Harshit, a Kurukshetra resident and a student of Class-XII (IT) stream of GMSSS, had recently passed out. On July 29...

>Harshit, a Kurukshetra resident and a student of Class-XII (IT) stream of GMSSS, had recently passed out. On July 29, Chandigarh Administration had announced that he had been hired by Google for a monthly training in graphic designing worth Rs 4 lakh. The announcement was widely reported in the media. Later, when queries were sent to Google, the announcement was found to be incorrect.

>The school principal and two teachers submitted their written statements to Brar on Wednesday. They also gave him a purported letter of appointment (that Harshit had shared with Deepkiran on WhatsApp), Harshit’s picture with politicians honouring him and his family in Kurukshetra and the web link through which he appeared in the online interview. The teachers also submitted a snapshot of Harshit’s Facebook page on which he has mentioned his location in California and workplace – Google.


>“Harshit got a phone call. We did not believe it at first. I kept telling him it could be a hoax. He shared the information with his school principal, who further released a press note, which led to media coverage, ” Bharti told Hindustan Times.


Poo in da loo thinks he got hired by Google and goes around telling his parents and school then it turns out to be a hoax so now hes in hospital on a hunger strike because he hasnt eaten in 2 days !!


>Rs 4 lakh
Is that English?

>Rs 4 lakh

Currency. It's about $6000 USD

Thats some harsh shit.

I hate brown people so goddamn much.

Damn, I feel somewhat sorry for the kid.

What a dank prank

Just watch as Google reaches out to him for virtue signalling.

Idiot with delusions of greatness. Can happen to all races though

Google taking advantage of a nasty prank for good PR would be really scummy.

shoo, poo, shoo

so that means they will do it


Hara in arabic literally means shit

Harashit = Shitshit

You can't make this shit up

>hes in hospital on a hunger strike because he hasnt eaten in 2 days
>in hospital
>didn't eat for 2 days
why the fuck is someone hospitalized after 2 days of not eating?


Wow. A greedy shitskin ran to the press for publicity. News at 11.

harSHIT in street

Because Indians tend to over react to everything. They live on drama, it's a giant part of their culture. They overreact because it works for them, hence the reason why he's not eating in the first place. He thinks if he makes a big enough stink maybe it'll work.

how much of a stink is too much for an indian?


That's awful.

but what did they actually tell him?

>poo in loo is called hard shit

The jokes write themselves.

>Damn, I feel somewhat sorry for the kid.

I don't.

>i have no food but i must poo

There is no known amounts. Their air has so much shit in it, breathing is like inhaling a perpetual fart.




>shit in the street pajeet tricks google into a sympathy hire
fixed that for you user

>hasnt eaten in 2 days !!

But when was the last time he pooed?

Worked for moot

this fucking got me

moot used his jew influence tho



>implying Google will ever hire pajeet designers
>Implying pajeets are creative

Have you seen youtube and google+ today? surely thats gotta be a pajeet

Subhumans are fucking hilarious


Yeah. When I was using Youtube today, it shat the bed.

>inb4 jewgle fires a fucking white male to offer poor pajeet his dream job

>"traumatized by his public humiliation"
>publishes his picture online
lol wut

>taking advantage of a nasty prank for good PR would be really savvy

>inb4 google hires him for publicity

Plot twist

Hes in the hospital from constipation

Reminder that there are 1.3b of these pajeets.

Stop feeling so sorry for yourself, human trash.

spotted the pajeet

>Hindustan Times.


how will they if he's dieded



should have cheated harder



I was gonna say this, the little shit probably had it planned out

>Hara in arabic literally means shit
it's 5ara not hara, 5aralord

>mfw google will actually hire him for muh PR


you can't make this shit up


Tough shit Harshit

>sorry about your job Harshit. why don't you come work bat the white house?

>hunger strike
>2 days
>hospitalized already
Something stinks. It's probably constipation.

How long until this little retard blows himself up?

Poor pajeet won't eat his curry.

That's some harsh shit.

