So now that there's literally no chance that she'll face charges...

So now that there's literally no chance that she'll face charges, are you going to support Hillary Clinton for president?

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no because i'm not a yank
if you want to talk with other yanks about politics, i'd recommend Sup Forums

i dont care

Sup Forums

Let's be honest, Sup Forums is much better for political discussions than Sup Forums.

It's impossible for her to win. Too many people support Trump for her to have a chance

>It's impossible for her to win. Too many people support Trump for her to have a chance


You're under Israeli control, who you choose to blame doesn't matter.

This election is so shit I can't even take it anymore.

This. I have many spanish-speaking friends from the US (Texas) and they want Trump to win so hard. It seems rare to me but it's a fact.

I'll just write in Bernie Sanders

>She committed all these crimes
>A normal person would be punished by it
>But she is cool we ain't gonna do nothing

I hope americans understand this is the death of your democracy right there. Welcome to third world politics.


She didn't realistically commit anything that would have gotten her more than 3 months anyway.

No it's not. They're different kinds of utter shit

>He still thinks Trump has a chance

Is Hillary Clinton really the first openly cuck presidental candidate or has there been somebody else before I don't know about?

>There are literal clinton supporters here


Cuck would imply she knew about it before it came out.

Trump will do that to people.

>But she is cool we ain't gonna do nothing
This is literally exactly how the fed has always operated. Americans get memed a lot for their vague hatred of government, but it really does stem from the fact that the idealized way our systems of governance and jurisprudence are presented to us as we are brought up is very very different from the way they actually operate.

>Literally no argument except the same shitty memes from r/TheDonald

It's going to be absolutely amazing watching Trump supporters commit mass suicide when he loses spectacularly to Clinton.


And because she is a politician with a powerful family she won't do a day of community service.
And that is fair? Aren't people meant to be treated equaly in America? Isn't that in like, your constitution or something?
You guys are literally third world tier now.


I support Trump
Because he seems like an isolutionist and I think less US influence in the world might be a good thing

your only argument is laughing pictures and "X ACTUALLY BELIEVE THIS"

Basically this.
I hope Trump wins because of this.

what happened? explain it to me merica cause there was no news about "hilary clinton charged for x crimes" article here.

Cheers my friend from other continent
I hope Trump will be indeed successful

>And because she is a politician with a powerful family
All that means is she can afford good lawyers, who realistically can get you out of almost anything when the claim is dubious enough
>Aren't people meant to be treated equally
Lmao no, equality is a liberal spook. Money buys power in this world.
>Isn't that in your constitution
No it's not. Plenty of people have been acquitted when the evidence seemed to be against them because that's how Common Law works. Justice is not based on popular feeling.

The FBI found she broke the rules, but not enough to be prosecuted.

Trump is going to win, deal with it

so basically she bended the rules of the elections a little but authorities and people in general are turning the blind eye cause "adolf trump cant win!"

Ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffuck no.

Same with Trump desu lads.

This election sucks. I can't believe I'm actually gonna vote third party.

>implying they aren't both going to be assassinated

They're willing to overlook the activities because she didn't do it on purpose, and she didn't do it alot.
Were she still Secstate, she'd be sanctioned for it. She's not, and it's kinda minor, so it's not worth pursuing.

Hopefully Gary Johnson will not have dropped out by November. I'll vote for literally anyone except Clinton or Trump.

t-the tree of liberty something something blood of t-tyrants

much second amendment

Still a warhawk
Still taking bribes from ths Saudis et al
Still flip-flopped hard and fast on homo rights and won't even acknowledge it


>All that means is she can afford good lawyers, who realistically can get you out of almost anything when the claim is dubious enough
There needs to be a trial for her to use the lawyers and get free.
>No it's not. Plenty of people have been acquitted when the evidence seemed to be against them because that's how Common Law works. Justice is not based on popular feeling.
Again, won't she need a trial to be acquitted first? They are not even going to have one, so I don't see how this is at all relevant.
If she was just some random plebeian she would surely serve time, but since she is a Clinton, she will just walk away.
You guys really are no better than we.

if you retards don't vote for Trump Hillary Clinton will literally be the next president of the United States. Do not let us go down in history as being the fuckers that elect Clinton into office. Voting third party only guarantees Clintons presidency.

