So apparently more celebs leaks have come out, pic related

So apparently more celebs leaks have come out, pic related.

Now the question is, where do such pictures keep on coming from? How can these leaks keep on happening year after year? Undoubtedly smartphones are involved, so what exactly is so insecure about the modern phone that allows this to happen?

I'm guessing it goes something like this
>write cool new app that phones home
>botnet dl it to make it seem popular
>steal vids of preteens jerking/jilling
>release the celeb nudes to smokescreen intentions

AnonIB. Next question.

human "error" and social engineering is much more easily to believe than hacking private smartphones.

jaded boyfriend most likely.
social engineering is a possibility too..

>NSA and CIA make tools to hack literally any phone
>tools inevitably fall into the hands of other agencies
>the horny bastards steal the pics themselves or sell the tools on the black market where the buyer uses them for shit like this

>hey bae i got you some pics ;)
>nudes sent
>holy shit, bae you look fab

>hey bro, have you seen my girl
>sends nudes


That's gay as fuck. Who would send nude pics of their girlfriend to their bro so they could fap to it? Are you a cuck? Why not just jerk off your buddy directly?

it's called revenge porn

it's called being a nigger

Revenge porn is putting that shit online for the world to see. These images are years old and we only just got to see them.

Personally forwarding your girlfriends nudes to your "bro" is just being a cuck, and is the worst method of enacting revenge because there are now cell phone records of you committing an illegal act.

Or it’s showing off to people how big you scored.

they phish the icloud email


Is this literally a term for female masturbation

It's fantastic

>Undoubtedly smartphones are involved, so what exactly is so insecure about the modern phone that allows this to happen?
All of their data is uploaded to apple/google servers.

You have to be 18+ to be here little guy


Essentially they use all the iOS backdoors Apple intentionally left on iDevices for data mining and to let the feds in when asked.

The vault leaks confirm this but most backdoors cost coin so people sell them instead of actively exploiting them until someone has access to the backdoors.

These leaks are orchestrated too gain attention to the actresses.... By their agents.

Some with, some without their permission.

Same goal, increase awareness of the talent for future gigs.

Welcome to Hollywood, your libido is again being used by others for their benefit. Sexual Liberation from morality is a form of social control... Mainly for things as simple as making a buck.

Have a nice day.

like anyone gives a shit about hollywood actresses, it's nice to see them naked but it's not like I would watch their shit movies and series because of that.

I'm 27 and I have literally never heard it before

What have I done with my life?!?

this, the bullshit about hacks is a smokescreen

Excuse me the ones who make those tools are Israelis the likes of Cellebrite