Show me a sexier piece of tech

Show me a sexier piece of tech

You literally can't

Other urls found in this thread: G4 12-Inch 1.33 GHz Hard Drive Replacement/703

I can too

its smexy

you win this time op you win..


thread won

>12 inch

>not the tibook
>tfw i made the mistake of buying an ibook instead of hunting for a nice 12" PB and now the HDD is going out

Why does it look like it's going to break into at least 5 different pieces as soon as I try to pick it up?

Because your hands are wood chippers?

done and done

>linux mint
instantly lost all points.
I'm sorry but there is nothing sexy about running a bloated gnee/loonix distribution on that or any "not-bloated" version of loonux.

>this thread again

I detest these stupidly tiny toys. They ruin your eyes and your hands will hurt after just holding them for a few minutes.

Good riddance.

my vote is on this and its big bro , THREADRIPPER


>no numpad
directly into the trashcan

>not having a bionic arm to hold your portable device

Go home kid.

i feel like they will have a comeback, a much smaller version with less keys and modern hardware + using thunderbolt conections and streaming the output into a modern tablet that enables you to use it as hdmi input would be realy cool.

your wine glass wtf get a normal stem not that autismal goblet shit.

I've got plenty of those, but this is larger.

Why not dual screen laptop? More useful than the Sony Vaio P.

May be cool but definitely not sexy looking



that's some anime shit right there
Yeah, F-91W rocks


Official Sup Forums watch





thats a super cool adaptor where did you get that?

From the Chinaman for about 2$. Probably the best value product I ever purchased, given that I use it almost every day.

This, bonus point for Pokemon, might be bonus point if librebooted

fools. F-105W-1A is the obvious patrician choice. the light on the F-91W is useless.

Wow it's fucking blue
Step aside plebs, world-class style approaching

color doesn't matter, at least you can fucking SEE it. also the watch face is bigger than the manlet watch face size of the F-91W

ok rambo

do you usually forget what country you're in?

It exploded though...

When I bought it I worked in international auto brokering, so it helped tons
Now I use it to schedule game times for my roll20

Replace it with a a CF2IDE adapter.

I will, but it takes at least 2 hours to remove all the shit you need to remove to get to the hard drive.
I might just dremel out the inner case surrounding it to be honest.

>not dvorak
shit-tier keyboard. into the trash it goes


The perfect size.

Are the TiBooks even less serviceable than the aluminium PowerBooks? Took 30 screws and an hour or so to get to the HDD in my 12" PowerBook. Removing the optical drive is the worst though, it's literally the last thing you remove from the chassis, you need to take out the fucking logic board to get to it.


Tibook is a 5 minute job max. The bottom comes off and then you remove the drive. It even shows you how to do this in the user manual.
iBooks look like they are a bit more of a pain than a 12" PB because under the plastic case is a metal case. Clamshells are probably even worse because you have to remove the screen. G4 12-Inch 1.33 GHz Hard Drive Replacement/703

MacBook Pro

Running macOS High Sierra

fuck off kevin.


fuck off kevin

wheres your solus now ?


Any downsides to using a SATA - USB as an external HDD? I've installed SSD on my x220 and the older 320GB drive has just been lying around. Should I get a rubber case for it?

Sony you were so cool...

Many storebought HDDs are just SATA ones with a USB adapter in the case, it'd be no different than one of those. Newer ones actually are USB HDDs though.

I almost bought one of those until I found out that it maxed at 512MB RAM

I did, it works fine for browsing and old games on XP and OpenBSD. Also it depends on the model, some have 512MiB and some have 1GiB.


He's got a whole desk set up as a shrine to an ancient PC, the autism ship has sailed my friend.


I think I would trade my least-favorite sibling for this to get a modern refresh.


all hail the mighty kevin

Yes I can.

Who's that meme lord?

That .3 graphgear 1000 is the single best pencil I have ever used.

ThinkPad 701c



Fuck I still want one of these, even if it isnt practical

you're an idiot

i paid $14 for a usb 3.0 startech one...

Oh yeah, clamshell iBooks are a fucking nightmare. Did one once, never again.

MAD respec

got one myself, and ahell of a watch tan from never taking it off

blocks your path

Seriously this.


Anything from SGI.
Now all of you can get the fuck off and go to bed.

>industrial design
>not muscular
wut, you gay?

That looks strangely cool.

Thanks to a fucking DC10 falling apart on the runway.

The only guys that still make proper keyboards instead of that chiclet/butterfly low-profile crap everyone else uses.

I prefer the 0.5, but yeah, that pencil feels amazing in my hand. I tend to use my rOtring 0.5 more often, but the GG1k is my second favorite.

I always wanted one of these, but i dont know what use can i get from it besides dos games

these three (and fm towns) are some of best looking pieces of technology ever made

There are hundreds of nicer looking portable cassette players.

those low profile keys give me so much grief whenever i use a friends macbook

you can use it to hack from a payphone just like kevin mitnick

Haha, that clitoris looks so tiny.



I hope you're still in this thread. Nothing is sexy about the XL. It's the Voyager (a dead sexy synth) with the expanders tacked on and too many keys. The epitome of the post-Bob era of Moog in which the well of ideas was completely dry.

Just my opinion, anyway.

> P L U G
> I N
> D A T
> M O O G
> M O D U L E


quick post minidisk

Your opinion is trash and equivalent to people saying apple is trash now because of Jobs' death. I do not respect you.

I miss the old phone days
So many qt designs
