How do Linux users make do without this?
How do Linux users make do without this?
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LibreOffice and Thunderbird. Or LaTeX for word and powerpoint.
>linux users
WPS Office runs on Linux now, OP.
Libreoffice. Literally never needed Office.
This. No office actually runs Linux.
LaTeX for anything that gets rendered (Like Word and PowerPoint) and custom scripts for anything else.
By not having jobs
WPS Office runs on Linux and is completely equivalent minus the OneDrive integration bullshit. How do Windows users make do without this?
>no one has named a single Access or Visio replacement thus far
>... and no one will
>How do Windows users make do without this?
Ummm... WPS Office runs on Windows too, you know.
Why the fuck would I need to use office software on my computer?
What kind of dry, boring fuck are you to spend your free time using office software of all things?
I just switched back to Windows.
Because the gui of Xamp was just a little nicer than Lamp. MS Office is just a little nicer than LibreOffice. .exe's just work a little nicer than .deb's (with missing dependencies). Notepad++ works just a little nicer than any other editor.
For a Facebook machine Linux is probably more perfect than Windows. It's easy to install, has everything a normie needs and it's safe. But the more programs you use, the more limiting Linux felt.
I've been using Libreoffice throughout college (going into junior year), never had a problem, you can export it to Microsoft format.
They use the web version.
It's a poo-in-loo joke, using the image as context, you stupid fucking newfag. Go.
If your school requires you to use office, it's shit.
Almost all of the assignments I had accepted PDF and several even mandated it. I wrote all of my shit in LaTeX.
Why on earth are you doing work on your personal computer? Why does that require you to use office anyway?
I went to an Ivy League school and everyone used the .docx format to submit assignments.
>Not knowing about WPS Office
>Not knowing about MS Office on the web
I'm not him, but my university required docx files so they could automatically check it for plagiarism.
Of course even Google Docs can create such files. And most people who use Apple computers don't use MS Office either, but the Apple alternative. But for compatibility sake MS Office is nice.
I'm on Windows yet I still use LibreOffice
>so they could automatically check it for plagiarism
It sounds like they had a shitty plagiarism detector.
>But for compatibility sake MS Office is nice.
That's retarded. PDFs are way more compatible than that shit.
Latex is superior in every way. If I'm forced to have to do something in docx format Libreoffice just werks.
How people think they're still obligated to use stupid proprietary shit like Office and WPS is beyond me.
Office is the standard in the actual business world, kid.
>Submitting to academia in a form that isn't read-only
It's like you're asking to get fucked. My teacher planted mistakes in my work to get back at me for turning down her advances.
I had proof of that I didn't make the mistakes because my copy had an earlier edit date than hers and it was perfect.
Left that shit-tier public college and paid money for a real college. What do you know, they accept PDFs.
Universities obligate you to use proprietary shit because they give zero fucks about your digital rights and are oftentimes actually subsidized by proprietary software developers to implant dependence on the software into their students.
But access is shit, why would anyone want to make software to replace it?
Universities often consult large businesses what they should teach.
And if those businesses say they use Windows XP then all universities will teach Windows XP.
i use google mostly
MS Office runs in the browser now and the uni gives a license.
Vim+live-latex-preview, mutt.
i unironically use libreoffice to the point of not knowing how to use any other office properly without being angered by some things working differently or being in another menu.
Linux users are either unemployed, or have actual meaningful work that isn't digital pencil pushing.
Besides, the only reason anyone actually uses MS Office is because of compatibility issues, which are caused by Microsoft intentionally deviating from standards, including ones they established.
>Notepad++ works just a little nicer than any other editor.
>Haven't heard of vim
I multiple computers supplied by my employer. I also have multiple personal systems. My main rig is for adobe photoshop/premier/lightroom, gaming, and ms office....
my other workstation runs linux...
my htpc runs windows...
my portable workstation runs whatever I feel like booting to.
Think outside of the box, user.
>chinese botnet runs on linux now
Universities/professors actually MANDATE word? I've had maybe one that actually specified that if you email him a paper, that it be in docx, but none ever specified that you have to use Word. Other times I just email them a PDF, or I upload the PDF to (((Blackboard))) for (((plagiarism detection))) and it gets accepted just fine.
Then again, we had a lab component for a Calc 3 class and they shoved Matlab down our throats. I didn't want to show my power level in class by using Octave so I just used their Matlab license to install the Linux version.
I have my secretary deal with that shit.
Trading freedom for convinience. Shame on you.
Can you program a-la vba?
It's okay with Word related stuff. In 95% of cases the formating of text is identical (not like in the old days). But there is, unfortunately still no good substitute for Exel.
>Power level
But I'd still use Octave
LibreOffice and a Win7 VM with Office for any school work that requires proper formatting. It's not ideal, but I'm not dealing with profs yelling at me for weird formatting.
>yelling at me for weird formatting
And that's exactly why you should use PDF, no matter what you wrote it in.
Does LibreOffice still shits the bed when saving as MS Office format?
It's not funny.
