What's wrong with Sup Forums

>what's wrong with Sup Forums
>how do we fix it

Other urls found in this thread:


>what's wrong
Too much talk about consumer electronics.
>how do we fix it
Easiest way would be to split it into two boards
/ce/ consumer electronics
Sup Forums enthusiast technology



ALL consumer electronics post should be removed and posters/repliers banned.

But this problem is not just with Sup Forums... All the "tech sites" became this.

>what's wrong
>How do we fix it
There is no cure.

so...we just use lainchan instead?

Buy Intel and Intel only.

Doesn't mean no action should be taken.

Too many idiots, regurgitation of meaningless threads

I just came back on Sup Forums today after a few years. It has actually improved. You guys think it's bad now? It was fucking awful 3-4 years ago.

I'd like to be able to actually say good things about Windows without GNUfaggots reee-ing about muh freedumb and muh shills.

This is true.
But why not move /ce/ stuff like cpu and gpu war threads to Sup Forums ?
Would be the best solution as mods work overtime there anyway.

Because Sup Forums is mostly children who don't even know what a CPU is and every thread would be spammed with "consoles are better"


>you should stop posting

This is what happens when you ironically shitpost, you attract idiots and undesirables who think you're serious.

Sup Forums is literally the worst place to move any discussion which could even become remotely serious.

>all the spamming of memes, porn and e-celebs
>can't discuss video games without it turning to a stupid debate or waifu posting
>the underage in general

Not to mention that they're mostly ignorant of how a computer works
>the red box incident
>the donut picture incident
>the lostboy.exe incident

Who are you quoting? ;)


Enforce 18+ posting only through credit card checks.

Shadowban phoneposters

lol cuck

I'm extremely important, don't you forget it.

I rest my case.

hate the AMD vs Intel posts all you want, but at least it prevents us from being communists xXM7Gh4x00rgzXx

>Wanting to ban important people

Ban all Windows and Mac user agents from accessing Sup Forums?
This would kill all cancer.

i'm sure they'd figure out how to spoof it pretty quickly

I know how to spoof user agent. You aint stopping this winfag


i dont see your suggestions faggot

>Windows phone

Is it really as dead as people say?

We don't, we just migrate to 4kev.org

Nah, this should fuck up 90% of normies too stupid to install an app outside of Windows App store. After that we should ban all corporate paid shills selling their products on Sup Forums.

Frogposters (i.e. redditors) and Sup Forumscucks (i.e. redditors).
They all need to be banned on sight.


also throw desktops/homescreens/guts/buttstations etc. aka "how does my computer LOOK" garbage to a containment board.

I appreciate the website comes clean and admits they'll instant ban everything they find cancer, but isn't the website HTTP only?

4 k posts total? Nah, kys.

Right, I'm the faggot for pointing our your samefaging. Nothing is wrong with Sup Forums.

deleting /ptg/ would be a good start and general in general are pretty bad too, but on the other hand they do keep the "what headphones should I buy?" shit pretty contained.

/ptg/ is literally a circle jerk cesspool though, reflects very poorly on the board that it's here.

Yes. I'm only using it because some bikefags stole my 7 edge while I was shilling on /hpg/

Now it's full HTTPS

>circle jerk cesspool
You mean /nrg/?
Sure, /ptg/ is fucking shit, but /nrg/ is a thread made to suck off some aussie NEET.

The board is pretty much fine the way it is.

But is communism really that bad..?
I mean this is obvious:
communism > fashism

Communism is like a shitty OS that always hang on the bootloader(socialism) because it is so badly designed it can't handle any real hardware, but that when you look at the feature list, it still sounds like it will suck even after booting.

This. Nobody wants to hear your commie/nazi bullshit. BOTH parties are parodies of their former selves, they can't even be taken seriously anymore. It's equivalent to playground talk about sex.

Not like communism is bad or anything, but if you've ever been to lainchan it's all "muh freedom, muh paranoia"

Please yes

Too many generals

This. Commies are all libfags, and neo-nazi's are just insecure teenagers who blame "muh niggers" for every problem they have.

That said, both ideologies, past and present, are shit and inhumane. Communism is a legit thing though.

excuse me?

>tech illiterate people
>install gentoo instead of captcha

Liberals are okay. Its the conversatives that annoy me.......

>what's wrong with Sup Forums
The users are cancerous and really only have an interest in buying shit rather than making it themselves or building it with other people. The board sucks because there's less of a focus on /diy/ and more of a focus on shilling products. But if you split the board then the population on Sup Forums would be almost miniscule.
Then there's also the enormous amount of Sup Forums that leaks over screaming about sujews and how Trump will save tech by doing x, y, or z. This'll probably end by the time his presidency does so we can only hope.
>Inb4 you lost cuck
I wanted Trump to win, but if he's already in office I don't need to be reminded four times when all I want to do is discuss tech.


Too much fucking cellphone talk.

Applequeers create empty threads about nothing while there's already 4 threads on the catalog about the company.

