You still use Microsoft Win(cia)dows? Smile everytime you turn on your pc.
>winfags will still defend their os
You still use Microsoft Win(cia)dows? Smile everytime you turn on your pc.
>winfags will still defend their os
Other urls found in this thread:
>having your computer connected to the internet
You're bringing it on yourself really
>Dumbo is run by the field agent directly from an USB stick; it requires administrator privileges to perform its task.
Win10 continually calls home. How easy will it be to remotely instally this or apply it as a windows update?
Dude wtf I love the CIA now
No true Sup Forumsentooman uses wintrash in the current year
Read your own link, OP. This stuff isn't intended to see through your camera but to remove evidence of physical intrusion.
For Microsoft? For the CIA, not that much.
How did you post this then?
>Read your own link, OP. This stuff isn't intended to see through your camera but to remove evidence of physical intrusion.
If you can do that user, how difficult is it to just survey any camera feed? Or even edit it live (longshot but why not)?
What would be the point of editing it live? What do you mean by "any camera feed"? You understood, from reading the link, that this tool requires physical access to the machine AND admin privileges, right? You read the fucking link, right? It's only one paragraph long.
I'm losing hope in this board's ability to nurture interesting discussion.
I've read it faggot. Now i am asking you: how fucking difficult is for microsoft to embed this in winblows 10 by a fucking update?
If something like this exists it's not rocket science to go a step beyond. WAKE UP!
lol of course Microsoft could do whatever it wants but the existence of this tool from the CIA would rather prove than MS didn't provide them an easier to use tool themselves.
>physical access to the machine
>AND admin privileges
I can find your admin log in and pass using hiren's boot cd e-a-s-y
Maybe but at least you would know if someone entered in your home.
You fawkes mask-wearing tinfoil fag, they wouldn't.
>15 year old or clueless-fag detected
Keep using win10. You deserve it.
>exploit for Win 7
Yea, whatever.
Thanks bro, I will.
what were you trying to do
>its task is to gain and exploit physical access to target computers in CIA field operations.
>Dumbois run by the field agent directly from an USB stick; it requires administrator privileges to perform its task
I'm not using Windows 10, but you're probably one of the sheep who saw a dev release webm and live by it now. You're not important, and no corporate entity gives a literal shit about you (one of billions).
If you want to feel secure, then use a firewall with """secret""" ports and deal with an annoying autistic system.
You worry about windows having CIA backdoors, then you post a link to a russian state sponsored site.
good job.
Where would you rather get this information from? The CIA website?