How to truly and completely disable Windows 10 spying?

What I did so far is, clean install of Windows Enterprise LTSB 2016 (Lite 700mb edition from Piratebay), delete a lot of Windows shit like Windows defender off my drive completely, disable all services that don't break internet when disabled, and do a shit ton of registry and group policy changes that I found on the internet.
I also completely disabled all services relating to updates, activation and store and used registry to get it to stop saying my Windows is not legitimate. Also used Microsoft Toolkit to activate.
Installed TinyWall firewall (which is just an interface for Windows firewall) and I can still see "System" listening to ports and making connections, how do I block this short of using hardware firewalls (I don't have those)? I used pretty much all the "Windows 10 cleaner" programs but it still isn't entirely clean. wat do?
>pic related, desktop

Other urls found in this thread:

It's simple: install a Linux distribution.

you can't block those handful of programs


>Lite 700mb from piratebay
you already fucked up senpai. just get an official ISO.
high chance the russian botnet is already running on your pc

block them in your router, if you can't, get a better router

If you want to stop Windows 10 from spying on you, your only solution is to stop using Windows 10. Or using Windows at all, really, the spyware was the only W10 feature they backported to 7 and 8.x.

>Install GNU/Linux
I need Windows though
>you already fucked up senpai. just get an official ISO.
>high chance the russian botnet is already running on your pc
I'm 99.99% sure it's clean. There wasn't anything strange in the system files desu
that seems to be the proper solution but I'd rather try to fix in software before investing shekels in hardware solutions
>Stop using Windows 10
An old Windows 7 ISO (pre win8) with no updates installed also makes those connections. Even XP had whitelists for specific IPs.
>Stop using Windows at all
not possible senpai

Delete system32

You have done pretty much all I usually do with a Windows 10 install and even more. I cannot really help, but I just want to say that I like that there are people like you on this board and I wish you all the best

Thanks for the advice user! Now my computer is 32 times faster after I removed those 32 niggabytes from my C drive!!
>but I just want to say that I like that there are people like you on this board and I wish you all the best
thanks senpai, good luck evading the botnet too


they can't totally spy on you, because what about passwords and other sensitive banking info? They can't get a hold of that, hopefully.


You either embrace it or you don't use it.

Stop wasting your time with useless shit like this, it will not work.

Don't want to get spied on? Install literally any Linux distro out there.
Still want to play games? Dual boot and acknowledge you're being spied on while playing games (protip: nobody gives a shit)

It's simple, install the world's most advanced operating systemâ„¢, macOS.

Dual booting Linux and macOS disables Windows 10 spying?

Honestly, you probably can't.

>Lite 700mb edition from Piratebay

Never, EVER use a version of Windows that isn't vanilla, preferably hash checked.

>how do I block this short of using hardware firewalls (I don't have those)?
you don't. windows 10 doesn't even report all network traffic as far as I can tell. It can also do other neat stuff like completely ignore the hosts file, ignore wakeup timer settings, and ignore ipv6 and ipv4 settings. You can't de-botnet windows 10 without completely breaking it or blocking network traffic at a higher level (ie network hardware, vm, etc)

>How to truly and completely disable Windows 10 spying?
Don't connect your computer to a network, run Windows 10 in a VM without networking support, or uninstall Windows 10.

Installs windows 7 and disables telemetry updates

Windows will always Spy on you, and Microsoft openly admits that, because it is their main way to make Money from it.

>windows will never make another os as beautiful as this



Should i bull the gun br/g/os

This is not the new desktop thread, retards.

who are you quoting?

>truly disable windows NT 4.0+ spying

>it is now

who are you quoting

Just to note, that uni/college-fags can usually get Edu (= Ent) version for free from Dreamspark.

