Fall for the Apple meme

>fall for the Apple meme
>MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016)
>2.7 GHz Intel Core i7
>16 Go 2133 MHz LPDDR3
>500 Go Flash.

During installation of the OS X 10.12.6 update from the App Store, the MBP freezes at the end of installation. I performed a reset of NVRAM, SMC and contacted Apple support trough the chat. They suggested to erase the HD an perform a new installation trough the internet or to update with the OS X 10.12.6 combo, but nothing worked.

Now it just sits here like this.

Macshit, it never works.

Other urls found in this thread:


How could you fuck up something that simple. You should probably just never touch a computer again.

This, basically. It's like breaking a toddler's toy. You're dumber than a toddler, OP.

>so retarded he managed to break idiot-proof software
Fuck off OP. Go be a moron somewhere else


>tfw macos just werks with my memepad from 2011
lmaoing at u senpai

>hey guys even though I hate apple have generic anti-apple images saved and ready to post, I bought a mac and then it broke because it's a piece of shit haha amirite
>here's an image from google image search showing a half loaded macOS boot screen to prove that I'm telling the truth

How are anti-apple fags so desperate that they actually feel the need to concoct made up stories about how macs didn't work perfectly for them?

>t. mactoddler

Fuck off with your meme. These threads kils this board


>he interrupted an update and bricked his literally 3000 dollar laptop

LOL hope you bought applecare, fag

Power it off and hold the option key, then choose network boot and reinstall the OS. Next time don't fuck with it like an autist while it's updating. This is true for any system and you should know better. Suicide is probably your best option at this point if you can't handle a social media machine made for pink haired crazies and worthless web dev hipsters. I work with a guy like you and every day he makes me want to rip his head off and shove it up his ass.


>t. mactoddler

Fake news.

Are they brothers?

Holy shit lmao is there a story behind this?


>buys a Mac
>instantly loads it with garbage like antivirus, MacUpdate, and gigashit scam malware
>blames Apple when it doesn't work right


>mactoddlers have defended this

They can't because he isn't a poorfag and they don't have other arguments in favour of Apple.

Start in verbose mode, also try if you can start in single user mode.

You do know you can just hand it in to an Apple Premium Reseller or Apple Store and they fix it for you for free, right? Also, I hope for you that you were at least smart enough to enable Time Machine.

Look at this thread. When macOS fails at anything, suddenly it's the users fault. It's the same excuses every time.

found it

Because hundreds of thousands of people updated to OP’s version and didn’t have any issues.


Thousands use Linux and Windows without issues, what's your point?

>Autistic windmilling at 0:42
Yep, makes sense.

thousands of windows users have issues. windows is unstable and there are a lot of issues that couldn’t be the user’s fault. with linux you have to know what you’re doing. with mac its supposed to be a system that works flawlessly, which it does, if there is something not working, its highly most likely that the user did something to cause the fault, whether it was intentional or not.

Works for me. Same with my Windows partition. Retards should stay away from technology.

>Sup Forums literally manages to fuck up the most simple process in the most simple to use OS
>also constantly complains about Linux being too hard
I really want Sup Forums to leave, holy shit

That is a beautiful opinion you have there. If we're staying in the realm of subjectivity and anedoctes, I've used Sierra for a year and Fedora for 4. Fedora feels more user-friendly and stable.

Why do you assume he fucked it up?

>Why do you assume he fucked it up?
just like the linux shills do with linux, mac shills will imply that mac os never breaks unless you did something wrong

Ah I understand. I actually shill Linux a lot and I'm honest about its shortcomings.

Hello Ranjeet.


>generic anti-apple images
It's a photo of the apple loading boot screen, you complete retard.

>retard fucks up a fool-proof system somehow

God you people amaze me. Your very existence around something working causes it to break. How is it that the tech illiterate clueless actual fashion designer chick I banged 2 months ago has a fucking 2011 MacBook Pro on Sierra while this retard of an OP fucks it up like this?

