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That does not look Russian at all.

But it is
Only doctors write like this though
They are forced to write for 3-4 sheets per lecture therefore forms this handwriting

That doesn't look like a language if you ask me

Can you read it?

No. Only doctors can
When they write you a prescription, you have until the last moment did not know what was there
And only in the pharmacy you are told that you should take

I wouldn't rule Arabic out yet.

I have to write about that per lecture and I have a better handwriting.

they pretend to be able to read it, but in reality they give you anything

i am doctor and this is true, we dont even know what are we prescribing

the first letter is ш :D

No it's russian 100%
It's history of the disease

heres my coursive by the way (I am drunk though)

Oh shi~
What doctor are you?

"Жaлoбы нa cлaбocть, кaшeль cyхoй, coпpoвoждaющийcя ??? хpипaми"

Sellers in pharmacies understands the Language of Doctors too.

Дoктop в тpeдe вce в cтaциoнap!

can you write what you wrote on here too? I wan't to see the difference.

Пepиoдичecкaя cиcтeмa Meндeлeeвa являeтcя yпopядoчeннoй тaблицeй химичecких элeмeнтoв

do you expect anything more from

it looks nothing like what you wrote

cyrillic script and cyrillic print alphabet are different

There are two Cyrillic alphabets. Keyboard one and the one you type with irl. Idk the names in english

>yfw when you learn somethin on Sup Forums

printed letters and capital letters in russian

Printed and written here

Funny, it's the same here.

I understand western doctors write in typed letters?

I have one Russian physician and she prescribes antibiotics for everything to everyone.
So when I know I need antibititcs I go there.

that's infuriating. antibiotic-resistant bacteria may outpace cancer deaths in hospitals in a few decades and people like her are causing it.

who cares it's Russia m8

No one should suffer the wrath of resurgent infectious disease. New antibiotics are being researched now, but we can't keep playing this cat and mouse game with bacteria. I don't want to return to pre-modern times where we are all at the mercy of TB and Staph.

i was kidding bro, just a med student... but i cant read language of doctors yet, i hope we will go full electronic by the time i finish med school