Whats the best set up for c/c++ programming on windows?

Whats the best set up for c/c++ programming on windows?

Forgetting that shit and focusing a language that's in a higher market demand


b-but i like C so far


> highest paid language
> not in demand

He wants you to learn Javascript. What a fag

the best setup is to either install linux or buy a mac

Highest paid != in demand

No.. more like Ruby, Scala or Go...and actually Node JS is pretty cool.. DOM JS is awesome too... us web and API guys get to actually work on fun projects, not some boring router or keyboard firmware or whatever you C fags work on

msys2 with vim gcc and tmux. Use emacs if you don't like vim.

>programming on windows?

this, but points deducted for uuuing winbabbies

A virtual machine.

Visual Studio

Sup Forumsuru's choice

what is that?

u need a real os first

Install Gentoo.

mingw-32 with you favorite text editor(notepad++, sublime text, vscode) until your project goes over 1k lines

Code blocks is pretty nice if you're a beginner

what's wrong with visual stuido
aside from taking 40 gigs of space

Huge boot times and ram usage depending on your set up.
And also part of the MS botnet.

Other than that VS is the best IDE.

install ubuntu get code::blocks

visual studio objectively no contest not even funny

so your setup is completely worthless for anything outside college assignments?