>How to truly and completely disable Windows 10 spying?
Un-install Windows.

stop replying to my posts pls

you need windows why ? JUST USE WINDOWS for whatever the fuck you need , and USE LINUX as the main OS so you don t get spied . i mean ffs i use WINDOWS 10 for gayms and i didn t disable too much , i don t care if NSA knows i m playing fucking Hearts of IRON as the fuhrer

install gentoo

u r gay
sorry but I'm not a piss showering advocate
>Cucktana enabled
>6th generation Intel AIDS
>Notification center enabled
>Cuckold office
>Jewgle Chrome


Enjoy your jail time kidfucker

>700 MB
Is this a 64 Bit Windows? If so, can you share the torrent link?

It's not possible. The worst mistake you can make is trusting closed source software. If you're going for maximum security then use OpenBSD. If you want better software support and newer packages, install Fedora Linux. Using Windows and expecting any privacy is something that only a fool would do.

its ok my gf illya is 500 years old

I was thinking this configuration with me these days:
>host with no conection permantly offline
>vm's with conection only for browsing
Like Qubes OS. But with windows and virtualbox. This is possible?

Le ubuntu is bad meme xD

Just search for " Windows 10 Enterprise 2016 LTSB x64 lite (ivankehayov)"

Having a persona in each vm separately.

You must be truly retarded. Malware can still escape the VM, and if you're storing any sensitive data in the VM then it totally defeats the purpose. Allowing Winshit to have a network connection will be the complete undoing of any security and privacy you think you have. VirtalBox is insecure, closed source, proprietary garbage for plebs anyways. You should be using QEMU/KVM.

post your desktop pls

p much guarantee it's a minimalist arch desktop with a dark numix theme and icons


>Windows 2000
>Intel Quadra Processor
this is some next grade autism
this I am OP

you should learn english pajeet, you might get better jobs that way

Op, post u wallpaper pls.

literally install gentoo

There you go. Beware though since this wallpaper is non-free and comes with the FGPL (Fashy General Public License) which basically states that in order to use this image you must fully believe in the ideas and ideals of Adolf Hitler and must believe in the holy words written in Mein Kampf.

On another topic I just succesfully modded by dnsapi.dll to remove the Microsoft telemetry, updates and activation whitelist (aka they connect even if they're blocked in hosts). It was easy, just used a hex editor, ctrl+f .com and filled all the links with 0s. Boot up is noticeably longer but who cares.

You know whats funny about Windows, ive been delaying the last update "Creative" or sth like that for ages now, i found a neet trick.
Every some X time an unclosable window pops up and says "you have delayed this way too many times, you now have to update" No cancel button, no "nope" button, just an "Ok" one.
Click it.
The little window " do you allow X to make changes to your computer?" appears.
Click "no".
"Update has crashed".
Unavoidable update closes.

pic related, blocking in hosts used to not work before this mod :---DDDD

Why not disable the updates service or just block the updates through firewall? If you're brave enough just block all Microsoft-related domains like I did, by using a proper HOSTS file and editing dnsapi.dll

>2 out of 50 replies
Sup Forums is dead

>that seems to be the proper solution but I'd rather try to fix in software before investing shekels in hardware solutions

It is the proper solution, but do you actually DO anything anyone else would give a fuck about with your Windows install? If you are like most people, your entire life is background noise and your normality ensures no one cares.

You can run Windows in a VM on the same machine with a Linux host if you don't want a separate firewall. There is every firewall option for Linux.

I'm pretty sure I'm on every watch list that exists at this point senpai.
>Linux host
muh performance

The only version of Win10 is the chinese govt version. If you don't live there, it's fine.

I can't find anything on a Quadra proc. It sounds like something specific, but the only things I saw was a Motorola chip in the early 90's and general Intel quad cores not named that.

by not using it

>The NWO is in Beijing
spicy meme

post wallpaper

nvm didn't see this

do i need to know how to operate an os with a console in order to use linux or whatever, im going to turn into a schitzo soon because of microsoft you shitposters on threads like these

help me lad until i can buy a thinkpad and put linux shit on it

Almost all spyware is deliberately built into windows so you will either break features like Search and Start menu or have unexpected crashes.

>I need Windows though
Use two machines, dumbass.

