
Crypto ISA extensions doing their work.

SIMD is the balls.

>With all their GPUs being sold out, AMD is finished and bankrupt

This is it. We are witnessing the dumbest post in the history of mankind.

Just in time to lead the pack by miles when mining difficulty increases.

So if the enabled features doubled or even tripled hash rates, can we hope to see the same improvement in framerates?

Probably not. But it should put it around where it's supposed to be, which is 1080 and change performance.

I doubt it, maybe some 10%, regardless though, you won't be able to buy one even if the framerates go up.

>With all their GPUs being sold out, AMD is finished and bankrupt

>With all their GPUs being sold out, AMD is finished and bankrupt
I hope it's a sarcasm.

It's sarcasm you dumb niggers

Boy Im happy I didnt fall for the just wait meme and bought a 1080 for $400.

>I was just pretending to be retarded

>It's sarcasm



60 Motherfuckers per second

>Vega the amazing card beats 1080 for $200 less that nobody will ever see.

AMD's cash balance will.

Why the fuck didn't AMD just sell stripped down Vegas 6 months ago with like 2GB of low-clocked HBM2 for miners?

They could make easy money without worrying about having no driver support for DSBR etc.

Revelations 28:8

Because memory is important for mining

great now we will have another influx of miners -___-


I'm not planning a upgrade until 2019 or late 2018 and this is good news, meaning AMD sheet balance will be glowing for both CPU and GPU by that time and they'll have enough money for something after GCN

"We have delayed the launch of Vega for bit to get stock up"

Now I know why, gg AMD, this is 9D chess

Why is everyone crying about Vega when everyone was bashing it for being: housefire, 1070 perf, a year late, etc, etc?


Jesus, that's 216000 motherfuckers per hour!


I fucking get it, this is what AMD's doing.
This is fucking brilliant.

Standalone Vega cards will generally be in short supply compared to the Bundle packs, and at these hash rates people who mine wouldn't mind paying $700 at all, but this also gives them big discounts for R7 CPU/Mobo and a freesync monitor, which no small amount of them will actually use since R7's 1700 at $200 is beyond fucking unbeatable, this is all a secondary bonus for the cheap mining performance but it gets more people into Ryzen.

AMD is fucking brilliant

Why though?
Isn't it just getting some initial hash state vector and trying every fucking suffix possible until you hit a match?

I don't understand how the working set size could be anything but minimal, to the extent that even on-die cache should suffice.

Eth needs at least 2gb, probably something to do with dag or something.

Because the Vega has more compute performance than bandwidth? It has 70% more compute performance than fury x but less bandwidth. If you mean in general it needs to be loaded into memory and fed as quickly as possible same as any workload. Iirc the dag is a graph data structure that has no cycles (no path by whicb you can return to the node you start at), and hashing grabs nodes and hashes them. So it's continuously loading and working on new data. You will either run into a compute bottleneck or bandwidth bottleneck, and in Vega's case bandwidth is more of a problem if fury x is an indication

There are ways around memory bandwidth like larger L2 caches and memory compression, and Vega should have both far superior to Fiji

Memory compression is a general term but usually it's for some specific filetype. Like compressing textures that are png, tga, or w/e. It doesn't work for all files, it has to be specific. Primitive discard is similar, it culls information to reduce the data set before it goes to render.

That doesn't mean it'll work for the data that these crypto coins use. And the cache may be large but it's still small in the scheme of things. I'm sure it'll help though.

Its funny because shitcoin mining will implode at some point(look at all the meme coins that exist, atm their only value is from the idea of selling to someone else, not actually buying things).


how do you see it's value changing from selling it to each other to actual value?
in next 50 years maybe, if it doesn't die, i'll be dead by then

Did mining save the amd radeon division?

Why dont they simply build and sell dedicated mining units... like a 50x50x50 centimeter box, just plug it in and mine. Leave our graphics cards alone.

amd literally created specific cryptocurrency ISA made the whole chip wider in every possible way to make it faster with more bandwidth

but its "apparently"

because that is a whole new product line they would have to do market research on. Plus if the market crashes they'd be stuck with worthless inventory.

They did that for bitcoin, thats what ASICs are. The thing was, this led to massive economies of scale in mining, and a lot of centralization, because the only people for whom it was viable to mine were people who could buy the dedicated hardware for it. Having one group doing all of the mining isn't good, because it means they can force their will on the rest. Coin designers wanted mining to be more widespread and less centralized, which meant making coins that you could mine on consumer hardware (CPUs and GPUs) that lots of people have, while also making it nonviable to build special-purpose mining hardware.

So they designed coins that way. Several schemes do it by leaning on memory. Putting 2MB of cache RAM in an ASIC is expensive, but CPUs already have it, and GPUs have a chunk of fast dedicated RAM. So in other words, this whole mining-on-GPUs thing is 100% by design. The algorithms used in the coins are specifically designed to be things that GPUs are good at and that dedicated hardware is bad at. The ride isn't over. It's just starting.

Why do people want to support a currency Some Guy created aren't they just supporting Some Guy with his much larger stake of pre-mined coins?

This was Raja's plan all along. Release a competitive chip against nVidia's flagshit card for consumer adoption, simply for appearances, then turn it into a mining machine to sell out all their stock in an instant once it releases. They will make billions.

But they already make billions, their revenue is 1.4B IIRC

That's a billion and a bag of chips not billions

Same here.
Still on Ivy Bridge, just ordered moar Ram and bought a 1060 6 months ago. Wanted to swap to Ryzen & Vega, but I will JUST WAITâ„¢.

time to cop a cheap used 580