Daily reminder that macOS is a better OS than the one you're running right now

Daily reminder that macOS is a better OS than the one you're running right now.

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But I am running macOS...

How can it be better if it's not even open source?

>not even open source
The kernel and most of its core userland is not only open source, but free as in freedom, what are you talking about?

the only good thing about macOS is .app .It's so cool to just drag and drop a .app to install software. .apps aside, this OS is fucking trash

>t. noob

You do know that Apple literally has helped the computing industry with lots of Open Source stuff right? They have made things and have borrowed things that were open source.

I was talking about the part that makes it macOS, the parts Apple added to complete the distribution. I'd like to study it's source. You got a link, fa.m?

Mate, it looks so limited, it's not even funny to watch to be honest with you directly.

Indeed my friend

>I was talking about the part that makes it macOS,
That's completely subjective. For me, the part that makes it macOS is its free and open userland. Everything from it's object file format to its kernel to its driver model and to application sandboxing.

> I'd like to study it's source. You got a link, fa.m?
You can find most development resources under: developer.apple.com/

What specifically do you want to look at?

How's it limited?

It's literally Unix you can do whatever you want with it, but it's already pretty on it's own.

still on Yosemite. should I upgrade? I have no need for Siri on my laptop.

Yosemite wasn't a good release, user.

What Mac do you have? Or is it a Hackintosh?

Wait for High Sierra, it's only a month away.

Windows also has open-source components. In fact every single OS does.

MacOS is a proprietary OS.

>MacOS is a proprietary OS.

You're an idiot. It has property parts but it is mostly open source.

In fact, it's even UNIX certified.


>it has proprietary parts, but it is mostly open source
Windows also has open source parts. And please provide evidence that it is MOSTLY open source.

>muh UNIX certificate
Meaningless and irrelevant to the fact that it is proprietary.

>License : Commercial software, proprietary software
No matter how much you bitch and whine about the BSD shit they used, you can't undo this fact.

Wangblows has a proprietary kernel.

macOS uses an open source kernel.

>That mobile link

Faggot phoneposter.

MODS where are you?

I never said otherwise. A kernel is not an OS.

MacOS is a proprietary OS.

Not an argument.

You act like proprietary is bad.

Stick to Libre Office you fucking faggot virgin.

>it's not proprietary!
>gets shown irrefutable evidence that it is proprietary
>ok so what?
Nice goalpost shift. Better luck next time.

I said it uses more open source components than Wangblows you fucking degenerate.

Apple actually has done a lot for the open source community and for a big corporation like that it's commendable.

Wangblows it the most monopolistic piece of shit and bad for the industry.

>puts goalposts back in place for another round

>I said it uses more open source components than Wangblows
Yes you did, and then I asked for evidence and you pretended not to see it.

None of that has absolutely anything to do with the fact that macOS is a proprietary OS.

>I'm gay and a faggot

Yes, we know user.

What don't you understand from this post:

Literally says

>It has property parts but it is mostly open source.
>In fact, it's even UNIX certified.

>u r le gay xD
Not an argument.
And I already replied to that post:
>It has property parts
So does Windows.
>but it is mostly open source.
Post evidence of this "mostly".
>In fact, it's even UNIX certified.
Irrelevant to the fact that it is proprietary.

I've never seen anyone get this angry at finding out their OS is proprietary. If you guys care so much, have you considered just using an open-source OS?

I just don't like any OS that put hurdles into programming for it.
Actually, i think computers should still have basic in the memory, and a basic powerful enough to use all the hardware.

How is it better than Arch? Genuine question.

>macfags trying to argue that proprietary software is open source because hopes and dreams
Every time.

>shilling that this is best OS
>shows a feature every OS can do

They mostly exploited freebsds cuck license and never gave them anything back.
Thank God for GPL

They just got that and pretend like it's the hottest shit ever. Gnome has had this for years.

>just got that
incorrect, it existed for over three years now.

>floating windows

It has existed in the first releases of Gnome 3. I used this 4 years ago. KDE even longer I think.

Nice copy work.

point me to the source for this cool thing in op's webm
oh wait

>better OS than the one you're running right now
>right now
implying I'm not already part of the macOS masterrace.

>arguing over what os is best
>not programming your own custom os that is perfect in every way and that is compatible with every piece of software and hardware ever made and is also customizable

I mean honestly guys

real tiling WMs are better.

>better OS

Window management is disgusting
Your shitty webm proves that it is disgusting but you can't see it since Cooks balls hang in your face
File management is disgustion
It looks pretty shit,gay,childish

The only good thing are the unix commands in terminal

>inb4 poorfag
No, I bought the MBP late 2016
I hate it

Linux is waaay better
hell even Windows is better

you say that like it's a bad thing

It is.
It's unnatrual
It's disgusting
I wanna kill all gays

It's gods plan to avoid overpopulation though

no it isn't
not it isn't
no it isn't
kill you'reself

Also been around in Windows since 2009. OS X is late to the party.


my linux installation can do the same thing faster than mac os.

That's awful. Why would I want this?

had to use it at work, didn't like it

didn't like:
a. can't write to ntfs formatted partitions
b. installing things == clicking or dragging pictures to other pictures, no package manager if you're into that
c. for some reason, running windows xp sp3 in virtualbox froze the whole system for ~5 mins, then it ran fine for 1 min, then it froze again for ~5 mins. idk if the hard drive files were too big (~ 50 GB), but it was unusable
d. couldn't figure out how to enter a path to finder, turns out there's a keyboard shortcut for that

a. backup is extremely easy to set up. for whatever reason, windows 10 shat itself when trying to set up either file history or the older backup thing from windows 7. no useful error messages, just died. had to find 3rd party software to back shit up

It runs pro software

>demonstrating some GUI BS
>better OS

It's no surprise that a macfag would read fake news.

99% open source is still proprietary.

>And please provide evidence that it is MOSTLY open source.
See OpenDarwin.

>this thread

>not mentioning
-built-in shortcut editor for every program
-built-in task automation software
-built-in system backup/restore utility
-built-in mail client, maps
-compatibility with Linux applications
-bash and many other shells available out of the box
-updates that don't take 1 billion years to complete
-FREE updates
and these are just a few features