Be so gross that whoever can watch won't.

>Almost all spyware is deliberately built into windows so you will either break features like Search and Start menu
Ironically, both are broken for me. Even the network indicator icon you see on the screenshot is now gone.
The first and most essential step is to have Windows Enterprise LTSB. Get it from pirate bay, someone mentioned the specific download I used in this thread.
>Use 2 machines but don't debotnet the Windows one
thanks for your suggestion chaim I'll make sure to consider it deeply and thorougly

Silly winfag, install linux and enjoy OS freedom.

yeah i got enterprise! basically followed stuff online like you but really only did the default settings changes and disabling defender

>both are broken for me
Yes, I know. If you as much as google "windows 10 privacy tools", the OS will pick it up via keylog telemetry. Not even joking.
I have applied several different privacy tools on several different installations of W10 and there is ALWAYS something that breaks by the end of the week.
Just do what I did and dual boot Kubuntu. It's like windows 8.1 from a parallel dimension.

>99.99% sure it's clean


You are retarded. So much so it makes me angry.

check out this thread:
Basically, what you want to do is, go into services and disable everything that is not necessary to how you intend to use Windows, I for example, completely disabled metro apps (this includes the "settings" app), completely gutted out the network indicator icons, notification center and security and maintainence center blah blah, Cortana came uninstalled by default since I have LTSB but you'd want to do that as well. I also disabled the Windows Activation service then blocked it via hosts (which is only possible after deleting the whitelist from the .dll I modded) and this results in broken activation and a water mark that appears randomly after an amount of time, which can be fixed by reboot thanks to registry fixes I made.
You basically want to disable everything Micosoft-related through regedit, group policy and task scheduler. I also use a tool called "Unlocker" to delete system files (Windows Defender for example) completely off my drive. This results in a pretty "broken" OS but one that is still functional to use core Windows functionality (running .NET applications, gaymen, Windows-only garbage) but again, customize to your liking.
If you want the .dll files I edited I can upload them for you, but they might crash your Windows due to being of a different version from yours. The modification is really easy to do with "HxD" just make sure to back up your original .dlls and have a recovery disk on hand since I hear sometimes Windows can refuse to work outright if you block those IPs that aren't meant to be blocked.
>I have applied several different privacy tools on several different installations of W10 and there is ALWAYS something that breaks by the end of the week.
Windows puts its POZ in the hardest to reach places
As far as DEs go, Cinnamon is king.
no u

You seem triggered desu

>do a shit ton of registry and group policy changes that I found on the internet
It's all in one place.

>msi mother board
get off

Thank you. Here, i made a small modification. Did i do good?

I followed this guide

>botnet ruski

> How to truly and completely disable Windows 10 spying?
by deleting it

Fuck off, I don't help a skinhead faggot

I like the quote, but its not in fashy font and IMO it should be longer in length too so it doesn't look so cluttered.

It's not the 90s anymore senpai do skinheads even still exist?

Fags gonna fag


Is this you OP?

>I need Windows though
Dual boot Windows 7/8.1 with your distro of choice.

I always love this guy. I hope it's mostly the same dude and not just a bunch of old images.

Sorry. Color correction.


Missing a swastika and Germanic fonts desu senpai.
Agreed it could be less cluttered
>implying a worthless ANTIFA retard with 70 IQ like you will know any more than I do
Even if you could help me I'd rather not get help from a rat like you.
One day your lies about the Holycaust and the 6 quintillion will be materialized before your eyes, and I promise you it will be 1000 times more brutal than that Holocaust book that talks about a giant fly zapper that killed Jews
definitely getting closer

>using Windows without applying maximum de-botnetting


I'm sorry that you had a rouge childhood

Talk is cheap, what the fuck can you do about it you fat fuck?

>I need windows tho
Install wine or virtualbox with win7. If you just need windows for office, install wps office or offline msoffice for chromium/firefox on your linux distro. there's no reason to stay on windows, gaming aside.

Windows 7 is the best choice.