>graphic design
>6k scholarship
the ones that are to blame are the adults around him who believed this shit.
a kid his age can still dream, an adult should've seen the hoax.

There it is
Now I can sleep

I remember reading this article about India buying smelly bombs from Israel to tame protesters. According to the article, these bombs smell like dead bodies and sewage. The smell is so strong, it takes days to wear off even after multiple showers. However, when Indian law enforcement had actually tried them, they didn't do shit, because, apparently, Indians don't consider them stinky.


Harshit is the new Pajeet.

2 days?


I went without any food or water for 5 days. Step up, poonigger

Pretty mean thing to do to a kid, he just wanted a job. Google could give him a paid internship in India. He is only 16.

>Brown people
>not saying shitskin

Why do Pajeets think facial hair is manly.
Even Mediterraneans and anglos shave.
Even the manliest race in the world polish shave.

is this a poo in loo version of cool clock ahmed or was he actually scammed?

Don't tell them
It helps with identifying the leftists

>Even the manliest race in the world polish shave.
Are Polacks even able to grow a beard?

Come to think of it, I've never seen a slavic person with a full beard. I guess they lack the testosterone.

>implying any leftist would hate a brown person
Leftists love brown people, that's why they invite them into their homes so they can rape their daughters and wives.

>Russo-German cucksservants

They invited hitler into their countries in 1940 and now they're inviting browny too.
We really need to do something about these people.

Maybe malnourishment will do him some good. His body might decide to eat his unibrow for sustenance.

Leftists are a lot more racist than right wingers
They virtue signal hard only to cover their disgust for niggers and other shitskins
If leftists weren't racist they would do everything in their power to deport all africans back to africa so they could build up their shitholes
But leftists don't think shitskins are intelligent enough for that so they call for open borders
>implying leftists live in shit neighbourhoods with lots of shitskins let alone allow them to live with them in the same house
That happens too rarely to make a rule for it

is he ok

The democrats are the REAL Gerbils

i don't agree with the generalization about drama, it exists in every country. But yes, the 'hunger strike' bullshit is to probably create enough media attention hoping that some head-fucked company might offer him a scholarship. reminds me of clock-bomb boy, I even feel like the 'hoax' was intentional. won't work tho, he looks fucking putrid, even by Indian standards. ugly fucks statistically get less sympathy.

-i'm a pajman :P

I don't know whats worse how pathetic this is or that Google will hire him cause of it.
Whats a 60k Salary for couple million dollars worth of publicity.

how much fat is too fat for an american?

>That happens too rarely to make a rule for it
You obviously don't live in Sweden.

True story, a pregnant mother invited a pack of shitskins to live with them, and let them have their way with her 16 and 15 year old daughter. She didn't even believe them when they told her they were raped (because who would believe cis gendered white people over the sweet brown adults), only after looking it up on facebook and seeing other similar stories where daughters had been raped did she believe them.

Holy shit that's so hot. Even hotter if they fucked the pregnant mom too.

Found the brownskin.

No I'm a legit bong. I just get off to shit like this happening to people. Thinking of the shock the pregnant mom must of had when she realized her two most precious items where fucked like toys by subhuman savages fires me up like nothing else. Even better if she was force fucked after approaching them while pregnant. Its the reason why I love to fuck milfs in their kids rooms or pregnant wives.

>No I'm a legit bong.
Isn't your country like 80% brown already?

Parts of it essentially yeah. I live in London near Hyde park and its essentially a weird mix of Saudi Arabia and smelly poo shit. Will gtfo after finish studies

Welcome to the real world where everyone is an asshole.

>He went for online interview through video conferencing and was selected on the basis of posters designed by him while doing class 12th under the supervision of his teachers.
are there any examples of his work?

I want to turn India into glass. Nothing else but nuclear inferno will be adequate sanitization.

>I want to turn India into glass
Wouldn't that simply cause a POOclear winter?

Not if the warheads are high yield.

lol. Whole city is dumber than your average Mike Dice.
What would you except. I am Punjab that county where the city is located.