Can technology be art?
Can technology be art?
Sure, for certain values of the modern "art" that is so popular nowadays
What's the piece of art he's watching?
dies are pretty
That girl holy kek
> I'm gonna fuck you in the mouth until you start speaking mandarin
It's about the girl dumbass
She looks like Ada Wong
She's that girl who did porn... Can't remember where to find it though.
I think I know that girl... Did she hang out with Duke?
howdy Kelly?
>doing the Sup Forums version of /k/'s autistic Mosin crate coffee table
I'm tired of this girl, seen her abuse video like 20 times. Are there any other equally 10/10 qts like her?
>can art be technology
yes would like to cum on those red glasses, hot babe alert
Good art makes an emotional response right? This is art.
what is that.
>ugly whitey girl dyed brown hair
Ugh, never mind
manchild gaymen shit
Who is that qt girl :3?
Have you been living under a rock for a last couple of decades? There some new hip thingy called Postmodernism. It says that everything is art which means that nothing is art.
le library de la alexandria
That's actually pretty fucking cool. I'm jealous.
xbox dev kit?
Yeah since the fucking 60s at least you dumb fuck
Some reditard torn apart an og xbox dev kit and threw away the guts to put a mid range gaymen pc in it. The internet is still raging about that.
This is the first I have heard of this and its allready making my angry.
Why didn't he sell it for like a grand and make a hectic sick build?
because he was a reddit user.
Not even being hyperbolic, He gutted it and posted it on PCMR because he thought he would get a lot of upvotes and make console peasants cry or something. Everyone instead called him a huge dumbass and shat all over him for being so stupid. He allegedly sent the HDD to someone working on emulation, but that is coming from a random who claims he told them, so i doubt it.
Because he's not a poorfag who cries about selling shit you're not legally allowed to that you don't even own, some guy on the internet owns and can do what he wants with his property
Knew this girl looked familiar
>not a poorfag
>build didn't even have an unlocked i5 processor
Just look on desktop trhead.
no, but you can use technology to make art.
Although it depends if by "art" you mean "technique" or that other meaning no one agrees about
>Clearly a hapa
Here's your reply
Because he's a fucking idiot, even by Reddit's metric. We still haven't gotten Xbox emulation up to snuff while PS2 and Gamecube emulation have been a thing for years now. Most Xbox emulators can only emulate one or two games and add to that the fact that Xbox's will stop being ab;e to play games in the next 10-15 years. I can understand why people are pissed because it's actually very possible that the documentation on that original dev kit could have had the documentation needed to get Xbox emulation development up and running, but now that won't happen if that was true. I wouldn't even be mad if it didn't have the documentation needed to get Xbox emu development up and running really, just kinda bummed out. Now it seems less likely than ever that anyone will be able to play Panzer Dragoon Orta, Otogi (1 and 2), Crimson Skies, Gunvalkyrie or Metal Wolf Chaos in 20 years time, unlike how people are still playing SNES or Genesis classics on the original hardware or through an emulator
yes, plenty of examples before apple spread cancer to design
Many Nokia designs could earn that award, some Braun shit and some apple stuff as well...
>btw, many at /mkg/ would consider their kbs as art
Who are you quoting?
the man made fucking poetry
Fucking boomers
Oh, so some stupid gamer shit, gotcha. Nothing of value was lost.
Anything humans make can be art if it is approached creatively. Except for maybe shit piss and vomit.
The zipties ruin it and make me cringe
Velcro for lyfe
Yes, look at my Bubble Fag Sort.