And after her sentence sha'd have been ineligible for security clearance for the rest of her life. The email thing alone wouldn't make her a bad person (there's enouh else to do that) but it does mean she really shouldn't have even been Secretary of State.

And she will be President. An eminently beatable candidate, untrusted by the vast majority of Americans, will make it into the White House. Because the alternative is toxic.
Suck it up. We'll have another bloodless revolution in 4 years. And hopefully that time, the GOP won't have a deranged, liberal ignoramus representing them, and they'll have a better chance.

Start planning that election now, because this one is already lost.

(Citation needed)

They didn't have enough evidence to warrant a trail. What could they charge her on that would guarantee a conviction?

The FBI thing was a case of incompetence. Whether it was on the level to be considered criminal, it apparently wasn't. The case that was presented simply wasn't solid enough.

If Clinton wins, by the time 2020 rolls around America will be so Hispanic that it will be impossible for a Republican to become president. Trump is the last chance, and he has a shot at winning.

So the Republican Party becomes irrelevant? The democrats split between Bernsters and Neo-liberals? And the libertarians stay irrelevant.

Best possible future desu

>Debt free schooling
>Higher minimum wage
>Nearu free healthcare
>Expanded education programs

>This is a bad thing

Come on guys, it's time we catch up to the modern world.

>So the Republican Party becomes irrelevant? The democrats split between Bernsters and Neo-liberals? And the libertarians stay irrelevant.

Pretty much. Then the United States becomes Brazil 2.0. But at least the Republicans will have muh respectubilituh

>and he has a shot at winning
If you still believe this, you are his target demographic.
If you think the average GOP voter sticks parenthesis around names of people they don't like and is convinced of a secret Trump plan to throw every Mexican back, you need to log off your computer and go for a walk.

He's going to pancake so hard, it may set the GOP back the next election as well. He may have already. We can only hope the GOP, and the voter base learns a very harsh lesson, so they aren't crazy enough to allow a brain-damaged NY Liberal at the helm again.

Why would the U.S. become like Brazil? Does Brazil have welfare, free healthcare, education etc?

Nowhere does he say that

As far as I know Brazil offers all of those things. They're in a bunch of debt but that's the natural consequence.

Trump has brought a lot of new people into the Republican party, and the only ones that left because of him are rich neocons that the average Republican voter didn't like to begin with. Saying Trump has no chance whatsoever this early on is idiotic, there hasn't even been a debate yet.

So? The U.S. can service its debt infinitely as long as the dollar is strong. Europe gets by just fine with those thingS

Europe is in a lot of debt too. Countries like Denmark can do better with larger government because they have a small homogeneous population. But either way I don't mean to debate whether or not free healthcare and education is good, I was just making the point that if Hillary wins the US becomes Brazil.

>debt-free schooling
I'm curious what you mean by this. Do you have a link?

Also there's nothing to catch up to. If we wanted to be Yuros we'd have outlawed personal opinions and shit by now.

Brazil has corruption within corruption, feel-good populism that doesn't get enough probpems solved, and a land management policy that gets their environment and natives fucked.

You'd be better off voting for Jill Stein, if you're in a state where that's an option. They throw out write-in votes for anyone who hasn't declared their candidacy.
I mean, as long as you're only protest-voting anyway...


"To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now." - James B. Comey, FBI Director

This is criminal. He is saying that there is not equal treatment in this case.

>To be clear, this is not to suggest that in similar circumstances, a person who engaged in this activity would face no consequences. To the contrary, those individuals are often subject to security or administrative sanctions. But that is not what we are deciding now.

Holy fucking shit, this is Banana Republic tier.

rip in piece murrika, you had a good run