Tried to root my Android, stuck in bootloop, have to wait 2 hrs to download stock rom. This is why people buy iphones

Tried to root my Android, stuck in bootloop, have to wait 2 hrs to download stock rom. This is why people buy iphones

>he fucked up rooting his android
lmao kys cuck

You definitely should have bought an iphone because you are literally a fucking retard

Hey OP, how do I install PPSSPP on my iPhone without jailbreaking and risking bricking my iPhone?

Download the IPA and sideload.

>This is why people buy iphones
Because people are retarded?

Sounds too complicated.
Good thing I have an Android and can simply install it from the play store.

My God, I love that Android "just werkz" but you need all this complicated tooda and diddledidat just to get my software to run on an iPhone.

Which involves signing it with xcode, which requires a Mac or at the very least osx on a VM. No thank you.

no . because people don t want to waste time with their phone .

You have to have done something extremely stupid to do that. Sounds like your better off with an iPhone.

Yes, being too stupid to root an Android phone is the number one reason people buy iphones. Thanks for reminding those of us who may have forgotten

So you having slow internet and not being able to follow instructions makes you want to buy an iPhone?

Normies don't need root, what the fuck you are doing

Yea if you can't into rooting maybe an iphone is for you

You don't even need to root to have more useful features and functions than an iPhone.

>modify device despite warnings from manufacturer
>it breaks
>wtf i hate lagdroid now

Suicide is the best answer

No anymore :^)
Just download it and it will install. Just like gba4ios and nd4ios

So you still need some form of jailbreaking

>be so stupid that you fuck up something as simple as rooting your phone
>buy an iPhone

Story checks out

Only works for a week tho

I just found out the seller I bought from sold sm g935P s7 with g935T software, wtf is going on. Also the device has no serial number in recovery mode.

Read my update, go suck a penor fa/g/got

The lesson here is don't buy a Jamalphone and then attempt something clearly out of your technical expertise.

>Just download it and it will install


It's was bought in "new" condition from a reputable seller, came with box and accessories. Any retard can root a phone if someone hasn't fucked with it first.

I had this issue with a Moto G5 plus. Every time the phone booted it went straight to TWRP recovery or whatever it is. I followed the rooting instructions exactly. I eventually found that loads of devices get stuck in this bootloop and there were some commands you could run in terminal. There's some bug and the /misc partition doesn't get properly wiped when you format. You're supposed to be able to do it manually via the terminal but when I tried it give me some error about the directory being invalid. I must have retyped it a dozen times really make sure it had the path spelled out proper but it never took.

Fortunately the phone will boot to the OS if I go via the bootloader. So if I turn my phone off when I turn it on it'll go to recover then I need to select boot into the bootloader and then from there just hit start and I'm up and running. Bit of a work around but hey at least I can use the phone.

I will say XDA is the least helpful bunch of elitists on the face of the planet. If you don't know what the fuck you're doing they basically tell you to fuck off and learn before you post which would be great if there was a place on the internet to do that. Literally every other site or forum tells you to ask XDA when you have a problem.

Got an RMA, fuck Google' s pajeet botnet. Can't wait to get my hands on the iPhone 8.

>buy a flagship phone
"Oh yeah so btw you can't get the latest update, here spend 30 minutes and you can install this ROM made by some random dudes
>install ROM
"Oh forgot to mention, Wifi and Bluetooth don't really work yet but trust me it's SO much better than the normal one"
>development stalls after a few months
"Yeah so that ROM is abandoned but here's a new one so switch to that. Isn't customization fun I love it! I love being able to spend all this time customizing my phone so that it's the way it should've been out of the box!"

>he didn't have it predownloaded
>he actually trusted the pajeets on xda

Can confirm, I work for applecare phone support. All the callers are literal fucking retards. I've always hated apple, but going from desktop support in windows/linux environment, to troubleshooting apple products, I can honestly say that anyone who buys an apple product is fucking retarded.

You guys would not believe the callers I've got since I started here 6-7 months ago..

Story time nigga

But it's so easy to work for Apple support!

Whatever the problem the fix is always BUY A NEW ONE YOU RETARD

I think in any tech support job 99.9% of the people you deal with will be retarded. Anyone who actually has technical know-how won't bother to call tech support, they'll just fix shit themselves. That means you're left with all the idiots.

Give us some good horror stories, I'm applying to a local computer repair/service store and need some good reasons to hate people more than I already do

Problem isn't exclusive to apple, genius.

