ITT; we get as paranoid as possible. What about this set-up?

ITT; we get as paranoid as possible. What about this set-up?

>two Thinkpad X60s (Intel 945 chipset (i.e. pre-AMT)) bought from local seller in person, with cash
>secured against remote hardware, firmware and chipset accessibility
>one X60 permanently offline, removed HDD, removed microphone, webcam, Wi-Fi card, Bluetooth card, Ethernet port filled with glue etc.
>Use encrypted USB, Tails installed
> IceCat/Tor browser, HTTP Encryption, Adblock Plus, NoScript to block Java and Flash.
>Claws Mail with OpenPGP for email encryption
>physically near me at all times, otherwise compromised

Other urls found in this thread:

>Not hiding anything behind wall sockets or trim

What would be your strategy for using the internet, though? Random coffee shops? Tunnel through compromised computers?

this is computer cargo cult security


Cantenna to use neighbor's wifi from across the street, obviously.

Real secure setup:
No computer.

Meme setup:
1. Fine leah rowe in real life
2. Get a thinkpad x60 or other libreboot laptop
3. Get the GPG key from leah in person
4. get libreboot from leah in person.
5. Install libreboot
5. Take out HDD and use it only through SATA to USB adapter to avoid using propietary firmware
6. Run a minimal command line only linux distribution and don't install anything you don't need. If you really need a GUI just use x window manager.
7. Take out wifi card and use a USB wifi dongle you obtained from the owner of a trust worthy store personally instead so you can take it out when its not in use.
8. Do not connect to your own internet. Try to only connect to the internet via changing your mac address and then connecting to public wifi and then using tor.
9. To avoid browser exploits instead of using a browser download webpages using wget and look at them using emacs when offline.
10. Keep the computer next to you at all times so it can't be tampered with.

Hows that?

Windows Vista + Avast Free Antivirus

>Not Norton to protect you against those darkweb hackers

OP here,

list was based on 'InfoSec for Journalists' from 'The Centre for Investigative Journalism'.

Sounds good

>trust worthy store
That's whete u screwed urself uo

Why am I suddenly seeing a bunch of screen caps and clips from this movie? Is Sup Forums trying to force it or something?

Interesting thread, keep it up.

Also you consider cloning your favourite werbsites to avoid temptation of plugging yourself back in. I think Wikipedia is under 50GB, just saying.

>To avoid browser exploits instead of using a browser download webpages using wget and look at them using emacs when offline.
we RMS nao

>7. Take out wifi card and use a USB wifi dongle you obtained from the owner of a trust worthy store personally instead so you can take it out when its not in use.

As if a store had influence on the hardware.

Buy your shit from a random Walmart with cash.

I'd accuse the guide of being paranoid if not for the fact it's describing more or less how I'd tell someone to totally lock themselves down.

Don't forget to construct a Faraday cage large enough for you to occupy along with any electronics in a room with an isolated power supply at the centre of your home with no outside walls

Nice pizza setup bro

English wikipedia with pictures is 20GB~. Have a backup with kiwix on my thinkpad, I class when the teacher forgot something i just searched it on kiwix and answered and the teacher thought it was really convenient to have an offline wikipedia at all timd

>Can sell old ass x60 to turbo nerds for 'muh secruity'


>can sell x60s to journalists and whistleblowers under direct surveillance from government agency
We /matrix/ now

You shouldn't go to a local store
>don't shave for a week if you usually do/shave if you usually don't
>Cover your face as much as you can still looking normal (cap + high collar jacket)
>Borrow car from friend
>Drive to next Town
>Buy computer cash
>Go to another town and buy another computer cash
>Go home
>Destroy one computer

add libreboot, else bios rootkit

just use norton or mcaffee or somethin jesus

>> IceCat/Tor browser, HTTP Encryption, Adblock Plus, NoScript to block Java and Flash.
No, use the browser that comes with tails, with disabled js and without any additional extensions.

Your mum already knows about your porn chill the fuck out

>Tor Browser, based on Mozilla Firefox and modified to protect your anonymity with: Torbutton for anonymity and protection against JavaScript, all cookies are treated as session cookies by default; HTTPS Everywhere transparently enables SSL-encrypted connections to a great number of major websites, NoScript to have even more control over JavaScript, uBlock Origin to remove advertisements.

Seems cool

Why buying 2 computers and destroy one?
Im brainlet help

What about assembling your laptop yourself?
>go to china
>buy parts
This way you're 100% sure nobody tampered with your hardware
>ask chinese man to assemble pc (keep an eye on him 24/7)

>go to sleep
>fbi breaks into your house
>drugs you
>replaces your setup with the exact same setup that was specifically designed to spy on you
>you have no idea that you are being spyed on now

if someone wants to spy on you there is literally nothing you can do,its one man against entire organizations and corporations

Record footage of yourself at all times and watch it later.

I don't think they have video editing technologies good enough to fake footage of you not being drugged by them.

lmfao that shit does not block anything anymore , use ublock

Wtf would you have to be doing to even warrant such surveillance hahaha

If you erase the footage regularly and make sure there's no way for anyone to see it, you'd be fine.

CIA here, thanks for everyone publicly stating how they keep themselves secure.

What if getting caught was part of our plan?