>get UPS
>never give a shit about a rolling blackout ever again

Batteries are king.

>Buy UPS for all my shit
>Move to place that doesn't have shit power grid
>Suddenly they're all big heavy paperweights

I still use them but seems like a waste.

>tfw live in florida but haven't bought a ups yet
thunderstorms every fuckin day

This is now a shitty infrastructure uptime thread
,g$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$P. Machine: flurry
,g$$P" """Y$$.". ---------------------------
,$$P' `$$$. OS: Debian 9.1 x86_64
',$$P ,ggs. `$$b: Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-3-amd64
`d$$' ,$P"' . $$$ Shell: /bin/bash
$$P d$' , $$P IP:
$$: $$. - ,d$$' Packages: 1029
$$; Y$b._ _,d$P' Uptime: 27d 10h 14m
Y$$. `.`"Y$$$$P"' CPU: Celeron J1900 [26.8°C]
`$$b "-.__ CPU Usage: 60%
`Y$$ Memory: 4735MB / 7883MB
`Y$$. Disk: 3.3T / 3.8T (93%)
`Y$$b. ████████████████████████

Your power company probably already has surge protection built into your building or home, but it's a good idea to get one anyways.

>tfw cant afford ups
>tfw every time there is a storm power cuts off

What 3rd world country do you live in?

If it happens every storm then you don't need a UPS. You need to learn to turn your computer off when or before the storm start.

>Computer is off when I get home

Welp, looks like it's time to spend 40 hours running chkdsk on my external again.

It also cuts off at some random times on a nice day.

>live in a civilized world
>never give a shit about blackouts, because they don't happen

>get UPS
>fucker uses 30watts of power even when fully charged with no load.
Fuck you HP.

>live in a civilized world
>but the state government cared more about green image than energy security
>statewide blackout in 2015 is actually now a global case study in how not fuck up like South Australia
But at least we're going to have the 'worlds biggest battery' and suck Elon's dick for possible spacex launches at Woomera

>rolling blackout
where do you live where this actually happens?
i might get a black out 30minutes every 5 years

Not OP, but South Australia.
It's been a summer 'feature' for a good 15 years now.
Nothing like a 1hr blackout on a 45ºc (in the shade) summer day - I'd recommend it to everyone.

Not gonna lie, my UPS has saved my butt a few dozen times.

Leave you shithole man.

Do you live in Vuvuzela or something?

They're pretty common in any tropical area where there's exposed power lines; so all of the American South and Gulf Coast, Australia, etc.

Just get a nice inverter with sign wave and use car batteries its cheaper and you won't have 5 minutes of battery life.

>sign wave

wisconsin here, we had our towns transformer fuck up hard recently and it needs replacement, but small town and when it works it work long enough that people don't get pissed.

before this summer, we never had an extended blackout, just short 1 second shit during thunderstorms, and minor brownouts when the heat gets really bad.

ups is more for piece of mind and mission critical use then a necessity. got a small 400 watt one for my 3d printer as a 1 second blackout fucks a 30 hour print.

>natural disasters never happen
>idiots never hit utility poles

OK user.

I feel you man, I live in curry land and there are 5-6 hour blackouts every few days because "muh farmers need them waters".
It wouldn't bother much if it was night, but a power cut in 45°C, in the middle of the day is ridiculous

>utility poles
sounds pretty third world user, why isn't it underground?

Don't forget:
>Animals never touch two wires at once
>Branches never fall on the poles


>living in a place prone to natural disasters

is that some sort of excuse reindeer?

Haha get a better power grid fgt

>Living in a place prone to Africans

Some rural areas still have them on poles. I personally haven't experienced an unscheduled blackout in the past decade+ that I have lived in the civilized part of the country t. another Finn

>Do you live in Vuvuzela or something?
I keked, but no, Serbia. Im not sure if they are just fixing their lines whole god damn time or something, but its annoying and unprofessional.

I bought one a year or so ago for about 100$ off newegg, zero regrets. Saved my ass multiple times in not-even-rural texas.

It's probably the best insurance I've ever bot.
Plus I'm able to move shit without worrying about turning off my pc.

>get ups for 120$
>year later
>upgrade pc
>due to battery degradation and a higher wattage used by my computer it no longer sustains my pc in the event of a black out
It was nice when it worked though.

>cant afford ups
They're like $50 how fucking poor can you be

Not to mention if you get a line interactive UPS, you will not have any hardware degredation from brownouts or surges, couple that with an SSD and cleaning dust you can have a very long lasting machine,
what I don't know is how long a UPS will last, because the good ones seem to have a very high price tag.

how do i format like that


I am not shilling Java or any Microsoft or Intel products, am I? Can't I stay?

>>ever bot
Fuck off you stupid dictating-your-posts motherfucker.




why do storms cause blackouts anyways?

>light rain, barely a piddle starts

aye, similar here - mains used to be really bad but was eventually overhauled an much more stable now.

Still it's nice to know everything will shut down gracefully if anything happens.

>buy UPS with auto-shutdown feature
>saves my ass a lot
>come back home once
>computer off, but UPS moved from it's place
>turns out my sister turned it off immediately before it had a chance to shutdown when it blacked out because "the beeping was annoying!!!"

>that feel when you manage UPS for a 350 person crew guided missile cruiser

S-sure the UPS are sat Chief

> FBI shows up to forfeit your hardware
> don't even need to bother with a special hardware to keep it running and unencrypted

>implying the "civilized world" isn't overrun with unions intentionally making the infrastructure worse to not "kill the job"
I live in MA and I lose power all the time.