1. Split the board into /ce/ - consumer electronics for AMD BTFO AND BANKRUPT!! XDDD threads and Sup Forums - enthusiast technology

2. Ban the "don't mind me..." poster for all eternity

3. Ban anyone who posts about politics for a year.

4. Ban phoneposters.

5. Delete the general threads except for /pcbg/, /sqt/ and

6. Move desktop threads to /wg/


No, you all need to shut the fuck up. It's like the old battles between Coke and Pepsi, you scream about senseless shit in an attempt to differentiate yourselves from the other. When in fact, you're nearly the same thing. Replace carbonated brown sugar water, with , corrupt, money-wasting, liars, and there you go.

>I can't comprehend the concept of making the right decison at the right time.
This is why we're in the mess we are in, America. Let's just oppose sensibility in favor of our teams agenda, no matter how inappropriate that agenda may be at the time.

Ban the frog posters.

A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.

>But if you split the board then the population on Sup Forums would be almost miniscule.
Like it's a bad thing

Tech discussion on is non-existend on Sup Forums anyway, /fglt/ is full of memes, /dpt/ is homework

Graphics cards bullshit.

That amount of smug should not be allowed on g

Sup Forums has enough shit that doesn't belong on that board, thank you

Remove frogposters, wojakposters and animeposters

You seem to not grasp the concept of right and wrong. Right is irrefutable, regardless of your fee-fees. Choosing the right thing is also more efficient. Why? It requires fewer chromosomes!

and generic consumers

Easy. Use mustard gas.

>He doesn't know the comfyness

>One form of socialism (a failed ideology) is superior to another for of socialism

Facsism isn't socialism. Hitler had a very privatized econemy and Italy was one of the most free markets in the world. The term privatization was coined to describe the nazi economic policy.

ban college kids from giving advice about programming and development

>what's wrong with Sup Forums
Old users are sick of the same ol' same ol' and new users are seemingly retarded.

>how do we fix it
You can't.


>Fascism presented itself as a third position,alternative to both international socialism and free market capitalism.While fascism opposed mainstream socialism, it sometimes regarded itself as a type of nationalist "socialism", to highlight their commitment to national solidarity and unity. Fascists opposed international free market capitalism, but supported a type of productive capitalism.

>Fascist governments advocated resolution of domestic class conflict within a nation in order to secure national solidarity. This would be done through the state mediating relations between the classes (contrary to the views of classical liberal-inspired capitalists). While fascism was opposed to domestic class conflict, it was held that bourgeois-proletarian conflict existed primarily in national conflict between proletarian nations versus bourgeois nations. Fascism condemned what it viewed as widespread character traits that it associated as the typical bourgeois mentality that it opposed, such as materialism, crassness, cowardice, inability to comprehend the heroic ideal of the fascist "warrior"; and associations with liberalism, individualism, and parliamentarianism. In 1918, Mussolini defined what he viewed as the proletarian character, defining proletarian as being one and the same with producers, a productivist perspective that associated all people deemed productive, including entrepreneurs, technicians, workers, and soldiers as being proletarian.He acknowledged the historical existence of both bourgeois and proletarian producers, but declared the need for bourgeois producers to merge with proletarian producers.

>Fascist economics supported a state-controlled economy that accepted a mix of private and public ownership over the means of production. Economic planning was applied to both the public and private sector, and the prosperity of private enterprise depended on its acceptance of synchronizing itself with the economic goals of the state. Fascist economic ideology supported the profit motive, but emphasized that industries must uphold the national interest as superior to private profit.

>While fascism accepted the importance of material wealth and power, it condemned materialism, which it identified as being present in both communism and capitalism, and criticized materialism for lacking acknowledgement of the role of the spirit. In particular, fascists criticized capitalism not because of its competitive nature nor support of private property, which fascists supported—but due to its materialism, individualism, alleged bourgeois decadence, and alleged indifference to the nation. Fascism denounced Marxism for its advocacy of materialist internationalist class identity, which fascists regarded as an attack upon the emotional and spiritual bonds of the nation and a threat to the achievement of genuine national solidarity.

1. Stop posting frogs.

There's too much shilling and hardware wars and bait.
For example:
>Lincucks will never have an OS this good
>Enjoy your Chinkpad
>Chinkphone 7 Plus
there's not much real discussion just flame wars and shit slinging.


it's full of inane and pedantic neckbeard autists who think they are being intellectual patricians when they literally just shitpost kneejerk contrarian meme arrow replies to every single post

the solution is to install gentoo

Too leftist.

Also deport /ptg/ to

Sauce on any of those? You got me curious.

Remove furfags

Well, the only /v*/ board that really loves games and isn't full of flavor of the month whoring is /vr/. It stands to reason that /gr/ would really love technology. We might also need /gg/ for containment.

What would be the contents of "Sup Forums - enthusiast technology"?

just ban everyone who posts once for life
those who aren't retarded will be back

We should also ban any and all discussion of anything Linux or Unix related

give thread ids and country flags.

Remove anime.

>so...we just use lainchan instead?
user, it is the only way forward.

stay still, gonna take a quick one on here
do you like my caca :DDD

Bring back /prog/ and have it separate from Sup Forums

where can I vote on this

Anime website. Read the front page.


I can agree with frogposters. the new /mlp/

We will never be this lucky.