You have 10 seconds to explain why do you hate Bill Gates

You have 10 seconds to explain why do you hate Bill Gates.

Wasting money on making more niggers.

Is this a trick question? Will I come to conclusion that I hate myself all along?

He's basically responsible for the clusterfuck that is Windows. He was only successful because he lied about having an operating system and then asked some shady company to quickly hack one together for him.

literally this the fucking faggot used that money to produce niggers in mass and destroy europe.

Because if he and the 9 other richest people in the world gave ten percent of there money they could solve world hunger. Also He made windows.

That he didn't donate that money in America so he could get cheap 3rd world labor

MS has 63k employees in America. Jobs are better than donations, you communist.


he's a fuckign white male

He's responsible for the over population of Africa and now there are even more starving kids.

He had a best friend (Paul Allen) who was good at computer and a dad who was a lawyer.
Fostered a rep as the world's #1 computer nerd.

Tax optimization and support big pharma. He is the same bastard with a mask.


Korea still a shithole.

That's a retarded meme. You can't fix the infrastructure of trade systems with lots of cash. Unless that money is spent to build something that teleports food you are wrong.

>teleports food
That's not education.

27 billion to where?

if most of that goes to his own "charities" then its just tax evasion.

He's sinister. His charity shows are fake. On top of that, didn't help America with much needed charity. Chose to help niggers in Zimbabwe over America's own inner city niggers who could at least maybe one day benefit the country if they were out of absolute poverty. Charity starts at home, anything else is pure PUBLICITY. Remember that, dumb OP.

Promoting circumcision in Africa.
Not cooperating with Commodore when he had the opportunity.
Drunk driver.

Fucking hipster!

>muh IQ

>rips off productive people
>gives his profits to niggers

>Places where education is more prevalent have higher IQ
Holy shit. them truthbombs man

He wants to kill billions of kids with glyphosate, fluoride, and vaccines. He also is taking advantage of Chinese slave labor.

Fuck Bill Gates.

He owns a car that I never will even be able to touch, let alone own.

>>doesn't want to pay taxes which would go to state and federal jobs, programs and things that actively help people
>doesn't want to build businesses or use that money to fund other people's endeavors
>would rather throw it all to charity

Really tickles the neurons

He's right tho. It would be easier to just teleport food to Africa and shit Asian countries than to teach them to function like a modern human society.

its shit anyway, didnt the f40 come out at the same time? why would you want this over an f40

His donations only help him to make even more money.

He's responsible for shitty MS products.
He gives money to Africa.

The Niggering is coming to all Europe and Asia. I'm so glad I live in a shit 3rd world country with the equivalent of 150k dollarydoos a year with no risk of niggers invading my paradise of cheap beach vacations and unlimited supply of delicious brown loli prostitutes. Also this is a tech board what the fuck are we talking about

Where is said paradise friendo, asking for a friend

>the smartest place on earth still has idiot level IQ as the average


This. Look how much good America's funding to establish a democratic government in Afghanistan did. It's estimated that up 300 million dollars of that money, A DAY, were being funneled out of Afghanistan to Dubai to terrorist organizations. I warms the cockles of my heart to know that no terrorist goes to bed hungry.

if the richest man in the world split his money up with everyone else on earth we'd all have like $10

>doesn't want to pay taxes which would go to state and federal jobs, programs and things that actively help people
kek'd hard
good biat

Sinaloa, Mexico. It's the capital of drug trafficking in the county. All the women and children of the biggest capos live in the capital, that means they try to keep all the drama out of the city so it's actually pretty chill for just regular citizens. The insane murder rate consists of 98% low-tier narcos killing each other over sluts or drunk fights, 1% marital murder and 1% of error margin. Alcohol and drugs are cheap and easy to find, you can buy your way out of trouble with the police for most things (the loli stuff not included tho), the food is delicious and people in general are really nice. It's pretty good unless you can't handle the heat, it gets hot as fuck around this months.

I didn't even know that was a word

Get educated senpaitachi

Saying education makes you have a higher iq is like saying practicing basketball makes you taller. IQ is relatively constant over your lifetime. Education does let you reach your full potential because you're able to apply your iq, but that's basically it.

IQ is greatest predictor of success in most categories (educational attainment, income, low rate of incarceration, less likely to divorce). Basically the only thing that comes close to iq in terms of predicting life success is conscientiousness

I don't hate Bill Gates. I also don't hate Steve Jobs. But Bill Gates, unlike Steve Jobs, was actually talented in the technology field. And that is the reason a lot of people hate Bill Gates: because he is more talented than their idol.

>thread about billy turned into mixed boiz shitposting at each other over race
truly nu/g/

Funny how most of the countries that are listed with lower IQs are countries that have been reeling from economic exploitation and are de-colonizing.

>Donating to eugenics based tech

Explain the abbos in australia?

Idolizing philanthropy is for retards that worship rich people as gods. The problems of the third world are convoluted and somewhat related to the economic needs of the first and second worlds; these problems aren't gonna go away with a little charity (and a few billion dollars is little on a full scale). The absolute wealthiest people on Earth are leeches, whatever money they give away wasn't rightfully earned to begin with.

From a Sup Forums perspective, he is directly responsible for some Africans dying less and therefore evil. :^)

Literally our guy.

>IQ is relatively constant over your lifetime.
"Constant" is a misnomer: the heritability of intelligence is determined by your age. Adults are about as smart as they will ever be, but IQ in young children is extremely malleable; even if you theoretically have a predisposition for above average intelligence, this doesn't mean shit if you suffer from complications during critical development like lead poisoning or a disease that fucks up your nervous system.
This isn't including the statistical clusterfuck you get when factoring in epigenetics.


give me a basic gestalt


he fucked europe

I legitimately think that gates is doing this to create more wealth for himself and his family. It's a long term investment.

I just don't believe the philanthropy bullshit. I doubt Bill or his family have separated themselves from investments in large corporations like Microsoft.

What is the best investment for massive companies today? Making slight improvements to products to gain 0.1% marketshare? Obviously not. When telecommunications wanted more staff for cheaper and more consumers, they expanded to India. It wasn't a humanitarian effort that drove this industry, it was selfish intent. I think many companies and investors today see the best way to make money as to increase the amount of consumers. How do you do that if populations in the west are receding? You drive immigration, you build up impoverished areas, you give people the means to become customers of businesses.

I'm sick of shallow moralities that people have. "The means justifies the end".

he can't pay off his sins