can Americans even compete?



C, Java and JavaScript were created by Americans.

All three things are shit.

Anders made C# alright and is trying to make JS a bit less shitty.
Everything else is DaneTech tier and should die, including Ruby on Rails.


>Ruby on Rails

Decent implementation of the MVC pattern, the ActiveRecord pattern and the DRY convention in a dynamic language.

I don't see the problem.

I guess I just prefer making web APIs rather than writing full web applications.

>all three things are very well adopted in the world
>they are shit
makes sense, senpai :-)

PS: I am nazigerman

Last time I checked the functions and methods of those languages were in English. Do Danes like cucking their own language and prefer using United Khaliphate words for their programming languages?

I recognize Denmark as a nation.
It makes good biscuits.
(((Netherlands))) should sink into the ocean though.

What are the Danes planning


Total Scandi domination.
And also OP are you danish and in the tech industry there? I am curious on how the general situation is in Denmark in terms of tech.

just you wait faggot we're going to become atlantis except then sinking is good

We can't compete, so I for one welcome our new Scandinavian overlords.


I'm a simple man
I see OCaml
I laugh

How does it feel to be an author to the most cancerous prog langs ever?