/retro/ general
Other urls found in this thread:
actually I made the thread because the old one died and I wanted to reply to the guy who hauled a lot of old hardware and asked about this laptop
first thing I found was this site
I don't read russki, but even with google translate it doesn't say much
notice it doesn't have a brand on it
the russki pic did help me with the FCC ID
next find was this album
which led me to this thread
which talks about white label systems (basically generic manufactured laptops which any company could stick a brand or sticker on)
one of the links leads to a pic of similar laptop with IPC brand on it (the owner of mediamagic)
finally last post in that thread talks about austin computer systems, and a little search on PC magazine archives found this ad
for reference: there was another thread in Sup Forums in 2014 about a similar laptop
they talk about loud sound from floppy too
it's just a thread
don't relate it to the "general" autism
wow thanks a lot, this could be very helpful.
what's kinda nuts is that I also got this one from a savers and it's definitely the same model as here, but mine has a different power supply. I'm guessing it's a replacement.
I'm also guessing the floppy noise is from the rails not greased and it's jammed. but now I'm going to have to get it working, that seems to be a common problem now with these older drives.
anyone know how some ppl manage to keep their systems from 30 years ago all white?
pic related. stolen from same craigslist ad
What was that one program that let you calculate walking distance, driving distance, and flying distance across countries. It's was what got me into GIS. Its was some encyclopedia program.
I'm leaving for work now, but if this thread is still up, I can post more pictures and maybe start taking it apart if i have the energy.
My Amiga 600 has never seen sunlight. It's as white as the day it rolled out.
Basements and controlled storage.
Think about buying one of the 4499 dollaroo laptops in the mid 90's and literary a few years latter it was utterly deprecated....
And how much do they ask for it?
Not him but I'd price it at around $160-$260
Google says $250.
No UV light. It's that easy
Sometimes you find the strangest things going through the archives.
>not posting archive link
y u do tis
It's more convenient IMO. It leave it up to you and your user script to choose an archive. I guess it sucks for mobile users, though.
Id pay more for something in that kind of condition. Based on the description, that's someone who knows what they're doing and knows what they have. I'd pay easy 400-500 bucks for something in that good shape.
Ahahaha. Let's inflate the prices!
It's in good shape, that's why it's even worth anything over 200 bucks.
It's nowhere a rare system either nor does it actually include any rare hardware, like accelerators, etc, or modern expensive hardware like SCSI2SD adapters.
>Based on the description, that's someone who knows what they're doing and knows what they have.
Collectors usually sell for very cheap though.
Also no, the person selling seems to know enough, the description is a literar sales pitch to make you want to buy it.
To add to this.
It is museum quality, it doesn't mean jack shit for a hobbyist.
Sure, I won't mind it going for 500 bucks for a corporate sponsored museum. I've sold my fair share of items to museums like that for ridiculous prices. In those contexts it's just a corporate transaction.
>I've sold my fair share of items to museums
Interesting. What have you sold to 'em?
clone systems of popular 8086/8088 and 8080/Z80 machines
I acquired an original IBM PC a while back, and it has one of these memory expansion cards that have a battery to save the system date (pic related). Unfortunately, I couldn't find much information on this card online by just searching the FCC ID. Are there any generic drivers for these types of cards that I can use, or do I have to find the one meant specifically for this card? The FCC ID is E5Y6L9MF100 if that matters. Sorry if this is a stupid question, I'm still really new to this whole /retro/ thing.
It's mostly jumpers that need to be configured and then any memory manager should pick it up as EMS memory.
But this card is probably just convencional memory. Doesn't the amount of conventional memory change with and without it?
Sorry, I haven't dealt with the memory expansions for those machines, I just expanded board memory or got a board with more memory options.
Also be sure to change the battery if it isn't already.
>pick it up as EMS memory.
A bit late at the game I see?
EMS was for EMS boards. This is a backfill board for a 256k system to bring it to 640k. All real memory, not EMS.
Looks like this board is a Memory/Clock/Dual Serial and paralell multi function card.
Drivers for it, are not generic, but it may be compatible with other cards, so start with AST or some such, and work backwards in terms of popularity.
The memory should work right off the bat, the comm ports, and paralell port should also. The clock is the hard part.
( Hint, the light blue rocker panels are the beginning memory address: Something like: 5000x. A000 is the top 64k, and B000 begins expansion memory ( 640k limit ).
What is /retro/'s verdict on Windows CE vs. Palm?
>A bit late at the game I see?
>EMS was for EMS boards. This is a backfill board for a 256k system to bring it to 640k. All real memory, not EMS.
See >But this card is probably just convencional memory. Doesn't the amount of conventional memory change with and without it?
Yes, you where a little late with your answer.
Palm for consumers.
CE for work and dedicated applications.
>Yes, you where a little late with your answer.
8 mins 59 seconds. Hmm..
conventional memory. you must have been there. Intel called it Real memory vs expanded (EMS ) or expanded ( >1Mb on a 286 )
There may be a generic DOS driver for a clock chip on one of the software archives.
>you must have been there
Nah. Just interested.
Convencional was up to 640KB.
Upper (UMA) was between 640KB-1024KB.
EMS was bank switched inside UMB memory. (Last version supported up to 32MB.)
