Cucked Terry


Other urls found in this thread:

I think she felt it

why did it all go so wrong

>some dude sends him e-mails as Diana
>he can't stop beating his meat to the real Diana



> was masterbaiting
I do it here every day.

This is so fucking sad.

Is cuckoldry a symptom of mental illness?

It's always hilarious to see basement dwelling autistic racists getting cucked HARD

cuckoldry is pathetic

Damn Terry, we've all been there. We've all thought about women being sluts, which makes them seem more accessible to us. Doesn't mean that we want to have our women gobbling up CIA splooge on a daily basis.

is the opster a cuck?


ask bam (and also scorch) all about it

why do you mess with terry

It's great because it proves their point and potentially creates a mass murderer.

Does anyone actually have source on this, or is this another case of OP making a fake text, slapping on an image of something on to it and Sup Forums falling for the bait?

>It's great because it proves their point
What point, that only weak pathetic betas are racist?

>potentially creates a mass murderer.
Autistic rage.

The source is literally in the OP of the fucking TempleOS general. Where all these posts should be by the way


The only thing whitebois are good at, getting cucked and blogging about how they get cucked rather than doing anything to prevent getting KEKED

Link it.

lmao, fucking loser

Allowing blacks to buy smart phones with their food stamps really destroyed the Internet

why bother having a general or a fucking catalogue if the Sup Forums browsing nigger cattle don't know these things exist

>what point
White genocide
>Autistic rage.
Yeah just like pic related, right? There will be more Breiviks, the final red pill is realizing that "violence is bad" is a meme created to subjugate the white race and that survival depends on your ability to be violent.

>why bother having a general
I couldn't care less about a raving lunatic sperging out over some girl he doesn't actually know, so you tell me.

>a fucking catalogue
I wondered where the text was from, user could have simply said "it's from the templeOS website", I thought I had to sift through a 20 minute video of insane rambling yet again, like with everything Terry does.

I'm so tired of this meta-ironic worshipping we do. I hope Terry dies soon.

irrelevant opinion

>Yeah just like pic related, right?
Yeah, pretty much.

Says the 15 year old mulatto posting R9K memes

wow, change to subject already? Say it whitecuck, what the fuck do about it?

>77 highscore
In that case we need more of those "autistic rages".

>I thought I had to sift through a 20 minute video of insane rambling yet again
Why the fuck would you think that? I said the first post of the TempleOS general. Which is on this board. Accessible from the catalogue within seconds. When does a 20 minute video come into play? "Any nigger can make something complicated"

why are whites in tech always fucking cucks

Leave that cumskin alone ffs

yeah it's not just blacks it's all non-whites that are destroying the internet

> Breiviks
> red pill
Back to Sup Forums.


It's not even a meme or stereotype anymore.

Sup Forums is a right wing board.

How so?

>a group of anime neet manchildren had actually more influence than leftkikes in the presidential elections

>tfw you're on the same boat with autistic faggots like this

I feel ashamed of being a part of Trump supporters

You should feel more ashamed about losing against "autistic faggots".

Losing what? Read my post again you fucking autist.

>wow change to subject?
>what the fuck do about it
Learn to write, /r9k/ nigger monkey.

Yeah, it's a good laugh for an unmatured person like you.

Now he switches to spell correcting defense method

Cucks gonna cuck, too fucking retarded and weak to prevent getting cucked

Influence on an election just changes the myth. You still don't have dick's worth of influence on policy. It just happens that you'll shill whatever the administration is selling.
All corporate partisans deserve to be gassed.


aww, are you crying in the corner right now, cuckboi?

You seem to be against Trump and his supporters, so I'm just reminding you that your candidate lost the elections to a celebrity supported by weeabo neets.

No it isn't. /p*l/ is a containment board, fuck off back to where you crawled out of, smelly autist

Terry is an autistic loser, and his worshippers are worse than losers

Which is a shame, being a part of something great but filled with autistic faggots with no self respect whatsoever. I though voting was for adults?

lmao is that real

i could imagine linus doing that for a joke

Americans are late bloomers. Enjoy your manchild president for 8 years


hahah lol

>lmao is that real
Yes. Linus actually mentioned him in a Q&A and said that TempleOS is objectively the worst OS in existence.

The fact that a movement filled with autistic faggots wins is amazing, its shows that even if whites are at their lowest their are still miles ahead from shitskins.

Well, he's not lying. If terry was not an autist maybe he'd make something better

Sup Forums is a right-wing website, you can go back to your self-hating subreddit now.

>Sup Forumstards actually believe this

where can I find that q&a

Sup Forums is pro net nutrality, it has 3 faggot boards and it's an anime site. You need (((Google))) verification to post here or you are going to pay money. Anime is a left wing propaganda to turn whites cucks and faggots. There is literally no reason but mental delusion to think Sup Forums is a right wing website.

>being in denial
You stick out like a sore thumb, shitskin.

>I can get the BBC woman to narate my wank to Dianna?

>They seem to be watching.

>What else could I do?

>hello BBC woman, want to watch me wank?

>Then, Terry doesn't imagine nigger fucking dianna very much.

>Terry imagines BBC woman watching Him wank, LOL.

Does Terry know what BBC stands for?

He's autistic


I'm in the US and I'm bringing my parents and brothers here to live with me. Working at a top startup in SV. Jelly much? lmao

>lying on an anonymous imageboard

>He hates anime means he hates Trump

What the fuck are you talking about? You don't have to be a autistic weeb to love Trump

Linus is also a fucking faggot retard

[x] doubt


CIA niggers brainwashed into becoming a cuck, he clearly got MKultra'd

Whatever you say kid, my whole family voted Trump and none of us watch faggot anime

bump for that q&a
if it actually exists and the other user wasn't telling porky pies