Intel Launches Core i9-7980XE CPU To Feature 18 Cores


How will AMD recover?

Threadripper only does 16 cores!

Last time I checked, 18 cores > 16 cores!

BTFO once again

Other urls found in this thread:,5117.html

Not when the 18 cores run at only 3GHz before exploding. Meanwhile, hardcore enthusiasts will OC their 16 core Threadripper to 4GHz on water AIOs.



Cool bait thread faggot now go hang yourself


I guarantee you the 7980XE will be at least 35% faster than that CPU in Cinebench.

Watch and see.

>On amd

Kek zen shit it's pants starting 3.9ghz


Threadripper is better binned, there are already people hitting 4 GHz.



Holy shit. Looks like a vidya.

Would still be higher clocked than the monolithic disaster that is the i9

Looks fake.

Xeons run at lower clock speeds and don't have Turbo Boost 3.0™

Oy! The goyim know. shut it down

Nice try AMD shill lmao

Intel is still the best CPU maker!!

they should switch to oven-business

>"""""Intel Launches"""""
I feel sorry for the mobo manufacturers.

>they should switch to oven-business
They tried that for a while, but it didn't turn out well for them.

>$2000 for 18 cores. 2000/18=$111 per core
>$1000 for 16 cores 1000/16=$62 per core

Intel is Quality Cores
AMD is Superglued Cores

>turbo boost
>on fucking cinebench
also it's known that the 18 core parts won't clock very high. see how the 10 core already shits itself with housefire-tier temps at high clocks.

captcha: mayday doge

Realistically, what clock speeds would we see with that 18core?
Like at least 3.0ghz right?


wtf I love superglue now

Still 3 months away. Can't wait to see how hot it runs

Depends on how much Intel feels like violating its TDP rating.

18 core will be clocked at 2.6ghz with a turbo of 2.9ghz
MAX oc on x299 will be 3.1ghz VRM limited

The 10 core chip pulls over 400w on max oc
This means @ 400w the 18c model will be a max OC of 3.1ghz based on performance per watt scaling of skylake X
I bet the 18 core at stock has similar performance to the stock AMD threadripper but it wont gain much with a OC compared to the large gains TR will achieve

Intel has regressed and simply cant compete even with the much older 6900k

They fucked the cache up on the skylake so it results in shit tier performance

The new L3 is slow as balls

Do you have the math for the wat scaling on skl-x? Every chart at stock has turbo enabled, but napkin math puts 18cores at 4ghz north of 400w, that kind of shit isn't not reasonable.

I'm really sad this fag only tests stock memory, DDR4 3200 with tighter timings than B-die is absolutely brutal on Ryzen.
Optimal is 3400 with low latency timings, but 3200 works as well.
After 3400 there's no point in getting any higher in bandwidth and you become fetch bound.

With all cores under load? 3.2GHz max, probably more like 3.0GHz though. The 12 core 7920X only booats to 3.6GHz on all cores.

How hard is it to order something from high to low?


Results are shown in groups across all benchs
7900x is 3.3ghz and loads 230w~ stock
You can take the 18 core model to 3.3ghz it will burn 415w~ @ 3.3ghz but power consumption scaling is not perfect and with more cores active close to each other the wattage will be higher as heat creates more electrical resistance. Some xeons perform very well at lower ghz but again intel has to chase the clocks to compete with AMD at this point
3.1ghz maybe 3.2ghz on a phase change cooler is about all we will see.
LN2 might take it to 4.2ghz but I dont think the VRMs on the current x299 will handle 700w~
He tests that because most ryzens only work on 3200mhz. You are lucky to run above that but a few have shown 3600mhz and you are right they do scale with faster ram. Maybe TR will have an improved memory controller it being quad channel.
TR naturally supports 3200mhz where the normal ryzen chips only official support 2666
Maybe we will see 4000mhz+ on TR

Even on "average" load it still blows past the TDP. Fucking retarded. If they try and pull this shit with the 12+ cores there's seriously going to be dead hardware.

Ryzen scales well with memory as the clock speed effects the infinity fabric. With a faster bus connect it allow the cpus to complete long instruction sets with less repeating cycles across the cores thus improving IPC err rather CPI

Zen 2 might be an absolute beast if a better memory control is permitted and clocks are able to achieve 4.5ghz



glue in cpu > jewjizz on cpu

>Just wait
Where did I hear this meme before

Skylake-X, Coffeelake, Icelake? notItaniumin2020?

Ppl seen to ignore that WTH such voltages toy rupee will be a inferno

Covfefe lake iProcessor
Rhizome tubripper 9000

But you'll at least be able to cool it, unlike mayonnaise.

>tfw you still run on core 2 quad and have no need to upgrade

Whats more insane is you can put a small am4 cooler on the massive TR4 IHS and still not have cooling issues.
I am willing to bet the TR chip @ 4.0ghz is less than the 7900x @ stock for full system load

14nm LPP isn't very efficient over 3.4GHz, in fact efficiency takes a nosedive after that.

