How do we fix C++? Here are my proposals:

How do we fix C++? Here are my proposals:

>Fork current C++
>Cut off C source level compatibility
>Modules, support wildcard in module imports
>Lazy iterators and ranges
>Lifetime specifier, borrow check system (optional)
>Pattern matching
>Variant types
>Hygienic macros
>Adopt Meson as the standard build system and dep management tool
>Free and open source, cross platform Language Server Protocol
>Get rid of C preprocessors
>Call it D++

Other urls found in this thread:

Congratulations you just made Rust.

Rust doesn't have variant types

It does you retarded shitnigger.

>calling Rust D++
I like it.

No, it doesn't give me an example

all of these sounds good, you get on implementing it and i'll make the logo

Do it pussy.

how can you fix perfection?

Its not C++, its you.

Here you are.

>>Cut off C source level compatibility
>fix C++
>remove the only good thing it has

>only good thing
That's the only reason C++ sucks


Their enums can be used both as traditional C enums and variants.

if not c compatibility no one would ever use c++

Literally schooled

Yes, we can drop c++ and get using rust.


lifetime specifiers should be optional and so is borrow checks. Get rid of unsafe blocks and allow mad pointers for comfy programming

Unsafe blocks are the option.
You just think it should be opt-out instead of opt-in which is retarded for a no overhead safety feature.

>raw pointers are comfy
You're a threadlet.

>tfw using 8 cores 16 threads
Nice try

>he thinks I'm referring to the hardware
I bet you don't write programs that use all of them consistently.

>being this fucking stupid
he was talking about making multi threading in programming you moron

>Take D
>remove retarded shit like enums
>remove GC

this guy