>plays an unrelated “that’s your opinion” card
>didn’t even read the post
>begins to talk about ui and user friendliness, saying that gnu/linux is better than macos in this
your opinions have been disregarded.

the question was “why do you assume it’s his fault instead of the os when its macos and not when its any other”. windows is supposed to run on millions of different configurations. it is known to fail a bunch, remember the “something went wrong” screen? there’s a lot of softwsre for windows that conflicts with eachother, or registries that screw up. it may function on more hardware, but that causes it so that its not a full thought out and optimized experience, something what macos does do. one of the reasons why people buy macs is because its a full experience. it works out of the box, the default settings are reasonable and its easy to maintain and use by people who aren’t tech savvy (it’s also very expandable for more advanced users). if there’s something that goes wrong, it’s most likely with macs that the user did something incorrect.

Sierra doesn’t have a grey startup/install screen. It’s black with a white Apple logo and status bar.

I did read your post, and it is an opinion. If it isn't, please provide proof that macOS is more stable than Windows and a popular desktop Linux like Ubuntu or Fedora.


What, the thing where they saved money from switching to macs? Is this the part where you show me it's due to OS stability and not, say, a better deal on support or being harder for a user to install malware (not to say availability of malware)?

Support requests were drastically less, I believe they didn't even reach half of what they had with their previous setups. Installing malware on macOS is fairly easy, all you have to do is click "Open" if gatekeeper tells you the software is from an unidentified developer. They had less issues and higher productivity due to the OS being way more user friendly and stable.

I'm still waiting for actual proof where this shows how macOS is more stable than Windows or Linux. For all you know, they're even triple booting and the difference comes from hardware.

Gatekeeper requires administrator permissions btw.

>i need to be spoonfed everything because i am too lazy and too stubborn

>IBM likes Swift
>IBM develops programs for the macOS platform
It's obvious they use macOS.

It's your claim, it's your job to prove it, not mine.
>it's obvious they use macOS
I never said otherwise, do you know what triple booting is? I asked for proof that macOS by itself is more stable just from the fact that they saved money from switching computer brands.

Let's cut to the chase, because I've had this discussions before a lot: you don't have any evidence. You have plenty of conjecture, and that's it. MacOS is a decent OS. Your claim that it is more stable than Windows or Linux is however baseless.

>an operating system that is designed specifically for certain hardware is less stable than an os that is designed to run on a wide range of hardware
if this was the case, noone would have a mac, you dingus.

Of course they would, there are more reasons to own a mac, like being the only way to.develop for iOS.
I await your proof as to otherwise.

if it was true, noone would own an iPhone either. iOS falls under the exact same principle, it even comes from macOS.

Again, not true. You're assuming people make rational purchases based on a single criteria.

Whenever you want to admit you have 0 evidence, feel free, but something tells me you're going to keep posting conjecture.

macOS is UNIX. Solely on this it is more stable than Windows with its NT kernel. If anything goes wrong in a UNIX system, that process only has difficulties. With Windows you get a blue screen.

>it's more stable because muh rubber stamp!
Amazing proof there, buddy. Your patchwork of 3 different kernels stapled together in the 80's is totally a model in stability.

>If anything goes wrong in a UNIX system, that process only has difficulties. With Windows you get a blue screen.
This is completely false, a process in windows can crash just fine without affecting anything else. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

It is a sign from Ganesh my friend. You are still in time to install gentoo.

Been there OP. Get a real computer and install Windows 10. Trust me - you won't miss it.

>I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about
Learn the difference between kernel modules/drivers and user processes and come back if you want to discuss anything with adults, kid.

>mactoddlers have defended this


That could never show if you actually erased the ssd, it would show a folder with a question mark, so you didn't actually erased the disk properly OP.
Do this:
Boot up with usb drive or internet bootup, open disk utility, format entire disk (not just the partition), RESTART
(Now, you should see the folder with question mark if you did this right)
Press key combination for internet bootup or
boot from usb, select partition to install, wait until software is downloaded or installed, ???, profit!




Nah, it's unix compliant, it's unix.