Sup Forums, what is your favorite font for terminal/programming?

Sup Forums, what is your favorite font for terminal/programming?

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which font is that, OP?

Ubuntu Mono




Courier New, for that l33t hacker feel.

>l33t hacker feel
>not green fixedsys on black background

Anonymous Pro for programming, ProFont for terminal.

Nice, looks a lot like terminus

How can you even use inconsolata and not be triggered beyond the realm of the living by the wrongly slated `t`?
Using Fira Code with those sweet, sweet ligatures. Its downside is the fact that the zero is dotted, but I can live with that, I suppose

Inconsolata master class

Dejavu Sans Mono

The ells remind me of Amiga's Workbench 2.04 font a little.

Liberation Mono

if it aint broke dont fix it

Times new Roman for extra readability


Dejavu Sans Mono Slashed Zero


good god

comic sans

user that's unreadable

Truly the Code Artisan's font of choice.

what the actual fuck, user

Noto Sans Mono

Let me guess, you're MtF lesbian.

> new Integer

what the fuck is this shit language

Monaco for the terminal, Roboto Mono for coding

Lucida Console / Source Code Pro

Used Consolas but now moved to Source Code Pro.

Java boxing/unboxing I guess? Some things in Java are terrible.

Hi Mark. I use Source Code Pro too.

Really wanted to use Inconsolata but it looks like shit in IntelliJ IDEA when it shows italics.

That's Java, probably.

source code pro

>Hi Mark. I use Source Code Pro too.

aye, its a nice usable font - need to change my terminal font sometime tho, my eyes are degrading and its getting hard to read

Fira Code.

But I hate the dotted zero. So I've went back to SF Mono.

mein neger

Give me one good reason not to use it.

Almost. I'm a quasimetrosexual, meme-gender, demifluid faggot-kin.

Ugly as fuck

Adobe source code pro and terminus are god tier

My man

does being ugly as sin code-barista-like faggot font count as a valid reason?

If you don't like consistent and well distinguished glyphs, no hair off my gooch. Plus I haven't had eyestrain since I started using it.

I do - which is why I use fira code and terminus

IMO one of the GOATs is the IBM VGA8 font, and Consolas appears to be the closest modern representation of that.

So, Consolas.

Code Money Constant
The professional's choice

Daily reminder that if you spend more than 5 minutes choosing a font and colour scheme, you are a ricer fuccboi and not a real programmer.

That is fucking horrible

what language

>Getting this autistic over fonts
0/10, made me reply

You got that right


9/10 very progressive

Roboto Mono in terminal and Roboto in bar/gui because i love the botnet font.

Does anyone know what font this is?

could it be fixedsys?

No, I don't think so. You can see in the "t" that that font has a "swoop" at the bottom, whereas fexedsys doesn't do that.

Also, I think the pixelation is just because the font is so small, not an inherent quality of the font.

Input is the best font I've used when it comes to character balance and alignment, while still being a somewhat distinctive sans-serif font.
I'm using the condensed version because the normal one is a bit too wide for 2x80cols at a comfortable size on my laptop.

Profont for Powerline mono

Once you start using bitmap fonts you'll see the light.

DejaVu Sans Mono

Dotted over slashed. I write a lot of ocaml and need to see difference between empty set and zero. Yes, we have to (and prefer to) use unicode in comments.

fucking frontend web devs

Acme's default font.

This. Terminus.

care to share your terminal colours?


Ubuntu Mono

>using proportional fonts for programming

Ubuntu Mono is the best.

Why not just use IBM VGA8?

Comic Sans obviously

what's the system bar?

Because it looks like shit on modern displays.

I'm tempted you fucking cunts


Pragmata Pro (I actually bought it for €200)

Looks good, any chances to have the .ttf?

Tewi. Terminus and Lemon are good too.

>(I actually bought it for €200)


What a colossal waste of money.

did someone post comic sans already?



I felt that giving exchanging €200 for access to this font was a good deal. I'm happy, it's not like it was my last €200!

DejaVu Sans

Everything popular is based on it, but I think it's the sexiest font around.

>dotted zero

Liberation Mono. It's absolutely perfect for me.
Nice and readable at small sizes.

which color scheme

a monospace font that has ligatures

I try other fonts but always end up coming back to the dos vga. Comfy.


best bitmap font ever

I'd use it if was actually possible to make it work on modern machines.

Finally someone with good music taste on Sup Forums.

jokes on you, i program fonts and colors

They don't look like the originals on modern machines.

turn off hinting

Have a (you) for Fira Code