How does Javascript work

I'm supposed to port something to webExtensions. It is an add-on that involves the analysis of Javascript.

I know that since webdevs can't code for toffee, they often use JQuery and whatnot. This confuses me, it's hard to tell what is a library and what isn't.

Where is the official specification for the "syscalls" of Javascript? If I wanted to prevent Javascript from sending information from a browser to the internet, what would I have to block?

Other urls found in this thread:


who dis lil girl

Wife material.

Disgusting freckle monster. Hitler should have gassed gingers.

tell me about the javascript

Freckles are hot af actually.


who's this owo

tell me about the javascript

It's for gay faggots (lol)


I'm making this thread because a certain person who made a certain compiler is asking me difficult questions which I need to know these things about Javascript to answer.

since you aren't going away and are too retarded to google it
>Where is the official specification for the "syscalls" of Javascript?
idk wtf this means
javascript doesn't make any kernal level calls, at least not directly. it is a scripting language, it is interpreted and executed by it's runtime environment and that will vary between platforms
>If I wanted to prevent Javascript from sending information from a browser to the internet, what would I have to block?
post or get of any kind

Yes the browser is the kernel in this situation

Javascript is obviously sandboxed. There is an API that allows it to perform IO. I want to allow Javascript to not have any API features that allow it to do any type of AJAX.

You could disable it, or run a script blocker.

look for this string new XMLHttpRequest() in the source and kill it

How do you know that's the only way a script can do AJAX

I am the script blocker

You have a nice sister.
will probably tell you everything you need to know.

Yeah I've used MDN once or twice in my time you insolent cuck

It doesn't answer my questions

That's a cute boy.

fetch and XMLHttpRequest, but that's only for customizable requests.
There's also some CORS compatible IE only shit.

However, sending stuff to the web can't be prevented at all.
Just imagine creating a new image with src evilfuckingshitholyfuck?spyData=...

Can't really prevent that.

Also don't forget that if the user really wants to make a "post" or "get" request and get the return value, they could create a form and submit that, with the target being an iFrame that the result could then be read from.

So basically, forget it, OP. If someone wants to sidestep your system, they can.
Stopping XHR and fetch will be enough to stop most people, but everyone who is not a retard will still be able to send as much as they want and there's nothing you can do.

Any and all http verbs

Yes we can, by blocking all traffic from outside domains

This would require the page to refresh, no?

No, if you post to the iframe (via the target attribute on the form), then only the iframe's contents get refreshed.

So we can check to see if forms have iframes as targets

This is the kind of info I needed

Do you want to be stupid rich? Let me marry this girl

post pic of her feet

What have you done to it's eyes!?

Why would he do that? Varg says gingers are descendants of ancient Egyptian royalty, and Hitler admired ancient Egyptians.

look at mdn web apis then
also look at webextension apis to see if there's something to mitm network requests since that seems to be what you're trying to do

pls now resume posting redhead cuties

What's wrong with her face? Poor thing, this is what happens when you outlaw abortions
Pretty much this


>It doesn't answer my questions

then you aren't asking the right question

Disguting potato nigger.

what's her name?

All those pervs here. I bet she is like 12 years old.

So what? I am too. Never heard of agekin? Check your privilege you fucking normie

show us her bepis

If it's a trap I will unironically kill me self

would still bang tho

I came into this thread expecting Sansa, was greeted with jailbait

those are all the pictures I have
