>ubuntu is just a better version of debian
Prove me wrong.
Ubuntu is just a better version of debian
Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself.
Smart frogposter
Ubuntu is actually an ancient Igbo word meaning "I'm too stupid to install Debian"
Gotta agree with you on this one, retard frog poster.
You could be on to something, because linux mint is clearly a better version of ubuntu.
If ubuntu had a better name, it would honestly be twice as better as a distro. I can't use it knowing it's some nigger word.
For desktop use, sure
if by 'better' you mean 'easier to use' then yes.
Debian is, however, more ethical and teaches the user more about Linux.
Ubuntu is for people who jumped ship from Windows, Debian is for leftie/centrist geeks.
I use debian and I voted for Trump, fuck off.
I use Debian and am not a lefty, nigger.
it doesn't teach anything more or less than ubuntu does.
install ubuntu minimal via cli > equal to arch install
wow that was haaaard
>teaches the user more about Linux.
There is nothing a specific distro will teach you, useful Linux knowledge (filesystem, bash, etc) is distro agnostic, you have to actually look up what you want to know more about.
>Debian is for leftie/centrist geeks.
People who associate political ideologies with banal shit like this are retards that lack opinions on anything meaningful.
>install ubuntu minimal via cli > equal to arch install
Nah, I use Ubuntu Server and Arch. The minimal Ubuntu install is literally the same process as installing Ubuntu desktop. There's absolutely no work involved and the final result isn't less bloated. It's still a great option, though.
Good that im not the only one.
>i wont use software because of its name
autism to the next level
Oh I don't know, I wouldn't use an OS called WankCockOS.
"Hai guise, I use WankCockOS, WKOS for short."
I dunno. I think I'd go back to Debian. Or even use Ubuntu.
>wankcock = ubuntu
really makes me think, that does.
'Ubuntu' is an ancient african word that means "I can't configure Debian"
did you try to configure ubuntu to your likings?
You guys should look at the third post on the thread.
T. Retard, who couldn't do a minimal Ubuntu install
>Debian is just Ubuntu minus the Canonical bullshit
Prove me wrong.
>ubuntu is more preconfigured version of debian, with non-free repos enabled, used, often implemented and maintained by mainstream developers
is this more accurate OP?
Uh, what part of Ubuntu Server dosen't qualify as minimal install, you fucking mongoloid?
You're right, Ubuntu is word. It means "Let me poz you" in ancient african.
this guy gets it
>jamie eason
who is this semen daemon