I really wish AMD wouldn't use that stupid core temp offset. That shit is so annoying.

na those 16 cose will suck a lot more power, howevery they might still run cooler than a stock 7900x because of concentrated heat and mayonese

7900 auto turbo to 4 GHz idiot on all cores.
You really believe toy ripper will not be a blast furnace specially under the fabled 4.0 GHz "overclock". ?
Amd constantly lie about their tdps too, mark this toy ripper will be well beyond 500w if you manage to run all cores @ 4 GHz.

You must be an idiot if you believe an air cooler will be able to dissipate +400w toy ripper will generate on higher frequencies all core

Stop it user. Intel was finished weeks ago.


With all the glue you can make a toy rupee in home too
Just have to use
2 zen dies
2 burned zen dies or whatever shit
tons of glue
a slab of metal to make ihs

Get all the fucking toy dies
Put on a shitstrate
Apply glue. Try to keep all the dies aligned
Let it dry on sun
Grab some iron and solder all the mess to the metal is

Nice now you have an amd toy rupee made at home!
Don't forget to use thermal paste, we suggest organic Indian paste for best results

No it doesn't, and who gives a fuck about the 10 core when it costs the same and loses in every workload anyway?

source your +400w statement?

Hyper 212 is an approved cooler for TR4
Its a shame its not enough for even the basic 7700k tho
Also 16 core threadripper at 400w is a lot better/efficient than a 10 core chip using 400w
Intel fucked up so bad they made a chip worse than the predecessor. the 6900k is a better chip compared to the 8 core skylake x chip in nearly every test possible.

Fuck off my retard


Amd tdp is bullshit.
There isn't a way you can run this amount of cores on 180w @4 GHz 1.4+ v, under full stress, with a fivr ( you fuckers forget tr have full integrated voltage regulator), plus powering the infinity glue.

The tdp is a median value. When you try to hit the shit it will explode the wall.

Idid you see the size of vrm heatsinks motherboard manufacturer are making? They finally take lessons from x299 and know this thing will be equal or even worse on thermals and power.

16 cores @ 3.4Ghz for $1000
18 cores @ 2.6Ghz for $2000

the choice is pretty obvious

>212 on toy ripper oc frequency
Ya keep believing that. Just been sink is bigger than the fucking toy cooler.

7900 is drawing 400w on 4.7 GHz.




>The tdp is a median value
yes, for intel

quality cores with toothpaste , really spins my neurons


Infinity glue uses around 2-3 watts per die.
180W at stock is expected because that's what two zeppelin dies would use.

16 cores at 4GHz would use a shitload of power, but at least they'd have the performance to back it up unlike Skylake.
And would actually be manageable on temps due to solder, sepperated hotspots and bigass IHS.

tl;dr UMA DELICIA Skylake-X is shit regardless

wait what ? just get 3600 mhz on a ryzen , and you don t have to wait shit , cause it s already superior to the 7700k in games

Maybe at 4k... but not at 1280x1024

The only thing that Intel really has an edge in is the 1-2 core turbo boost frequencies. XFR is sadly garbage compared to Turbo Boost 2 and 3.0. You have much more control over Turbo Boost too and really have to way of adjusting XFR for a lightly threaded performance boost.

Of course if you're actually going to be using HEDT for what it's meant for then you probably wouldn't put much of a premium on 1-2 core frequencies.

>not playing on 640x480 @ 480Hz

I knew I could count on Intel to deliver premium performance on leper resolutions.

Kek 3600 on ryzen
Next you will say it can run 4.1ghz on die


>How will AMD recover
By hiding in a bunker built to withstand the eXtreme heat of Intel XE edition processors

You're such a big baka, BR glueeater. Bwaaaaaaaka.


Do people here actually use all these cores or do they just like to stroke themselves over how many cores they have? I get that 18 or 16 cores is useful for certain things, but how many people really will use that many. I say this as someone whose worked with rf boards trying to shave off 1ns. What I do is cool and all but I don't see how anyone who isn't working for some HFT, defense, telecommunications company would ever use it. 18 core processors don't seem much different.

Keep believing ryzen don't draw much power

They're not expensive and I like powerful hardware, do I need it outside of a few instances? No.
But I don't care, go be poor somewhere else.
Same goes for clothing, cars and even food, I don't NEED them but I WANT them.

Okay but since it costs twice as much, does it perform twice as fast ?


Then what good is it ?

Shitposting on a mongolian fishing expedition blog.


At least have a iPhone you fucking cannibal

Why would a br defend a CPU that he will have to sell all his organs twice to buy due the massive brazilian taxes?

Intel barters with them, a box full of dead macacos and they get 70% off

Those are obviously from the wall. Tomshardware measures the CPU load itself.

At least Ryzen can dissipate the heat,5117.html

70% off is still fucking expensive in brazil.

You see, you're not dealing with your average taxes anymore. No, they were raised well above your wildest dreams to became a legend!

Skylake-X is so underwhelming mobo BIOSes run the turbo +500MHz over stock just so the performance isn't as terrible.

Too bad they didn't think enough to realize how much of a mess that would be.

Jizztel inside

it's fine

Their stock boost clocks are 4GHz, they'll probably OC past that without much trouble.