>talk about ups
>post image of shitty "surge" "protector" strip

the current state of Sup Forums

ehheh a1 troll dude !

format c:

I got a free ex-server UPS (IBM 1500T), it was getting tossed because it wouldn't turn on at all. Turned out the batteries were cactus (needs a tiny amount of charge to activate internal circuitry, powers up from battery, checks line conditions are ok then it powers up the outputs). One new pair of batteries and I have no regrets. It even has a power conditioner, so it smooths out voltage variations from the incoming AC. Only real pain in the ass is that all the outputs are IEC 60320 C13 connectors. Had to by adapters which were $8/ea (probably paid too much but I was in a hurry).

Sure thing brah

I honestly can't remember the last time there was a power outage here.

TFW: 29 minutes of outage per year.
also: this map specifically excludes natural disasters like hurricanes/earthquakes. Of which we have 0 every century in the Netherlands.
Feels good man.

Does electricity work under water?

Saskatchewan Canada, no nigger, no tornadoes, no earthquakes, no volcanoes, and no tsunamies.

i've lived in florida all my life and couldn't imagine not having battery backup

it's not like I lose power every day but there are months full of thunderstorms where power is lost for ~1 minute at times and not having a battery would be absolute suffering

France stronk

It's amazing you have electricity at all

how do you know when someone owns a 3d printer?
>Don't worry, they'll tell you

>worry about battery leaking toxic fumes instead
Enjoy getting cancer

can the flashlight battery in that dinky ups even power all that rack shit?

yeah, for around 10 minutes - more than enough for a short outage or graceful shutdown

I've lived in the UK and US and I've had more power outages in my 5 years of living in the US than I have of my 15 years living in the UK

How can you vent a indoor UPS?
Aren't they all lead-acid?

Also has anyone replaced a older UPS battery before?
Is there a possibility to flash firmware or utilize the kernel with serial for non standard size batteries?

>How can you vent a indoor UPS?
>Aren't they all lead-acid?
They usually use SLA (sealed lead-acid) batteries that don't outgass. I've heard of AGM/gel-cell being used but eh.

>non standard size batteries
You'll """"probably"""" be fine just hooking up anything that matches the original voltage. Any time-estimates of remaining capacity might be wrong (since any calculations would depend on a known size battery), but percentage remaining estimates would probably be accurate since it's most likely calculated off of a voltage reading.

I work in networking for a midsize company and we're currently replacing all of our UPS units with MPS ones

Thanks for the info!
I wasn't expecting a sensible response.

i would love a huge ups for the whole house with enough power to last 2 days. when the power shuts down everyone in the neighborhood has no power but me, and i turn on all my lights and open whe windows to shine on everyones unlit ass

>transmuting arcanite for some fag back in 2005
>he gives me the arcane crystal and thorium bar
>holding my breath for those crucial five seconds while i do the transmutation, fearing a blackout and then getting banned for scamming
>give him the arcanite bar and get my tip
>sigh of relief

>office job
>every office computer is connected to UPS
>power goes out
>we all use our work because the server isnt on a UPS
>"we didnt anticipate the power going out to the server"
>but its connected to the same power source....

I work in networking for a midsize company and we're currently replacing all of our UPS units with MPS ones

whoever sold those ups probably pissed himself laughing

I'm moving to Tennessee soon, do I need a UPS?

you want to know what a ups is useful for, give you a good example.

Hate to say it but with most shit saving as you go, there is no reason to ups a normal computer aside from you never want to shut down.

there is no place that isn't prone to natural disasters where a human would want to live, and the few places that don't have natural disasters are the shittiest places on earth.

you basicly just have to pick your poison.

how the fuck does a 120 ups not sustain your computer? are you doing something retarded?

100~$ bare minimum for one that can handle a computer + monitor, in a worst case 100% load scenario.

looked into it recently, 2-5 years, and the batteries cost 20$ so you replace that you get another 2-5 years.

he got the new intel cpu line

even with a new line intel oc + vega a 120$ ups should handle a full load

you underestimate its power user

for what that would cost, you could probably afford a generator
then, you could power your house indefinitely

yeah back in the late 90ies at my first coding job, we had shitty electricity at the building I worked.
Funny shit is when visual studio 6 crashes when you compile, it completely rekts your source file lol.

So we used CVS back then and I was ofc a rookie, had almost finnished the project I was working on and hadn't checked in the source for almost 2 weeks..... then it fucking happened.

My source file was now a binary mess! So after this I've always had an UPS

costs around 6000-8000$

true, but if you live somewhere where a noise complaint can impose a fine, the generator likely isn't an option.

400-500 watts on the cpu, 300 on the gpu, another 75 for motherboard shit, that should easily be handled by a 120$ ups unless you got ripped the fuck off hard.

>noise complaint
>during power outage

during a drought, get arrested for not watering your lawn/keeping it green.

> 29 minutes
So how many people resigned?

Alberta Canada, no earthquakes, no tornadoes, no volcanoes, no tsunamies. A few years ago haft the city of Calgary flooded but my electricity and internet was fine. Comfy place to live if you can deal with snow.

./shrug maybe I got a bad model. Thing doesn't even support a 30 watt (probably) monitor anymore actually, I just tested it.

if the thing isnt supporting a monitor, and its a monitor on its own nothing else plugged in right, then that is likely battery failure.

check some shops near you if they will either sell you a battery that can fit it or will replace the battery for you.

out of curiosity what is the model you got?


Do it user, a few days ago lightning fucked up a bunch of my shit at home.
I was lucky that my computer wasn't damaged.

My living room smart TV lost all its HDMI ports, family room TV lost one port, the AC for my outdoor patio blew a relay, and a fuse. My uncles TV was killed as well.
My neighbors lost a camera system, and game console.

you dont like getting ripped off hard??

what are you gay or some shit?

Mine was $45 at Microcenter and runs my computer for an hour

>Never have to worry about wiping my CP collection when the feds cut the power just before a raid

>not just putting an axe through your HDDs