>this is why people buy apple
because they can't do basic stuff like replacing an android rom? fucking kys

having root access is not a modification

>to make my phone good, I have to completely replace the operating system out of the box
Damn, sounds great.

did you follow the instructions at whatever rom site you downloaded from? there's almost nothing that isn't rubbing your finger on an lcd screen. even public masturbators could do it.

It's the principle of the thing, I don't give a shit if it's easy. Why should I have to spend time undoing retarded shit that manufacturers tacked on to the iOS and remove bloat when I could just get an iPhone and have a stock clean OS from the start? Not to mention have official supported updates for 5 years.

Read the whole post

>I'm going to make a sweeping generalization based on my anecdotal evidence and bias towards a company

nice rebuttal, kys

So you falsely submitted a return? The device wasn't defective because of a manufacturing error. It was your error.

>A career full of tech support jobs
Sounds like you should be the one considering it m8

So? Fuck it. Big corps run the world and I've zero regard for them.

>Tried to root my Android, stuck in bootloop,
How do you fuck this up?
>have to wait 2 hrs to download stock rom.
Why didn't you make a backup before fucking around with your phone?
>This is why people buy iphones
Yea to be honest you're better off with an iphone.

Return it and tell Jamal to get it back from what he stole it from

Well, the worst callers are the fucks that think there iphones are magical devices. A lot of my calls are people asking about features they think the phone has, they then proceed to throw a fit when you explain their phone in fact cannot blend smoothies..

The other big call driver is for 2 factor auth. Apple seems to think there customers have some type of brains, so when you set up new devices is tells you 2 factor is the safest option so everyone uses it. The problem is it asks you to input the phone number of a trusted device in case you need to reset password. It never says not to use the number of the device you're on, so everyone does. They call to reset they're password, and I have the fun job of nicely explaining the customer is retarded and the only way to get back into the account is thru account recovery which could take up to 6 months, and that the entire time the account is in the recovery process that device has to remain off otherwise the process will restart over.

People have this notion that Apple is full of fucking wizards, and that because they bought an apple product they are guaranteed everything from apple, and applecare is full of college educated "geniuses". My work place is 75% dindus with GEDs who smoke blunts on their breaks. Not a single person I work with has anything higher than a HS diploma.

Also, if you ever ask to speak to a supervisor, we'll tell you that were going to transfer you to a super, but were instructed to pass the call off to our " senior technical advisors" who have the same training as everyone else they've just been working for more than 6 months.

You're not op
The phone was not sold for what it was, was fraud, ofc I will get a refund.

Besides 2 factor calls, a lot of my calls have been people that are pissed they can't Send texts or calls, and it's always cause they air airplane mode on, or they didn't pay their cell phone bill, and call us thinking were in charge of that.

We pretty much search how to articles to "guide" customers through fixing a problem. If we run out of how to articles related to said problem, well have the customer factory reset the device. If the issue still persists, it's instantly a hardware issue.

Protips for the future:

1. Before purchasing a phone, go onto xda developers and see what problems people have had with rooting/installing custom ROMs, if any. Don't buy phones made by fuckups like LG and Samsung.

2. Follow instructions exactly. If you skip doing something important, like wiping cache, you'll bootloop.

If you're on Android, the equivalent would be installing from an APK, which is not complicated at all. It's like saying that installing a program on Windows from an .exe or .msi is complicated.

Posts like these make me so glad I’m not such a failure that I’m stuck in a dead end tech support job and hate everyone. It must be exhausting being that bitter all the time

>before buying an android flagship, do research to make sure you can get rid of the shittiness out of the box
>then make sure to follow instructions exactly so you don’t brick your phone

Wow, that sounds like fun!

Lol, I'm not stuck in a dead end job. I do hate most of the people I deal with because they're terrible. There's a few good people here and there. I used to work as a network admin for a multimillion dollar company for great pay until they downsized due to oil prices.

I took the job I'm at cause they hired me on the spot. There's not many jobs in my field where I live, but I found a quick easy job that pays more than minimum wage that will hire anyone to save up to move to a better place with more opportunities. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. Phone support sucks, but its full time and I can work as much over time as I want. I've started applying in other places, and if I get a job somewhere else I have the money to move.

Why did you think that the problem was with the software when it's clearly elsewhere?
You don't even have half a brain, you better buy a retard-proof system so you can't fuck things up and blame the whole world for your own incompetency.

Sounds like a wetware problem to me.

Sage and report shill threads.

>I work for applecare phone support
I worked their before, bro. I don't how the hell you guys survive that and Call Center stats that they want tech to reach.