>can't git gud at reading Office files
>blames Microsoft
Every time.
Software is just a tool. Freedom isn't a function of what you can do to the tools you have, but rather of what you can do WITH the tools you have.
Scilab > Octave
>How do Linux users make do without this?
Linux users are NEETs. They have no need for that business shit. Gov checks don't require Excel spreadsheets of Word forms.
WPS Office is better. I'll never use Micropoo products ever again because they aren't secure, they aren't stable, and they're absolute horse shit.
Damn pleb, your org doesn't dualboot Win7 and Ubuntu 14?
Libreoffice-> export to PDF
> MS Access
LibreOffice Base.
> Visio
Never heard of it; probably will never need it
Literally never have worked on anything in your LIFE. The state of Sup Forums, everyone.
visio is cad for retards lol
With WPS Office, when you absolutely must work with inferior document writing paradigms. There is also Scribus and other work-specific programs when you begin to understand Office is limiting.
LyX if you want to step up but you still can't LaTeX, because LaTeX maybe not for brainlets, I admit.
All development work in my office is done in Linux.
N=1, but still.
My uni does everything on linux.
By the way, I do WORK on my GNU/Linux machine, like spreadsheets and other documents.
There is no excuse to stay on Windows.
Not only does MS Office run fine in Wine, but Libreoffice is actually better.
You knew this though, you're just a sore ass mad Pajeet Changstein shill.
Pls, I really need to see what it's like to work like this.
Is not more efficient use 2007 office copy?
Office online or wine. I don't use any as i'm a patrician with LO and TeX. I have yet to see a job that requires ms office and i work with it daily. Pure garbage that only still around because piracy. Same with windows.
Libreoffice is a godsend. I like that they just updated to be able to use docx and save in docx.
The fact that this is a thread makes me sad. When I was fucking 16 n school girl I was on OpenOffice. Exported .pdf and in mircosoft format is the teacher was really not computer savy.
I prefer LibreOffice...but I need Excel for it's 3D functionality in keeping a small database at work.
>scientific documents
LaTeX. If you're not doing this, you're fucking up.
>non-scientific documents
Who gives a fuck about Microsoft Word? You can use Google Docs, LibreOffice, or whatever else you want that can export as .doc if it's the filetype you care about.
Luckily my company uses Office 365, which I gotta say as a full time Linux user it's pretty damn nice.
>not using pencil tool in ms paint to manually draw all the words in your document so you can export as .jpeg
this method lets you save your document in an uneditable format and then you can OCR it into .doc if you need to change things up. it also allows for maximum versatility in styling.
MS Paint is getting discontinued tho. :(
>not using office 2010 and WINE
Office works if you use wine.
But I personally use LaTeX for documents and R for mathematical analysis.
I have used office in the past because I needed excel and it worked right away, no configuration or anything needed.
The only thing that didn't work fully is the copy paste. Some times I had to paste inside excel and then copy that to get the data.
Linux prett much shitted on when it comes to popular CAD solutions(solidworks, anyone) and 3d printing
Libre office anything is worthless. Not because of shit devs but because of closed source microshaft standards.
It works if only thing you use it for is finishing your assignments in writer. I've seen many freetards in uni try to present group work in this meme libre office ppt replacement, only to see their presentation become mess. Usually followed by
>s-sorry this is not actually powerpoint so formatting is a bit off!
Shit like this works when you are college child, but is not acceptable once you start professional career.
WPS is unstable and insecure.
So it's just as LibreOffice? Awesome!
>Not just importing all of your slides into a PDF.
They deserved it. Nobody needs your retarded little animations.
besides sites like slideshare animations are useless. literally no one uses that shit beside high school.
if you need animations, just make a proper youtube video like every other 12 year old (not joking, it's not hard)
That also works if you are college child and no one really gives a fuck about impression your presentation makes.
You will understand how things work once you grow up. For now enjoy shilling worthless freetard software on Sup Forums
I don't give a fuck about libreoffice. I'm just pushing for open and portable standards.
So am I, but not a single ms office replacement in last 10 years didn't suck dicks. Why shill worthless garbage?
For the record, I've been using linux for approx 10 years and tried fair amount of those libre/open office suites, none of them was worth shit in longer run. Ok for basic tasks, shit for anything else.
And what does that have to do with PDFs?
>I troll linux users while 'working' with my data plan so HR won't find out. Sneaky arnt I.
Actually fuck me I'm retarded, you meant pdf. Nevermind.
But OOXML is an open standard, user.
Now only if microshit actually followed it.
What are servers if not a bunch of linux machines with a guy working on em?
LibreOffice adheres to the .docx standard just fine, it's MSOffice that doesn't follow the standard.
More seriously, I for one haven't had any problems, though admittedly I don't do anything too exotic.
>what is office online
>what is google docs
>what is LATEX
>What is libreoffice
lrn2strict, you idiots
Transitional OOXML is well documented here:
Stop blaming Microsoft for LibreOffice's developers' incompetence.
I'd like LibreOffice more if it didn't fuck up the fonts and formatting.