What's wrong with this?
They'll make a huge amount of money selling graphics cards. Who cares if it's to miners or gaymers
What's wrong with this?
They'll make a huge amount of money selling graphics cards. Who cares if it's to miners or gaymers
>no source
>double/triple hash rate of FE Vega
It's bullshit. Drivers are not going to improve hash rate by that much.
Vega has an ISA instruction specifically for hashing/mining.
It's from Gibbo and he sells the fucking thing
No Vega for gaymers. GAMERS BTFO.
>Implying gaymurs were going to buy the things anyway
I can mine currency coins and play games, they want to charge a little more for the cards if you are going to make money from Alt-Coins. People want to make money from you making money.
Well I better pre-order to get one huh
No matter how much you gaymer children cry cryptocurrency is here to stay, and AMD has carved out its niche where they can a return for their investment alone.
Why would they not put that in Vega FE to sell the more expensive cards to miners? Retard
It wasn't enabled in drivers, just like half the other hardware features that weren't actually working when it launched.
Because FE was made for content creators and it does a good job at that, and it isn't in large supply anyway.
Also what the other guy said, driver enablment for ISA/features weren't in FE, some might even still be disabled in RX
Fucking shit
Gonna camp outside my computer store on day one then
AMD is sandbagging VEGA FE by having half of all new technoligies disabled in the drivers
prepare your anus on 14th august when AMD unleashes the beast drivers for entire VEGA lineup
I'm going to kill you and take your spot
14th August .. 2018?
The drivers will be better than they were a month ago, but no way will they be completely optimized. Will be another half a year to a year before that. The finewine meme is real.
Finewine has less to do with drivers and more to do with the more horsepower in AMD GPUs proving a good investment over longer time periods.
If your friend had a 4850 back in 2009 upgraded every 2 years or so to a AMD and never mine coins because it wrecks cards how much money do you think my friend might have missed out on ?
go away favelanigger
Damn, there's no way the vega will actually be 400/500 dollars. I might have to buy *shudders* nvidia.
The mining craze will eventually die down again instigating a flood of RMAs and used card sales just like last time.
Then AMD has to try to reenter a market in which virtually everyone is already in their direct competitor's ecosystem with no reason to switch over and new games aren't well optimized for Vega because so few people used it for gaming.
Mining is good for AMD right this second but it's a disaster for them a year from now.
amd is gonna sell all the cards
amd is gonna make huge revenue
homo favelius thinks amd is DOA
>cryptocurrency will die
No it won't, printed paper-kun
This. Short term profits vs long term.
Short term profit is what AMD needs - its the cpu side of the business that is the consistent money earner. The gpu division has basically been a black hole since the acquisition.
They are used to not having any marketshare in GPU space.
There was a steady revenue stream from consoles, though. That includes GPUs.
How much do you think the vega 56 will really be with aftermarket versions and bitcoin miners taken into account? I'm thinking of selling my 480 to fund one but an extra 200 is pretty steep.
Fucking fag coin miners, kill yourselves
no throttling will be nice
hopefully AMDs delayed launch for supply actually means more supply
Just buy 1070.
1070s go for between 400 and 500 too
weren't they in the 300s a while back?
PoS will kill ethereum miners (90% of gpu miners). some wont give up and try to switch to other altcoins, which will make those coins too hard to mine as none of them have as many users as ethereum. and then, even the most resilient will give up. however, PoS is far away. imho it will take 2 years.
What's PoS?
Proof of Stake. instead of using GPUs, you will stake your ether and efficiently compute transactions and be compensated for it. miners will get shafted while hoarders will enjoy free money. it is good though since electricity wont be wasted on useless calculations anymore
You and I have no room to talk about wasted electricity posting on this website, shitposting.
>mfw entropy monsters eat all my ethereums
reminder that she lost her virginity to a horse
I definitely don't remember that episode.
Or doujin.
If that was the case they would had been confident and rated Vega much higher on their siggraph slides.
As a final my final words I say
"fuck you miners"
I want to hunt miners down and make them pay taxes.