XMS was anything over 1024KB.
Just some trivia for the thread.
Here are also some RTC drivers I found.
Some plastic just doesn't yellow that easily. Both of these are from the late 90's and my computer desk has always been next to a window with direct sunlight.
Is it due to what flame retardants they use?
I think so, it's called Bromine.
The pinnacle of computer gaming.
Wrong platform though.
CP/M instead of Atari ST.
Just gonna leave this here.
>Runs on any Windows OS since 95
>Only takes up under 400KB of space
>Only uses up to 6MB of RAM
trumps favorite
(and mine)
It's a MOD player, duh.
Why not WinAmp 2?
Ant tower?
WinAmp only supports the .mod format. XMPlay supports every other MOD format (including .umx).
yes... I also enjoy sim tower.
In this one though you can burn the ants which is funner.
>6mb of ram
When you only got 16mb that's still quite a lot
Think of converting it to gb today
Imagine if foobar took 6gb of your 16gb meme
Yes, but I think his point is that this is a supported, up to date program, not a program from the mid 90's.
No, the ad says $250, but he says in the description he want's $350.
>Lets agree to meet at a starbucks
>Do I take trades? No, unless you got any mac mini from 2012 or later, then ill take $150 off
Fucking hipster, knew it.
Not too big of a problem if you got 32MB or more.
32MB? On a Windows 95 machine? One can dream...
Just found this on Google Images.
Blue board fucker
I guess computers tan too, eh?
an american spanish layout
un teclado espaƱol americano
No, they literally turn into niggers, irreversibly. Unless you give them proper chemical treatment.
I was looking at videos of the new Threadripper and I was suddenly reminded of the Pentium Pro. So I looked up the Pentium Pro on Google Images and I found that image.
"tan" isn't really the right world
unless you turn into piss when you sunbathe
Is that yours? Were you able to whiten it?
Oh, sorry, I should have been more specific in my post. I have no issues with the actual memory part, I just didn't know how to get it to actually remember the date.
I decided to search "dos time card drivers" which got me to the same site posted. I've been on this site many times before for documentation and I somehow missed that page. I have no idea what search terms I was using before, but I guess my google-fu is weak. Thanks guys.
i have more than this , i just moved and i need some shelves to put em on
Great, I hope you get it to work now! Good luck!
No, I wasn't able to whiten it, I sold it as cheese and bought a new one... just kidding, that's as good as I got it after some retr0bright.
Very nice! Post more pr0n!
here you go
Looks good. Mine has become very yellowed, but I'm not confident enough to take apart a CRT.
and another one
Thanks, just unplug it for the night and look up tutorials how to decharge them before you open them up fully.
Is that a C128D in the corner? Fucking ace.
Also nice PET! I have this you could hook up to it!
the tower in the corner is a (top to bottom)
Commodore 1084S
Atari MEGA ST2
C= 128D
Amiga 2000
i would love to take that double floppy of your hands , but i sold the Pet (year 1978 , chicklet and white tape deck for the looks) to a good friend and collector of mine , he gave me a Northrop Advantage in return aswell
actually most of my collection is up for sale if anyone is interested , im just missing the space , if anyone cares , tell me
Very nice and sad to hear you having to part with it.
Where are you located?
Reposting this site that has many old site links. Lots of old Angelfire and Tripod sites on here if you go to the right section.
germany , but i could ship world wide if needed (shipped stuff to the US before w/o issue)
Damn that 128D looks delicious, but I won't have any spare cash in those amount for a few months anyways
hehe well the 128 is NOT for sale , thats my convention/retromeet mashine that i love and will never give away :P
Spent the whole day browsing textfiles.com with elinks. Do I have autism?
Do love some of the formatting on these.
Only if you enjoyed it. It's cool if you hated it.
It's not like I could afford it anyways!
Wait! I recognise that Amstrad!
sorry user, I get off in 2 more hours. I'll take some pictures, but I'm not going to take it apart to try and fix it tonight, probably this weekend I will.
It's okay, I'm not the user who has one, just was interested.
But some of the "new" cDc ones were really good. Talking about porn addiction and NoFap back in 2002.
I've been thinking about the post some user made in the previous thread about Unix clones on Z80 based home computers here . How useful would a true multitasking OS really be on older home computers vs a single-tasking OS where the user could pause programs and page them out of memory manually?
It would be slow, but even slow is better than having to close and reset to switch between programs. In that sense, it would be useful.
Think about having different spreadsheets and text documents or maybe a database open at once. Back in the day it would have been extremely productive.
not as slow as this i bet.
Holy fuck.
Is that a a a relay logic computer connected via serial? I've seen them do basic binary math, not have an actual ASCII serial output.
Also I see IC's, kinda ruins it, one Intel 4040 could even process faster then that whole relay logic.
it's a relay based computer, the chips i believe are RAM due to the scale it would have to be in order to do the whole thing in relays.
>it's a relay based computer, the chips i believe are RAM due to the scale it would have to be in order to do the whole thing in relays.
I just realized that each time it clicks or blinks one cycle has passed. You can literary see and hear it's clock speed.
>scale it would have to be in order to do the whole thing in relays
no exceptions! start working on relay based ram