How do I exit vim, guys?!

How do I exit vim, guys?!

Other urls found in this thread:

you type :help iccf and press enter

Literally tells how on your screen

[Esc] => :!rm -rf --no-preserve-root /

>unplug computer

killall vim

:q = quit
:q! = I said fucking quit.
:qa! = Take that, motherfucker.

pacman -R vim
pacman -S neovim


C-x C-c

>not apt-get

kys tryhard

kys ubuntufag

>not portage

wow kys my man

>not apt

who's really tryharding here?

You have to press escape for the input to come up. Then you press :q to quit or :wq to write quit

>not ports

sudo kill -9 1

Click the X in the top right.

fuk u and ur dum smiley

pls someone help

Buy new iPhone and avoid begin neckbeard autist

alias q="killall vim && find . -type f -name '*.swp' -exec rm {} \;"

>exiting vim
Why would you ever?

Vim isn't OS unlike emacs

Suicide is your only option.

Or just :x instead of :wq.


Shutdown your machine

ports is inspired by portage
portage is >

>not zypper in

Crtl + Alt + T

just did this, I am posting now from my neighbor's pc

:!pkill vim

reboot the computer